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Брендан Симмс


Arthur Hertzberg, ‘Is anti-semitism dying out?’, New York Review of Books, 24.6.1993, pp. 51–7, especially p. 56.


Jan Müller, ‘The old questions and the German Revolution’, Contemporary European History, 7, 2 (1998), pp. 271–84.


Helmut Wiesenthal, ‘German unification and “Model Germany”: an adventure in institutional conservatism’, West European Politics, 26, 4 (2003), pp. 37–58.


Christopher Hill, ‘The European dimension of the debate on UN Security Council membership’, The International Spectator, XL, 4 (2005), pp. 31–2. О “внутренней культуре сдержанности” новой Германии вопреки ее “колоссальной структурной мощи”: Andrei S. Markovits and Simon Reich, The German predicament. Memory and power in the new Europe (Ithaca, 1997), pp. xiii and 3.


Gregor Schöllgen, Angst vor der Macht. Die Deutschen und ihre Aussenpolitik (Berlin, 1993).


RAND study in the summer of 1990: Ronald D. Asmus, German strategy and opinion after the Wall, 1990–1993 (Santa Monica, 1994), p. 61.


James Gow, The Serbian project and its adversaries. A strategy of war crimes (Montreal, 2003), and Gerard Toal and Carl T. Dahlman, Bosnia remade. Ethnic cleansing and its reversal (Oxford, 2011).


Leon Aron, Boris Yeltsin. A revolutionary life (London, 2000), pp. 440–93.


Karl Kaiser and Klaus Becher, ‘Germany and the Iraq con ict’, in Nicole Gnesotto and John Roper (eds.), Western Europe and the Gulf. A study of West European reactions to the Gulf War (Paris, 1992), pp. 39–69, especially pp. 39–43.


Lawrence Freedman and Efraim Karsh (eds.), The Gulf con ict 1990–1991. Diplomacy and war in the New World Order (London, 1993); Alex Danchev and Dan Keohane (eds.), International perspectives on the Gulf conflict, 1990–1991 (London, 1994).


Josef Joffe, ‘Collective security and the future of Europe: failed dreams and dead ends’, Survival, 34, 1 (1992), pp. 36–50.


Kori Schake, ‘NATO after the Cold War, 1991–1995: institutional competition and the collapse of the French alternative’, Contemporary European History, 7, 3 (1998), pp. 379–407 (p. 380).


D. Allen, ‘Wider but weaker or the more the merrier? Enlargement and foreign policy cooperation in the EC/EU’, in J. Redmond and G. G. Rosenthal (eds.), The expanding European Union. Past, present, future (Boulder, 1998).


Ludger Kühnhardt, ‘The fall of the Berlin Wall and European integration’, pp. 47–60; http://www.kas.de/upload/Publikationen/Panorama/2009/1/ kuehnhardt.pdf.