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Эдвин Оливер Джеймс

466. Cf. Persson, op. cit., pp. 9Iff.; Malten, Archa..ologisches Jahrbuch, 1928, pp. 90ff.

467. Cf. Deedes, The Labyrinth, 1935, pp. 27ff.

468. Chap. viii, pp. 22Iff.

469. The Golden Bough, part 11, p. 140.

470. Nilsson, Greek Popular Religion, New York, 1940, pp. 5Iff.

471. Refutatio omnium haeresium, vol. v, p. 8; cf. Famell, Cult of the Greek States, vol. iii, pp. 177, 183.

472. Artemidorus, vol. i, p. 8.

473. Proclus ad Plato, Timaeus, p. 293 (Lobeck).

474. Famell, op. cit., vol. iii, p. 184.

475. Euripides, Bacchae, pp. 20ff.; Famell, op. cit., vol. v, pp. 86ff.; Rhode, Psyche, 1925, pp. 250ff.

476. Эти примеры приводятся автором по записям, сделанным во время путешествия в музей в Элевсине.

477. Famell, op. cit., vol. iii, pi. xxib, p. 256.

478. Minoan-Mycenaean Religion, p. 490.

479. Op. cit., pp. 153f.. figs, 28, 29.

480. Op. cit., p. 155.

481. Tacitus, Germania, 40.

482. Lucretius, vol. ii, pp. 600—43.

483. Cf. Crawford, Antiquity, 1954, pp. 25ff; R. J. C. Atkinson, P.P.S., vol. xviii, part 11, 1952, p. 236; Stonehenge, 1956, pp. 33f., 84f., 163f.

484. Stonehenge, p. 165.

485. Hawkes, PP.S., 1948, pp. 196fF.; Navarro, The Early Cultures of North-west Europe, Cambridge, 1950, pp. 77ff.; Atkinson, op. cit., pp. 162ff.


486. Cf. Childe, Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles, p. 122, n. 14.

487. Piggott, P.P.S., 1938, pp. 58ff.

488. Primitive Culture, 4th ed., vol. i, 1903, pp. 426ff.

489. Op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 113f., 247fT., 31 If.

490. Principles of Sociology, vol. i, 1885, p. 411.

491. Frazer, The Worship of Nature. 1926, pp. 9f.

492. The Making of Religion, 1898, pp. 160ff.; cf. Howitt, Native Tribes of South-east Australia, 1904, pp. 488ff.

493. Cf. Schmidt, Der Ursprung der Gottesidee, Munster, 1912— 54.

494. Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australia, 1938, p. 246, n. 1.

495. Nuer Religion, Oxford, 1956, pp. 2ff., 118, 124,200ff.

496. Op. cit, p. 316.

497. Bulletin Societe prehistorique framaise, vol. iv, 1907, p. 215.

498. A. B. Cook, L’Anthrop., vol. xiv, 1903, pp. 34fF.

499. Cf. A. C. Haddon, The Study of Man, 1898, pp. 277fF.; Marett, The Threshold of Religion, 1914, pp. I7f., 145f; Howitt, op. cit., pp. 578f.; Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australia, pp. 246n., 634.

500. Cf. Wainwright, The Sky Religion in Egypt, Cambridge, 1938.

501. Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, 1914, p. 9.

502. Pyr Texts, p. 1105.

503. Budge, Tutankhamon, Amenism, Atonism and Egyptian Monotheism, 1923, p. 79.

504. Frankfort. Kingship and the Gods, 1948, p. 38.

505. Cf. Davies, J.E.A., vol. ix, 1923, pp. 133ff.; Journal of the Society of Oriental Research, vol. x, Chicago, 1926, pp. 25ff.

506. Langdon, Babyloniaca, vol. xii, Paris, 1931, p. 11, lines 11–12.

507. Gadd, The Idea of Divine Rule in the Ancient East, Oxford, 1948, p. 34.

508. Cf. F. Notscher, Ellil in Sumer und Akkad, pp. 56, 66.

509. Cf. Frankfort, op. cit., p. 228; F. Thureau-Dangin, Sumerische und Akkadische Ko.. nigschriften, Leipzig, 1907, pp. 156f.