Читать «Английский язык с Р. Брэдбери. И грянул гром» онлайн - страница 23

Илья Михайлович Франк

The two men tried to think (двое мужчин попытались думать), but gave up, shaking their heads (но сдались, качая головами: to give up — оставить, уступить).

They let themselves be led along the metal Path (они позволили отвести себя по металлической тропе: to lead-led-led — вести, along — вдоль). They sank wearily into the Machine cushions (они погрузились устало в сиденья в Машине: cushion — /диванная/ подушка). They gazed back at the ruined Monster (они оглянулись и пристально посмотрели на поверженное чудовище), the stagnating mound (на неподвижный холм: to stagnate — застаиваться, останавливаться), where already strange reptilian birds and golden insects (где уже странные птицы-ящеры и золотистые насекомые) were busy at the steaming armor (копошились на испускающей пар броне: busy — занятой).

Another cracking sound. Overhead, a gigantic tree branch broke from its heavy mooring, fell. It crashed upon the dead beast with finality.

"There." Lesperance checked his watch. "Right on time. That's the giant tree that was scheduled to fall and kill this animal originally." He glanced at the two hunters. "You want the trophy picture?"


"We can't take a trophy back to the Future. The body has to stay right here where it would have died originally, so the insects, birds, and bacteria can get at it, as they were intended to. Everything in balance. The body stays. But we can take a picture of you standing near it."

The two men tried to think, but gave up, shaking their heads.

They let themselves be led along the metal Path. They sank wearily into the Machine cushions. They gazed back at the ruined Monster, the stagnating mound, where already strange reptilian birds and golden insects were busy at the steaming armor.

A sound on the floor of the Time Machine stiffened them (звук на полу Машины Времени оледенил их: to stiffen — делать жестким). Eckels sat there, shivering (сидел там, дрожа).

"I'm sorry (простите)," he said at last (сказал он наконец).

"Get up (вставайте)!" cried (закричал) Travis.

Eckels got up.

"Go out on that Path alone (выходите на Тропу один)," said Travis. He had his rifle pointed (он прицелился), "You're not coming back in the Machine (вы не вернетесь назад в Машине). We're leaving you here (мы оставляем вас здесь)!"

Lesperance seized Travis's arm (схватил руку Тревиса). "Wait (подожди) —"

"Stay out of this (держись подальше от этого)!" Travis shook his hand away (стряхнул его руку: to shake-shook-shaken — трясти, away — прочь). "This fool nearly killed us (этот дурак едва не убил нас). But it isn't that so much, no (но это еще не все, нет). It's his shoes (его ботинки)! Look at them (посмотри на них)! He ran off the Path (он сошел с Тропы). That ruins us (это разорит нас)! We'll forfeit (мы поплатимся)! Thousands of dollars of insurance (тысячи долларов страховки)! We guarantee no one leaves the Path (мы гарантируем, что никто не покинет Тропу). He left it (он покинул). Oh, the fool (дурак)! I'll have to report to the government (мне придется доложить правительству). They might revoke our license to travel (они могут аннулировать нашу лицензию на путешествия). Who knows what he's done to Time, to History (кто знает, что он сделал со временем, с историей)!"