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Adam Makkai

[amount to]{v.} Signify; add up to. •/John’s total income didn’t amount to more than a few hundred dollars./

[a must]{n.} 1. An inevitability; a necessity. •/Visas in many foreign countries are a must./ 2. An extremely interesting or memorable event, such as a free concert given by an international celebrity. •/Alfred Brendel’s Beethoven master classes are open to the public and are not to be missed; they’re a must./

[anchor] See: AT ANCHOR.

[--- and ---] 1. — And is used between repeated words to show continuation or emphasis. •/When the children saw the beautiful Christmas tree they looked and looked./ •/Old Mr, Bryan has known Grandfather for years and years, since they were boys./ •/Billy dived to the bottom of the lake again and again, looking for the lost watch./ •/Everyone wished the speaker would stop, but he talked on and on./ Compare: THROUGH AND THROUGH. 2. — When "and" is used between words with opposite meaning, it often emphasizes how much you mean. •/Mr. Jones worked early and late to earn enough to live./ •/The parents hunted high and low for the lost child./ Compare: DAY AND NIGHT, FROM — TO, INSIDE AND OUT.

[and all]{informal} And whatever goes with it; and all that means. •/We don’t go out much nowadays, with the new baby and all./ •/Jack’s employer provided the tools and all./

[and how!]{interj.}, {informal} Yes, that is certainly right! — Used for emphatic agreement. •/"Did you see the game?" "And how!"/ •/"Isn’t Mary pretty?" "And how she is!"/ Syn.: YOU BET, YOU SAID IT. Compare: BUT GOOD.

[and so forth] or [and so on] And more of the same kind; and further amounts or things like the ones already mentioned. •/The costumes were red, pink, blue, purple, yellow, and so forth./ Compare: WHAT HAVE YOU.

[and the like]{n. phr.} Things of a similar nature. •/I like McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and the like./ •/When I go out to the beach flake towels, a mat, suntan lotion, and the like./

[and then some] And a lot more; and more too. •/It would cost all the money he had and then some./ •/Talking his way out of this trouble was going to take all his wits and then some./

[and what not] See: WHAT NOT.

[angel dust]{n.}, {slang} Phencyclidine, an addictive hallucinatory narcotic drug extremely dangerous to the users' health, also called PCP. •/Mike has gone from grass to angel dust; he will end up in the morgue./


[answer back] See: TALK BACK.

[answer for]{v.} 1. To take responsibility for; assume charge or supervision of. •/The secret service has to answer for the safety of the President and his family./ 2. To say you are sure that (someone) has good character or ability; guarantee: sponsor. •/When people thought Ray had stolen the money, the principal said, "Ray is no thief. I’ll answer for him."/ 3. Take the blame or punishment for. •/When Mother found out who ate the cake, Tom had to answer for his mischief./

[answer one’s calling]{v. phr.} To fulfill one’s destiny in terms of work or profession by doing what one has a talent for. •/Don answered his calling when he became a chiropractor. Susy answered her calling when she became a violinist./