Читать «ЗападноеврЗападноевропейское искусство от Джотто до Рембрандта» онлайн - страница 7


Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:

Masaccio; Renaissance; Donatello; Florence; Apostles; Galilee; Capernaum; Milan; Eden; archaic; paroxysm


Tribute Money – «Чудо со статиром»(«Подать»)

Expvlsionfrom Eden – «Изгнание из Рая»

Enthroned Madonna and Child – «Мадонна с Младенцем на Престоле»

the Passion – Страсти Господни


I. Read the text. Mark the following statements true or false.

1. Masaccio was the first founder-figure of Italian painting.

2. 'Nothing is seen without light' was Giotto's maxim.

3. Masaccio created a new sense of supernatural reality.

4. Late life Masaccio revolutionised the art of painting.

5. In a paroxysm of guilt and grief Eve covers her face.

6. The Arena Chapel became the place where young artists studied the basic principles of the Renaissance painting.

II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?

1. What did Masaccio paint at the age of twenty-five?

2. How did Masaccio develop Giotto's innovations? What miracle did Masaccio perform?

3. Is the Enthroned Madonna and Child a Gothic or Renaissance picture? Why?

4. What does the subject of the Tribute Money recount? How did Masaccio group the figures?

5. What differs the Masaccio from the Giotto? How far did Masaccio take the observer into his painting the Tribute Money?

6. What is represented in the Expulsion from Eden? How did Masaccio picture man's separation from God?

III. I. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

Gothic pointed arches; light and shade; a central panel of an altarpiece; the grandeur of sculpture; the Passion; to take the observer a few yards back in the picture; in the principle scene; a sense of actual masses existing in actual space; the subject recounts; sculpted group; a tax-gatherer; to cast for the fish; to perform a miracle; on the entrance wall to the chapel; the impact of light on an object; to float above: payoff; to render the event; a simple maxim; in a paroxysm of guilt and grief; to cover the face with the hands; to lift up the face; to paint with breadth and ease.

II. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

изобразительное искусство; центральная часть алтарного образа; влияние света на предмет; величие скульптуры; над входом в капеллу; сюжет повествует; сотворить чудо; скульптурная группа; готические стрельчатые арки; ощущение естественности среды, в которой пребывают герои; парить над; сотрясаться от рыданий; принципы пространства и светотени; оплата; передать событие; бросить невод; писать размашисто и легко; закрыть лицо руками; мытарь; в приступе вины и горя; простая истина; провести зрителя на несколько метров вглубь картины.

III. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.

IV. Translate the following groups of words into Russian:

create – creator – creative – creativity – creature; found – founder – foundation; sculpture – sculptor – sculptural – sculptured; revolution – revolutionary – revolutionise – revolutionist; image -imaginary – imagination – imaginative; real – reality – realism – realistic; sacrifice – sacrificial.