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Джессика Снайдер Сакс

42 Rene Sarno et al., “Inhibition of Aminoglycoside 6’ – N acetyltransferase Type Ib-Mediated Amikacin Resistance by Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotides”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 47 (2003), 3296–3304.

43 WHO International Review Panel, “Impacts of Antimicrobial Growth Promoter Termination in Denmark: The WHO International Review Panel’s Evaluation of the Termination of the Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters in Denmark”, www.who.int / gfn / links / gssamrgro wthreportstory / en /.

44 McDonald’s Global Policy on Antibiotic Use in Food Animals, June 2003, www.aboutmcdonalds.com / etc / medialib / aboutMcDonalds / socialresponsiblity.Par.33574. File.dat / antibiotics_policy.pdf.

45 Richard Martin, “How Ravenous Soviet Viruses Will Save the World”, Wired, October 2003.

46 Peter Radetsky, “The Good Virus”, Discover 17 (November 1996); Thomas Hausler, Viruses vs. Superbugs (New York: Macmillan Science, 2006).

47 Интервью, взятые автором у Александра (Сандро) Сулаквелидзе в ноябре 2006 г.

48 Richard Stone, “Stalin’s Forgotten Cure”, Science 298 (2002), 728–731.

49 Amy Ellis Nutt, “Germs That Fight Germs: How Killer Bacteria Have Defeated Our Last Antibiotic”, Star-Ledger, December 9, 2003.

50 Письмо Кевина Смилли (Kevin Smeallie) автору от ноября 2006 г.

51 Anne Bruttin, Harald Brüssow, “Human Volunteers Receiving Escherichia coli Phage T4 Orally: A Safety Test of Phage Therapy”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 49 (2005), 2874–2878.

52 Thomas Broudy, Vincent Fischetti, “In Vivo Lysogenic Conversion of Tox- Streptococcus pyogenes to Tox+ with Lysogenic Streptococci or Free Phage”, Infection and Immunity 71 (2003), 3782–3786; Thomas Broudy et al., “Induction of Lysogenic Bacteriophage and Phage-Associated Toxin from Group A Streptococci During Coculture with Human Pharyngeal Cells”, Infection and Immunity 69 (2001), 1440–1443.

53 Steven Projan, “Phage-Inspired Antibiotics”, Nature Biotechnology 22 (2004), 167–168.

54 Phage Therapy Center, www.phagetherapycenter.com.

55 Jmg Liu et al., “Antimicrobial Drug Discovery Through Bacteriophage Genomics”, Nature Biotechnology 22 (2004), 185–191.

56 Qui Cheng et al., “Removal of Group B Steptococci Colonize the Vagina and Oropharynx of Mice with a Bacteriophage Lytic Eenzyme”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 49 (2005), 111117; J. M. Loeffler et al, “Rapid Killing of Streptococcus pneumoniae with a Bacteriophage Cell Wall Hydrolase”, Science 294 (2001), 2170–2172; R. Schuch et al., “A Bacteriolytic Agent That Detects and Kills Bacillus anthracis”, Nature 418 (2002), 884–889; D. Nelson et al., “Prevention and Elimination of Upper Respiratory Colonization of Mice by Group A Streptococci by Using a Bacteriophage Lytic Enzyme”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (2001), 4107–4112.

57 Интервью, взятые автором у Винсента Фискетти в октябре – ноябре 2006 г.

58 Britta Leverentz et al., “Biocontrol of Listeria monocytogenes on Fresh-Cut Pro duce by Treatment with Lytic Bacteriophages and a Bacteriocin”, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (2003), 4519–4526; Britta Leverentz et al., “Exami nation of Bacteriophage as a Biocontrol Method for Salmonella on Fresh-Cut Fruit: A Model Study”, Journal of Food Protection 64 (2001), 1116–1121.