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Яков Ильич Гилинский

395. Simmel J. Philosophic des Geldes. Berlin, 1958. (2).

396. Stalking in Sweden: Prevalence and Prevention. Stockholm, 2006. (5).

397. Steinert H. The Idea of Prevention and the Critique of Instrumental Reason. In: Albrecht G., Ludwig – Mayerhofer W. (Eds.) Version and Informal Social Control. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter and Co., 1995. (9).

398. Taylor I. (Ed.) The Social Effects of Free Market Policies. An International Text. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990. (8).

399. Taylor I., Walton P., Young J. The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance. L., 1973. (8).

400. The Sex Trade: Traffcking of Women and Children in Europe and the US. Testimony of Anita Botti, Deputy Director for International Women’s Initiatives. Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Washington, June, 29, 1999. (7).

401. Traffcking in Human Beings: First Report of the Duth National Rapporteur. The Hauge: Bureau NRH, 2002. (7).

402. Traffcking in Women: Situation Report. № 1 – 5. Stockholm: National Criminal Investigation Department, 1998 – 2002. (7).

403. Tsytsarev S., Gilinsky Y. The Roots of Violence in Modern Russia: A Psychocriminological Analysis. In: Adler L., Denmark F. (Eds.) International Perspectives on Violence. Praeger Publishers, 2004. (Предисловие).

404. Tutt N. (Ed.) Violence. L.: Her Majesty’s Stationary Offce, 1976. (1).

405. UNODC: Intentional homicide (1995–2011). (4)

406. Värnik A., Sisask M., Kolves K. (Eds.) Essential Papers on Suicidology 1993 – 2008.Tallinn, 2008. (14).

407. Värnik A., Sisask M., Värnik P. (Eds.) Baltic Suicide Paradox. Tallinn: T LV Press, 2010. (14).

408. Wallace H. Family Violence: Legal, Medical, and Social Perspectives. Allyn and Bakon, Needham Heights, 1996. (4).

409. Wallerstein I. Globalization or the Age of Transition? A long – term view of the trajectory of the world system // International Sociology. 2000. Vol.15, N3. (8).

410. Walsh A. Biosocial Criminology. Introduction and Integration. Cincinnati OH: Anderson Publishing Co., 2002. (2).

411. Walsh A. Biosociology: An Emerging Paradigm. Praeger Publishers, 19 95. (2).

412. World Health Statistics. Geneve. Annual (4).

413. Young J. The Exclusive Society. SAGE, 1999. (3; 6).

414. Young J. The Vertigo of Late Modernity. SAGE, 2007. (3; 8).



Hassner P. La violence et la paix. De la bombe atomique au nettoyage ethnique. Edition Esprit, 1995.


Гиренко Н. М. Морфология, идеология насилия и стратегии выживания. В: Антропология насилия / ред. В. В. Бочаров, В. А. Тишков. СПб: Наука, 2001. С. 90, 91.


Rapp – Paglicci L., Roberts A., Wodarski J. (Eds.) Handbook of Violence. John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2002.


Jovaišas K. Smurto šeimoje prevencija: iliuzijų anatomija. Vilnius: Eugrimas, 2009, p. 370.


Гилинский Я. И. Криминология: Теория, история, эмпирическая база, социальный контроль. 3-е изд. СПб: Юридический центр Пресс, 2014. С. 237 – 300; Tsytsarev S., Gilinsky Y. The Roots of Violence in Modern Russia: A Psychocriminological Analysis. In: Adler L., Denmark F. (Eds.) Inter national Perspectives on Violence. Praeger Publishers, 2004, pp. 225 – 240.