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Эдвин Оливер Джеймс

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., Nuer Religion, Oxford, 1956.

Famell, L. R., The Cult of the Greek States, vol. i, Oxford, 1896. Frankfort, H., Kingship and the Gods, Chicago, 1948.

Frazer, Sir J. G., The Worship of Nature, 1926; The Golden Bough, parts ii and x, 1914.

Gadd, C. J., The Idea of Divine Rule in the Ancient East, Oxford, 1948.

Haddon, A. C., The Study of Man, 1898.

Heidel, A., The Babylonian Genesis, Chicago, 1950; TheGilgamesh Epic, Chicago, 1951.

Howitt, A. W., Native Tribes of Southeast Australia, 1904.

Lang, A., The Making of Religion, 1898.

Murray, G., Five Stages of Greek Religion, Oxford, 1925.

Nilsson, M. P., History of Greek Religion, Oxford, 1925.

Rose, H. J., Handbook of Greek Mythology, 1933.

Schmidt, P. W., Der Ursprungder Gottesidee, Munster, 1912—54. Shetelig, H., and Falk, H., Scandinavian Archaeology, Oxford, 1937.

Spencer, W. B., and Gillen, F. J., Native Tribes of Central Australia, 1938.

Туlor, Sir E. B., Primitive Culture, 4th ed., 2 vols., 1903. Wainwright, G. A., The Sky-Religion in Egypt, Cambridge, 1938.