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Джессика Снайдер Сакс

29 Там же.

30 Письмо Лори Хендерсона (Lori Henderson, заместитель директора по маркетингу компании GeneOhm) автору от ноября 2006 г.

31 Jaana Harmoinen et al., “Orally Administered Targeted Recombinant Beta-lactamase Prevents Ampicillin-Induced Selective Pressure on the Gut Microbiota: A Novel Approach to Reducing Antimicrobial Resistance”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 48 (2004), 75–79; “Ipsat Therapies Announces Positive Phase II Results for Lead Product Against Antibiotic Resistance and Hospital Acquired Infection”, 15th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Copenhagen, April5, 2005.

32 Klaus Stoeckel et al., “Stability of Cephalosporin Prodrug Esters in Human Intestinal Juice: Implications for Oral Bioavailability”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 42 (1998), 2602–2606.

33 W. Graninger, “Pivmecillinam – Therapy of Choice for Lower Urinary Tract Infection”, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 22 (2003), suppl. 2, 73–78; George Zhanel et al., “A Canadian National Surveillance Study of Urinary Tract Isolates from Outpatients: Comparison of the Activities of TrimethoprimSulfamethoxazole, Ampicillin, Mecillinam, Nitrofurantoin, and Ciprofloxacin”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 44 (2000), 1089–1092.

34 A. Sullivan et al., “Effect of Perorally Administered Pivmecillinam on the Normal Oropharyngeal, Intestinal and Skin Microflora”, Journal of Chemotherapy (2001), 299–308; A. Heimdahl et al., “Effect of Bacampicillin on Human Mouth, Throat and Colon Microflora”, Infection 7 (1979), S446 – S451.

35 Carolos Amabile-Cuevas, Jack Heinemann, “Shooting the Messenger of Antibiotic Resistance: Plasmid Elimination as a Potential CounterEvolutionary Tactic”, Drug Discover Today 9 (2004), 465–467.

36 Johna DeNap, Paul Hergenrother, “Bacterial Death Comes Full Circle: Targeting Plasmid Replication in Drug-Resistant Bacteria”, Organic Biomolecular Chemistry 3 (2005), 959–966.

37 Johna DeNap et al., “Combating Drug-Resistant Bacteria: Small Molecule Mimics of Plasmid Incompatibility as Antiplasmid Compounds”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (2004), 15402-15404.

38 Virve Enne et al., “Evidence of Antibiotic Resistance Gene Silencing in Escherichia coli”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 50 (2006), 3003-10.

39 Теоретически благодаря сорту “Флавр-Савр” полки продуктовых магазинов должны были наполниться более ароматными помидорами, потому что фермеры могли бы собирать их дозревшими (а не зелеными), не боясь, что они сгниют по дороге к покупателю. На деле же небольшого усиления аромата оказалось недостаточно, чтобы преодолеть тот мандраж, который вызывают у покупателей генетически модифицированные продукты.

40 D. G. White et al., “Inhibition of the Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (mar) Operon in Escherichia coli by Antisense DNA Analogues”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 41 (1997), 2699–2704.

41 C. Torres Viera et al., “Restoration of Vancomycin Susceptibility in Enterococcus faecalis by Antiresistance Determinant Gene Transfer”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 45 (2001), 973–975.