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Listening is one of the most badass parts of it. Tis is how listening comprehension works: you have to process English in real-time as you hear it. Tere’s no pause button, you can’t go back and replay – it’s all happening right here, right now!

But, I assume you would use some type of audio recording to practice, so that’s good! Let’s me give you a couple of tips, you should apply to your Listening training!

Strategies for listening in English:

Take out a pen and paper and write down the words you recognize. Just look for what you know frst, don’t even overthink it. When you’re done listening for the frst time, look at your word list and try to arrange your words to have some kind of meaning. Ten, listen again and write down everything you hear – that’s one of the ways you can learn more words!

Don’t focus on what you don’t understand, because it causes a lot of students to panic and lose their shit, which results in not paying attention to what’s being said in real-time and fucking up completely. To be completely honest, our listening skills are a lot better than we think they are. Our brains have subconsciously processed language we weren’t even aware we knew – it’s a scientifc fact! Go with your gut and take guesses at the meaning of what you heard, based on the words that you already have from step 1. In listening, sometimes we cannot hold on to every detail we’ve heard. But the thing is, it is not our English skills that are tested with this, it is our short-term memory. So don’t even worry about! When listening try to piece together the main idea and then all details will come easier. So how does one practice this you ask?

Tis is the ofcial #VenyaPakComprehensionWatching exercise! Try watching your favorite movies or TV-series in English! Start by watching them with subtitles in your native language. Ten, when you feel good about this level, move up to English subtitles. Tis transition is crucial; you will discover that you know a lot more than you think you do! And the last step would be getting rid of any kind of subtitles, and then you’re good to go! Tis is the best way to train your ear and practice Listening Comprehension. PRO TIP: Make sure you watch diferent movies/TV-shows, try American, British, Australian, etc. to be able to pick up all accents and dialects!

CONCLUSION: CHAPTER TEN YOU, YOU, YOU... Finally, we can address this issue. Now that you have brushed up on your basic English skills, you can start thinking about this. BE A REAL PERSON. Yes. I said it. You have no idea how many of you cannot hold a conversation in English, but not because you can’t form sentences, but because you actually don’t know how to talk. Let me explain what the diference is. Put a camera in front of you and try taping a monologue or a speech in English. Play it back and look at yourself ! Tat was my groundbreaking moment! When I watched a tape of me talking to a native speaker I almost puked…my eyes were down, I was shy and quiet, and my hands were all over the place, it was painful to watch. Afer that I started thinking about the way I present myself…you may not be the best English speaker, but at least YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO LOOK LIKE ONE. Te trick is, pretend like you’re confdent, even if you’re not! I know, I know…it’s easier said than done, but trust me. It is so painful to watch someone be shy about their English…it takes us out of the conversation and makes us concerned for you or feel bad for you, which is awful!