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Fawaz A. Gerges, The far enemy. Why jihad went global (Cambridge, 2005).


Sakwa, Gorbachev and his reforms, pp. 134–5.


Charles S. Maier, Dissolution. The crisis of communism and the end of East Germany (Princeton, 1997).


Douglas A. Borer, Superpowers defeated. Vietnam and Afghanistan compared (London and Portland, 1999), p. 220.


William E. Odom, The collapse of the Soviet military (New Haven, 1998).


Jeffrey A. Engel (ed.), The fall of the Berlin Wall. The revolutionary legacy of 1989 (Oxford, 2009), pp. 52–64, 69, 83–6, 140–41 and passim; and Harold James and Marla Stone (eds.), When the Wall came down. Reactions to German unification (London, 1993).


Daniel Johnson, ‘Seven minutes that shook the world’, Standpoint, November 2009, p. 41.


George R. Urban, Diplomacy and disillusion at the court of Margaret Thatcher. An insider’s view (London and New York, 1996), pp. 118–50 (especially p. 136).


Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice, Germany unified and Europe transformed: a study in statecraft (Cambridge, Mass., 1995), and Robert L. Hutchings, American diplomacy and the end of the Cold War: an insider’s account of US policy in Europe, 1989–1992 (Washington, DC, Baltimore and London).


Michael Cox and Steven Hurst, ‘“His nest hour?” George Bush and the diplomacy of German unification’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 13, 4 (2002), p. 135.


George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A world transformed (New York, 1998), pp. 182–203, 253, 280–81 (quotation) and passim.


Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the highest levels. The inside story of the end of the Cold War (Boston, 1993), pp. 185–6.


David Cox, Retreating from the Cold War. Germany, Russia and the withdrawal of the Western Group of forces (London, 1996).


Angela Stent, ‘From Rapallo to reunification: Russia and Germany in the twentieth century’, in Sanford R. Lieberman, David E. Powell, Carol R. Saivetz and Sarah M. Terry (eds.), The Soviet Empire reconsidered. Essays in honour of Adam B. Ulam (Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1994).


Cox and Hurst, ‘“His nest hour?”’, p. 140. 618.


Так у автора; на самом деле Б. Н. Ельцин был депутатом и членом президиума ВС СССР. Примеч. ред.


Stephen F. Frowen and Jens Hölscher (eds.), The German currency union of 1990. A critical assessment (Basingstoke, 1997).


16 сентября 1992 г. фунт стерлингов подешевел по отношению к доллару США сразу почти на 5 процентов. Примеч. ред.


Anthony Glees, ‘The diplomacy of Anglo-German relations: a study of the ERM crisis of September 1992’, German Politics, 3 (1994), pp. 75–90.


Ulrich Schlie, ‘Die ersten fünf Jahre der Wiedervereinigung: von außen betrachteteine Bücherauslese’, Die neue Ordnung, 49, 6 (1995), pp. 474–80; Manfred Görtemaker, Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Von der Gründung bis zur Gegenwart (Frankfurt am Main, 2004); Christian Hacke, Die Aussenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Von Konrad Adenauer bis Gerhard Schröder, 2nd edn (Berlin, 2004); and Eck – art Conze, Die Suche nach Sicherheit. Eine Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1949 bis in die Gegenwart (Munich, 2009).