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Pablo de Orellana, Implications of the Cold War for the maintenance of colonialism in Indochina, 1945–1954 (M. Phil. dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2009), p. 23. Я весьма признателен мистеру де Орельяна за наше чрезвычайно интересное обсуждение.


Anne Deighton, ‘Entente neo-coloniale? Ernest Bevin and the proposals for Anglo-French Third World power, 1945–1949’, in Glyn Stone and T. G. Otte (eds.), Anglo-French relations since the late eighteenth century (London and New York, 2008), pp. 200–218 (Bevin quotation p. 208).


Kevin McDermott and Matthew Stibbe (eds.), Stalinist terror in eastern Europe. Elite purges and mass repression (Manchester and New York, 2010), p. 5 and passim for the crucial international context.


Norman Naimark and Leonid Gibianskii (eds.), The establishment of communist regimes in eastern Europe, 1944–1949 (Boulder and Oxford, 1998).


Fernande Scheid Raine, ‘Stalin and the creation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party in Iran, 1945’, Cold War History, 2, 1 (2001), pp. 1–38 (quotation p. 1).


Способ существования (лат.). Примеч. ред.


George F. Kennan, ‘Containment: 40 years later. Containment then and now’, Foreign Affairs, 65, 4 (Spring 1987).


В названии своей речи Черчилль обыграл английское выражение «sinews of war», то есть «средства (букв. сухожилия) для ведения войны». Примеч. ред.


Dirk Spilker, ‘The Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) and the German Question, 1944–1953’, dissertation abstract, compiled by Cornelie Usborne, German History, 17, 1 (1999), pp. 102–3.


Миф об «изнасилованной Германии» широко распространился в современной западной историографии после публикации в 2002 году книги английского историка Э. Бивора «Падение Берлина». Примеч. ред.


Norman Naimark, The Russians in Germany. A history of the Soviet zone of occupation, 1945–49 (Cambridge, Mass., 1995).


Hannes Adomeit, Imperial overstretch. Germany in Soviet policy from Stalin to Gorbachev (Baden-Baden, 1998).


Richard L. Merritt, Democracy imposed: US occupation policy and the German public, 1945–1949 (New Haven, 1995). Я признателен своему студенту Россу Дж. Токоле за это и другие указания.


Wolfgang Krieger, ‘Was General Clay a revisionist? Strategic aspects of the United States occupation of Germany’, Journal of Contemporary History, 18, 2 (1983), pp. 165–84 (quotation p. 180).


Josef Foschepoth, ‘British interest in the division of Germany after the Second World War’, Journal of Contemporary History, 23, 3 (1986), pp. 391–411. For a broader overview of the post-war British preoccupation with Germany see Daniel Gossel, Briten, Deutsche und Europa. Die deutsche Frage in der britischen Aussenpolitik, 1945–1962 (Stuttgart, 1999).


William I. Hitchcock, France restored: Cold War diplomacy and the quest for leadership in Europe, 1944–1954 (Chapel Hill, 1998), pp. 74–7 and passim.