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What the fuck?!

7. Sex, Intercourse:

Hey girl, wanna fuck?

8. Dismissal:

Fuck of !

9. Misfortune:

Tat’s fucked up…

Swear words can be funny when used the right way. Just be conscious of people around you when you say these things. You don’t wanna embarrass the fuck out of yourself in front of the wrong people, you know? Alright, now that you have the base of everything you have to know about swearing in English, you can start getting more creative with them and combine them with other words to get things like “asshole”, “motherfucker”, and other fun stuf. Remember, there is no limit to your creativity!

DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND, BRUH? CHAPTER NINE Part One: Reading Comprehension Strategies Reading tends to be one of the toughest spots in young learner’s journey. Tere’s just something about the process of reading that’s tedious as it is, but then when you put it in a diferent language – it’s on a whole other level. But don’t worry! I got just what you need for it! First of all, before you do anything, you have to assess your ability to understand what you read! Drop your ego, or stop playing a victim to a cruel English language, just sit down and analyze how well you understand what you read! It could be 50%, could be more, or less – none of it matters! What matters is how open you are to fxing the situation, and if you picked up this book, I assume you are, so let’s get to it!

1. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR READING How ofen do you get distracted with other thoughts while reading? Right! I thought so! So the thing is, you have to be thinking about thinking. Literally. Pay more attention, activate extra focus, it has to be to the point where you feel like if you focus any harder you would shoot lasers out of your eyes. Tat’s what METACOGNITION is!

Afer you’ve mastered that, so ahead and analyze what your weak spots are! Here’s an example: • Identify where it gets difcult

“I don’t understand the frst sentence on page 14”

• Identify what it is exactly you don’t get

“I don’t understand what ‘It was a milestone for me’ means”

• Try to look it up and put it in your own words

“So that means ‘it was a very important event for me’?”

PRO TIP: Never look for translations, look for English defnitions or synonyms. If you try translating it’s gonna get super confusing, and the frst thing you wanna do for this is escape your native language, Now that you understand this part, go back a bit and read a bigger chuck of the text again.


While reading also think about the categories of content, such as characters, setting, events, problem, and resolution. Also try story maps or plans, and/or try to divide your text in multiple parts, considering what’s written.


Ask yourself some questions, make sure you understood everything you just read. Don’t go easy on yourself, really dig deep!

Part Two – Visual Comprehension

It is absolutely crucial that you know how to describe what you see. You have no idea how useful that could be. Find a picture or a photo and describe the shit out of it! Be super specifc, and don’t leave anything behind! Come up with a little story for something that might be going on in the picture! Do your best to explain what’s on it, so anyone who can’t see the picture could draw the exact replica. Since the thoughts in our head are pretty much pictures, you have to be able to translate from eyes to mouth, that way your English gets faster, better and more detailed, which is always good! Also, don’t be afraid to think out loud for this! It’s good to associate your visual comprehension with your speaking skills. Part Three – Listening Comprehension