Читать «Петербургская социология сегодня – 2015. Сборник научных трудов Социологического института РАН» онлайн - страница 353

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Keywords: rural areas, the local authorities, business, institutions.

N. N. Tszvetaeva

Autobiographical narratives as a resource for the study of social and cultural changes

The article describes the history of the Biographical Fund of Sociological Institute and analyzed some of the methodological and methodical guidance of the work of the author with the materials of this Fund for the study of social and cultural change.

Keywords: Biographical Fund, autobiographical narratives, the study of social and cultural change, methodological and methodical guidance.

A. G. Shchelkin

What has the Sociology Lost, becoming the “Science”, and ceasing to be a “Social Thought”?

In most cases, in the sociology “valuable” aspect of sociological knowledge still is understood falsely, i. e. in positivist manner. From the time of Max Weber the model and the top of scientific knowledge is considered as “value-free knowledge”. Meanwhile, in the “assessment” which in classical times was present in the body of social thought, there is nothing subjective and reprehensible. “Assessment” is, first of all, the assessment of how the observed social phenomenon corresponds / does not meet its “institutional” nature. That is why “understanding by its nature is connected with the assessment always” (K. Jaspers). Sociology, free from the “assessment” and “deontology” (category of “due”), degenerates into “objectivist” science, recording and measuring everything that falls under its “sociological” hand. Such sociology does not distinguish genuine from non-genuine social things. When sociology was “social thought”, it carried the power of critical and assessment view to the world.

Keywords: the genesis of sociology, sociological knowledge, “social thought», critical sociology, “budget” sociology, postmodernism in sociology.

Сведения об авторах

Божков Олег Борисович, Bozhkov Oleg B. – старший научный сотрудник, руководитель научно-исследовательского центра «Биографический фонд», Социологический институт РАН, [email protected]

Васькина Юлия Владимировна, Vaskina Julia V. – кандидат социологических наук, доцент, ФГБОУ ВПО «Самарский государственный университет», [email protected]

Гегер Алексей Эдуардович, Geger Alexey E. – кандидат социологических наук, старший научный сотрудник, Социологический институт РАН, [email protected]

Гегер Светлана Александровна, Geger Svetlana A. – младший научный сотрудник, Социологический институт РАН, [email protected]

Климова Светлана Гавриловна, Klimova Svetlana G. – кандидат философских наук, ведущий научный сотрудник, Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»; sgklimova@mailru