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Яков Ильич Гилинский

338. Consedine J. Restorative Justice: Healing the Effects of Crime. Ploughshares Publication, 1995. (9).

339. Cutter F. Art and the Wish to Die. Chicago: Nelson – Hall, 1983. (14).

340. Das neue taschen Lexikon. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, 1992. (6; 9).

341. Donziger S. The Real War on Crime: The Report of the National Criminal Justice Commission. Harper Collins Published, Inc, 1996. (9).

342. Electronic Monitoring: The Trials and their Results. L., Home Offce. 1990. (9).

343. Elliot D., Hamburg B., Williams K. (Eds.) Violence in American Schools. Cambridge University Press, 1998. (4).

344. Ferrel J., Hayward K., Young J. Cultural Criminology. SAGE, 2008. (3).

345. Finer C., Nellis M. (Eds.) Crime and Social Exclusion. Blackwell Publishers, Ltd., 1998. (6).

346. Freud S. Arguments for Instinct of Aggression and Destruction // Abstracts of S. Freud. Parkville, 1971. Vol. XXI. (1).

347. Freud S. Gesammelte Werke. 1991. (3).

348. From Russia with sex // New York, August, 10,1998. (7).

349. Ganor B. Defning Terrorism: Is one Man’s Terrorist another Man’s Freedom Fighter? // Police Practice & Research. An International Journal. 2002. Vol. 3, N 4. (6).

350. Garland D. The Culture of Control. Oxford University Press, 2001. (3).

351. Garland D. The Culture of High Crime Societies. Some Preconditions of Recent «Law and Order» Policies // The British Journal of Criminology. 2000. Vol. 40, N 3. (3).

352. Gilinskiy Y. Crime, Social Control and Criminology in the Society of a Postmodern // Преступность и социальный контроль в обществе постмодерна. Материалы XVIII Международной Балтийской криминологической конференции. Ч. 1. СПб: Алеф – Пресс, 2015. (3).

353. Goldstein A., Segall M. (Eds.) Aggression in Global Perspective. Pergamon Press, 1983. (1).

354. Gregoriou Ch. (Ed.) Constructing Crime. Discourse and Cultural Representation of Crime and «Deviance». Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. (9).

355. Gurvich, I., Rusakova, M., Pyshkina, T., Yakovleva, A. The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in St. Petersburg and Northwest Russia. Save the Children. Sweden: Stockholm, 2002. (7).

356. Hall N. Hate Crime. Willan Publishing, 2005. (5).

357. Harrendorf S., Heiskanen M., Malby S. (Eds.) International Statistics on Crime and Justice. Helsinki: HEUNI, 2010. (4; 9; 14).

358. Hassner P. La violence et la paix. De la bombe atomique au nettoyage ethnique. Edition Esprit, 1995. (Предисловие).

359. Heiskanen M., Ruuskanen E. Men’s Experiences in Finland 2009. Helsinki: HEUNI, 2011. (4).

360. Hendrics J., Byers B. Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice. Charles C Thomas Publishing, 1996. (9).

361. Herz A. Traffcking in human Beings: An Empirical Study on Criminal Prosecution in Germany. Freiburg in Br., MPI, 2006. (7).

362. Jacobs, J., Potter, K. Hate Crimes. Criminal Law and Identity Politics. Oxford University Press, 1998. (5; 6).

363. Jovaišas K. Smurto šeimoje prevencija: iliuzijų anatomija. Vilnius: Eugrimas, 2009. (Предисловие; 3).

364. Junger – Tas, J. Alternatives to Prison Sentences: Experiences and Developments. Amsterdam, NY, 1994. (9).