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Рик Хансон


McEwen, Gianaros. Central Role of the Brain in Stress and Adaptation.


Esch, Stefano. The Neurobiology of Stress Management; Paul H. Black. The Inflammatory Response is an Integral Part of the Stress Response: Implications for Atherosclerosis, Insulin Resistance, Type II Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome X // Brain, Behavior, & Immunity. 2003. 17. P. 350–364; Black. Stress and the Inflammatory Response: A Review of Neurogenic Inflammation // Brain, Behavior, & Immunity. 2002. 16. P. 622–653.


McEwen. Stress Adaptation, and Disease: Allostasis and Allostatic Load // Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1998. 840. P. 33–44.


McEwen, Gianaros. Central Role of the Brain in Stress and Adaptation.


Agnieszka Mika et al. Chronic Stress Impairs Prefrontal Cortex-Dependent Response Inhibition and Spatial Working Memory // Behavioral Neuroscience. 2012. 126 (5). P. 605–619; Ronald S. Duman, George K. Aghajanian. Synaptic Dysfunction in Depression: Potential Therapeutic Targets // Science. 2012. 338. P. 68–72; Daniel J. Christoffel et al. Structural and Synaptic Plasticity in Stress-Related Disorders // Reviews in Neurosciences. 2011. 22 (5). P. 535–549; McEwen. Protective and Damaging Effects of Stress Mediators: Central Role of the Brain // Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. 2006. 8 (4). P. 367–381.


M. P. Leussis, S. L. Andersen. Is Adolescence a Sensitive Period for Depression? Behavioral and Neuroanatomical Findings from a Social Stress Model // Synapse. 2007. 62 (1). P. 22–30; Q. Wang et al. Alterations of Myelin Basic Protein and Ultrastructure in the Limbic System at the Early Stage of Trauma-Related Stress Disorder in Dogs // Journal of Trauma. 2004. 56 (3). P. 604–610.


McEwen, Gianaros. Central Role of the Brain in Stress and Adaptation; Esch, Stefano. The Neurobiology of Stress Management.


E. L. van Donkelaar. Stress-Mediated Decreases in Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor as Potential Confounding Factor for Acute Tryptophan Depletion-Induced Neurochemical Effects // Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009. 11. P. 812–821.


Jennifer N. Gutsell, Michael Inzlicht. Empathy Constrained: Prejudice Predicts Reduced Mental Simulation of Actions During Observation of Outgroups // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2010. 46. P. 841–845; Xiaojin Xu et al. Do You Feel My Pain? Racial Group Membership Modulates Empathic Neural Responses // Journal of Neuroscience. 2009. 9 (26). P. 8525–8529; Lasana T. Harris, Susan T. Fiske. Social Groups That Elicit Disgust Are Differentially Processed in mPFC // Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2007. 2. P. 45–51.


Charles Efferson et al. The Coevolution of Cultural Groups and Ingroup Favoritism // Science. 2008. 321. P. 1844–1849.


Christopher Boehm. Ancestral Hierarchy and Conflict // Science. 2012. 336. P. 844–847.