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Филипп Дженкинс

30 William Wright, A Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts Preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1901), xxi.

31 Vahan S. Hovhanessian, ed., The Canon of the Bible and the Apocrypha in the Churches of the East (New York: Peter Lang, 2012).

32 Backus, Historical Method and Confessional Identity, 253–325.

33 Об интересе к Марии Магдалине после Реформации см.: Bridget Heal, The Cult of the Virgin Mary in Early Modern Germany (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007); Patricia Badir, The Maudlin Impression (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009).

34 Caroline H. Ebertshauser, Herbert Haag, Joe H. Kirchberger, and Dorothee Solle, Mary: Art, Culture, and Religion Through the Ages, trans. Peter Heinegg (New York: Crossroad, 1998).

35 Els Rose, Ritual Memory (Leiden: Brill, 2009).

36 Здесь я опираюсь на работы Annette Yoshiko Reed, например, в “The Modern Invention of Old Testament Pseudepigrapha,” Journal of Theological Studies 60 (2009): 403–436.

37 Там же.

38 Там же. О Постеле см. также: Ariel Hessayon, “Og King of Bashan, Enoch and the Books of Enoch,” in Ariel Hessayon and Nicholas Keene, eds., Scripture and Scholarship in Early Modern England (Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2006), 1–40.

39 Backus, Historical Method and Confessional Identity, 253–262.

40 Там же, 201–208, 218–229.

41 Yoshiko Reed, “Modern Invention of Old Testament Pseudepigrapha”; J. A. Fabricius, Codex apocryphus Novi Testamenti (1703); J. A. Fabricius, Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti (1713); J. A. Fabricius, Codicis pseudepigraphi Veteris Testamenti Volumen alterum (1723).

42 John Toland, Nazarenus, or Jewish, Gentile and Mahometan Christianity (London: J. Brown, 1718).

43 Albert Schweitzer, The Quest of the Historical Jesus (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001); Michael C. Legaspi, The Death of Scripture and the Rise of Biblical Studies (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).

44 Из множества примеров обратим внимание на: Alexander Walker, trans., Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations, Ante-Nicene Christian Library 16 (Edinburgh, 1873); J. Rendel Harris, The Newly-Recovered Gospel of St. Peter (New York: James Pott, 1893); Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt, eds., New Sayings of Jesus and a Fragment of a Lost Gospel from Oxyrhynchus (London: H. Frowde, 1904); R. H. Charles, The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913); Montague Rhodes James, The Apocryphal New Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924).

45 Edgar J. Goodspeed, Strange New Gospels (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931); Philip Jenkins, Hidden Gospels (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001).

46 Об «открытии» гностицизма см.: Charles William King, The Gnostics and Their Remains (London: Bell and Dalby, 1864); G. R. S. Mead, ed., Pistis Sophia (London: J. M. Watkins, 1921 {1896}); G. R. S. Mead, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1900); Clare Goodrick-Clarke and Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, eds., G. R. S. Mead and the Gnostic Quest (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2005).