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Plut. De garrul. – Plutarchus. De garrulitate // Moralia. In 15 vols. Vol. 6. Can Virtue Be Taught ? On Moral Virtue. On the Control of Anger. On Tranquility of Mind. On Brotherly Love. On Affection for Offspring. Whether Vice Be Sufficient to Cause Unhappiness. Whether the Affections of the Soul are Worse Than Those of the Body / Plutarch ; ed. and trans. by W. C. Helmsbold. — Cambridge (MA) : Harvard Univ. Press, 1939a. — (Loeb Classical Library; 337).

Plut. De vit. pud. – Plutarchus. De vitioso pudore // Moralia. In 15 vols. Vol. 7. On Love of Wealth. On Compliancy. On Envy and Hate. On Praising Oneself Inoffensively. On the Delays of the Divine Vengeance. On Fate. On the Sign of Socrates. On Exile. Consolation to His Wife / Plutarch; ed. by W. C. Helmsbold ; trans. from the Ancient Greek by B. Einarson, P. de Lacy. — Cambridge (MA) : Harvard Univ. Press, 1939b. — (Loeb Classical Library; 4-5).

Plut. Pyrrh. – Plutarchus. Pyrrhus // Lives. In 11 vols. Vol. 9. Demetrius and Antony. Pyrrhus and Gaius Marius / Plutarch ; ed. and trans. by B. Perrin. — Cambridge (MA) : Harvard University Press, 1918b. — (Loeb Classical Library ; 101).

Procl. Elem. – Proclus. The Elements of Theology : A Revised Text with Translation, Introduction, and Commentary / ed. and trans. from the Ancient Greek by E. R. Dodds. — Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1963.

Procl. Tim. – Proclus. In Platonis Timaeum : in 3 vols. / Ed. H. Diels. — Leipzig : Teubner, 1903-1906.

Ps. Plat. Defin. – Pseudo-Plato. Definitones // Platonis opera. In 5 vols. Vol. 5 / Plato ; ed. by J. Burnet. — Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1907.

Ptol. Alm. – Ptolemaeus. Almagest // Claudii Ptolemaei opera quae exstant omnia. В 2 т. Т. 1 / под ред. J. L. Heiberg. — Leipzig : Teubner, 1898.

Sall. Cat. – Sallustius. Bellum Catilinae // Sallust / ed. and trans. from the Latin by J. C. Rolfe. — Cambridge (MA) : Harvard University Press, 1931.

Sen. Ad Marc. – Seneca. De consolatione ad Marciam // Moral Essays. In 3 vols. Vol. 2. De Consolatione ad Marciam. De Vita Beata. De Otio. De Tranquillitate Animi. De Brevitate Vitae. De Consolatione ad Polybium. De Consolatione ad Helviam / ed. and trans. by J. Basore. — Cambridge (MA) : Harvard University Press, 1932a. — (Loeb Classical Library ; 254).

Sen. Benef. – Seneca. De beneficiis // Moral Essays. In 3 vols. Vol. 3. De Beneficiis / ed. and trans. by J. Basore. — Cambridge (MA) : Harvard University Press, 1935a. — (Loeb Classical Library ; 310).

Sen. Constant. - Seneca. De constantia // Moral Essays. In 3 vols. Vol. 3. De Beneficiis / ed. and trans. by J. Basore. — Cambridge (MA) : Harvard University Press, 1935b. — (Loeb Classical Library ; 310).

Sen. Herc. fur. – Seneca. Hercules furens // Tragedies. In 3 vols. Vol. 2. Oedipus. Agamemnon. Thyestes. Hercules on Oeta. Octavia / ed. and trans. by J. Fitch. — Cambridge (MA) : Harvard University Press, 2018a. — (Loeb Classical Library ; 78).