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So let’s get to it! Also, with each word that I’m gonna give you, I’m gonna present a less vulgar substitute! You are welcome, kids! :)

DAMN – a light swear word. Commonly used when expressing surprise or disgust. Light Version: Dang, Darn

1. Expressing pain, sadness or anger:


2. Expressing awe or wonder

Look at this car! DAAAAAAYUM (Damn)

3. Expressing agreement


4. Expressing negativity

Tis damn computer won’t work!

ASS – another word for buttocks, but commonly used to describe someone who is rude or mean.

Light Version: Butt

1. Making someone look stupid:

You made an ass out of yourself !

2. Describing a mean or despicable person:

He’s kind of an ass!

3. Saying something is cool:

Tat video was bad ass!

4. Sarcastic insult to anyone who wants something:

Kiss my ass!

5. Amplifying adjectives

Look at that ugly ass car!

Matt is a dumb ass.

1. Synonym for whining or complaining:

Stop your bitching!

2. Expressing how difcult something is:

Tat test was a bitch.

3. Responding to stupid comments, questions, etc.

Bitch please.

COCK/DICK – male chicken. Commonly used for male body parts, if you know what I mean.

Light Version: Penis

1. Mean or selfsh person:

Stop being a dick!

2. Someone who’s in the way when you try to hook up with someone: What a cock block…

SHIT – a vulgar word for feces or poop.

Light Version: Crap, Poop

1. Both Great or Awful:

Tat video was shit! (Awful)

Tat video was the shit! (Great)

2. Expression of surprise:

Holy shit!

3. Describing someone extremely drunk:

He is shit-faced…

4. Used in place of stuf/thing(s):

Pick this shit up!

Get your shit together!

5. Expressing disbelief:


6. Emphasizing or exaggerating

I got a shit ton of work done!

PUSSY/CUNT – vulgar words for vagina. Cunt is a derogatory term for a woman, considered to be the most ofensive word in American English. Light Version: Va g i n a

1. Talking about someone who is scared:

What a pussy.

FUCK – this one is the most versatile words there is. It can be used to describe almost anything.

“Fuck” is ofen used to add emphasis and is the only word that can be an adjective, adverb, a noun, a part of the word, a verb, and a complete sentence.

“Fuck” can be used to describe pain, pleasure, hate, love, and etc.

1. Adjective:

What’s wrong with this fucking camera?

2. Adverb:

He talks too fucking much…

3. Adverb enhancing adjective:

Tis is fucking awesome!

4. Noun:

I don’t give a fuck! (I don’t care!)

1. Fraud/Betrayal:

She just fucked me over.

2. Giving up or letting go:

Ahh fuck it!

3. Trouble, problems:

I’m fucked.

4. Aggression:

Don’t fuck with me, or I’ll fuck you up!

5. Extreme curiosity:

Who the fuck was that?

6. Misunderstanding, surprise: