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Давид Хаят

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{27} Pierce J. P., Stefanick M. L., Flatt S. W., Natarajan L., Sternfeld B., Madlensky L., Al-Delaimy W. K., Thomson C. A., Kealey S., Hajek R., Parker B. A., Newman V. A., Caan B., Rock C. L., «Greater survival after breast cancer in physically active women with high vegetable-fruit intake regardless of obesity», J. Clin. Oncol., 2007, 25 (17), p. 2345–2351.

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{29} Holmes M. D., Chen W. Y., Feskanich D., Kroenke C. H., Colditz G. A., «Physical activity and survival after breast cancer diagnosis», op. cit.

{30} Pierce J. P., Stefanick M. L., Flatt S. W., Natarajan L., Sternfeld B., Madlensky L., Al-Delaimy W. K., Thomson C. A., Kealey S., Hajek R., Parker B. A., Newman V. A., Caan B., Rock C. L., «Greater survival after breast cancer in physically active women with high vegetable-fruit intake regardless of obesity», op. cit.

Holick C. N., Newcomb P. A., Trentham-Dietz A., Titus-Ernstoff L., Bersch A. J., Stampfer M. J., Baron J. A., Egan K. M., Willett W. C., «Physical activity and survival after diagnosis of invasive breast cancer», op. cit.