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Wolff, EDS, Salisbury, SW, Horner, JR and Varricchio, DJ (2009) ‘Common Avian Infection Plagued the Tyrant Dinosaurs’
Xu, X, Wang, K, Zhang, K, Ma, Q et al. ‘A gigantic feathered dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of China’
Сетевые ресурсы:
‘Giant Extinct Rabbit was the King of Minorca’ (2011) Giant Extinct Rabbit was the King of Minorca, accessed 5 April 2012 <vertpaleo.org/source/blog/post.cfm/press-release-giant-extinct-rabbit-was-theking-of-minorca>.
Часть четвёртая: Добыча
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Griffiths, RA, Gregory, PT and Isaac, LA (2007) ‘Death feigning by grass snakes (