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Илья Михайлович Франк

"I am still in the dark (я все еще ничего не понимаю: «все еще в неведении»; dark — тьма, незнание)."

"You did it very nicely, Doctor," he remarked. "Nothing could have been better. It is all right."

"You have the photograph?"

"I know where it is."

"And how did you find out?"

"She showed me, as I told you she would."

"I am still in the dark."

"I do not wish to make a mystery (я не хочу делать тайну /из этого/)," said he, laughing (сказал он, смеясь). "The matter was perfectly simple (дело было совершенно простым). You, of course, saw that everyone in the street was an accomplice (вы, конечно, видели = догадались, что каждый на улице был /моим/ сообщником). They were all engaged for the evening (они все были наняты на тот вечер)."

"I guessed as much (я догадался об этом; as much — именно это, так)."

"Then, when the row broke out (ну, когда ссора вспыхнула), I had a little moist red paint in the palm of my hand (у меня было немного влажной красной краски в ладони /руки/). I rushed forward, fell down, clapped my hand to my face (я ринулся вперед, упал, хлопнул рукой по своему лицу), and became a piteous spectacle (и стал жалким зрелищем). It is an old trick (это старый фокус)."

accomplice [ǝˈkʌmplɪs], engaged [ɪnˈɡeɪʤd], palm [pɑ:m], piteous [pɪtɪǝs], spectacle [ˈspektǝkl]

"I do not wish to make a mystery," said he, laughing. "The matter was perfectly simple. You, of course, saw that everyone in the street was an accomplice. They were all engaged for the evening."

"I guessed as much."

"Then, when the row broke out, I had a little moist red paint in the palm of my hand. I rushed forward, fell down, clapped my hand to my face, and became a piteous spectacle. It is an old trick."

"That also I could fathom (это я тоже мог постигнуть = об этом я тоже догадался)."

"Then they carried me in (затем они внесли меня внутрь). She was bound to have me in (она была вынуждена принять меня; to be bound /to do something/ — быть обязанным /сделать что-то/). What else could she do (что еще могла она сделать = что ей оставалось)? And into her sitting-room which was the very room which I suspected (и в ее гостиной, которая была именно той комнатой, которую я подозревал). It lay between that and her bedroom (это /фотография/ лежит либо там, либо в ее спальне), and I was determined to see which (и я решил выяснить = увидеть, где). They laid me on a couch (они уложили меня на кушетку), I motioned for air (я двинулся за воздухом = притворился, что задыхаюсь), they were compelled to open the window (они вынуждены были открыть окно) and you had your chance (и вы получили возможность /сделать свое дело/)."

"How did that help you (как это вам помогло)?"

bound [baund], determined [dɪˈtǝ:mind], chance [tʃɑ:ns]

"That also I could fathom."

"Then they carried me in. She was bound to have me in. What else could she do? And into her sitting-room which was the very room which I suspected. It lay between that and her bedroom, and I was determined to see which. They laid me on a couch, I motioned for air, they were compelled to open the window and you had your chance."