Читать «Английский разговорный шутя. 100 анекдотов на все случаи жизни» онлайн - страница 141
Виктор Александрович Миловидов
9.1. finances,
2. connubial,
3. respond,
4. elderly,
5. abstain,
6. welcome,
7. overcome,
8. pub,
9. beer,
10. fight.Section 19:
2. Melts when treated properly.
3. Violent when left alone.
4. Able to absorb great amounts of exotic food.
5. Turns slightly green when placed next to a better specimen.
6. Probably the most powerful income reducing agent known.
7. Highly explosive in inexperienced hands!
3. 1-Е, 2-f, 3-d, 4-b, 5-a, 6-c, 7-g.
4. 1-d, 2-o, 3-k, 4-e, 5-b, 6-j, 7-l, 8-a, 9–1, 10-f, 11-c, 12-M, 13-G, 14-P, 15-N, 16-H.
2. Difficult to find a pure sample.
3. Aging samples are unable to conduct electricity.
4. Tends to form strong bonds with itself.
6. Neutralize by saturating with alcohol.
7. Good samples are able to produce large quantities on command.
8. This element rapidly decomposes and begins to smell.6. 1. womanium is boiling at room temperature.
2. It melts if treated properly.
3. Be careful while using Womanium.
4. Absorbing great amounts of food, Womanium tends to put on much weight.
5. The element turning slightly green, is Womanium.
6. Wonanium has dispersed much of my wealth.
7. Probably it\'s the most powerful income reducing agent known.
8. Manium gets bent out of shape easily.
9. Manium forming strong bonds with Womanium, never decomposes too soon.Section 20:
2. 1. a woman was chatting with her next-door neighbor.
2. I started out this morning with an act of unselfish generosity.
3. I gave a bum five whole dollars.
4. That\'s a lot of money to give away.
5. He thought it was the proper thing to do.
4. 1-g, 2-d, 3-h, 4-b, 5-f, 6-a, 7–1, 8-c, 9-e.
5. 1. i feel really good today.
2. I gave a five dollar bill to a bum.
3. That\'s a lot of money to just give away.
4. He thought it was the proper thing to do.
5. He said, «Thanks.»6. demoralize деморализовать
defame обесславливать
discharge разряжать
discomfort причинять неудобство
immature незрелый
disarrange разрушать
impatient нетерпеливый
decode расшифровывать
disadvantage невыгодное положение
improbable невероятный
inappropriate несоответствующий
immobile неподвижный
infrequent нечастый
decompose разлагаться
immortal бессмертный
unable неспособный
unbalanced несбалансированный
degenerate дегенерировать
uncertain неопределенный
unconscious бессознательный
undo уничтожать сделанное
immoral аморальный
disclose раскрывать
discourage обескураживать
inaudible неслышный
incapable неспособный
decompress снижать давление
unfamiliar незнакомый
decolor обесцвечивать
indecision нерешительность
independent независимый
unexpected неожиданный
disbelieve не верить
unload разгружать
disable лишать возможности
deform разрушать форму
ineffective неэффективныйSection 21:
2. The old man leans forward to his wife.
3. It has always bothered me.
4. Our tenth child never looked like the rest of our children.