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Эдвин Оливер Джеймс

305. Burkitt, Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua, ix. Helsinki, 1934, p. 113.

306. J. W. Jackson" Shells as Evidence of the Migration of Early Culture, Manchester, 1917, pp. 135ff.

307. Cf. Didon, "L’Abri Blanchard, Perigueux, 1911", extract from Bull. de la Sac. Hist, et Archeol. du Perigord, pi. vi, no. 28; Mortillet, Mus ее Prehistorique, 2nd ed., no. 189.

308. Boule, Les Hommes Fossiles, Paris, 1923, p. 266.

309. L’Anthrop., vol. xxiii, 1912, p. 657; C.R.. Acad. Inscrip, et Belles-Lettres. 1912, pp. 532ff.

310. Breuil and Calve Aguilo. L’Anthrop., vol. xx, 1909, p. I.

311. Cf. chap, vii, pp. 172f.

312. Были найдены 4 фигурки мадленской культуры, все — во Франции.

313. Breuil, L’Antrop., vol. xxiii, 1912, p. 529.

314. Cf. Obermaier, Fossil Man in Spain, 1925, pp. 257ff.; L’Antprop., vol. xxxvi, 1926, pp. 5–6.

315. Cf. E. S. Hartland, Primitive Paternity, 1909—10; Malinowski, The Father in Primitive Psychology, 1927, pp. 28ff., 43flf.; Sexual Life of Savages in North' Western Melanesia, 1929, pp. 146ff.

316. Petrie, Prehistoric Egypt, 1920, pp. 8f.; Brunton and Caton-Thompson, The Badarian Civilization, 1928, p. 29.

317. М. E. I. Mallowan and J. Cruikshank Rose, Iraq, vol. ii, 1935, pp. 79ff.

318. The Archaeology of Palestine and the Bible, New York, 1932, p. 109.

319. Excavations at Tepe Gawra, Philadelphia, 1950, p. 163.

320. Op. cit., p. 165.

321. Seton Lloyd and Fuad Safar, J.N.E.S., vol. iv, 1945, p. 270.

322. Mallowan, Iraq, vol. iii, 1936, pp. I9f.

323. Woolley, The Development of Sumerian Art, 1935, pp. 37f., рдs. 6a-e, f, h; Antiq. Journal, vol. x, no 4, 1930, p. 338, pi. xcviii.

324. J.E.A., vol. ix, 1923, pp. 19If.

325. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka, vol. vii, Berlin, 1936, pi. 47; cf. vol. viii, p. 50.

326. Op. cit., vol. viii, p. 52, pi. 49e.

327. R. de Mecquenem, L’Anthrop., vol. xiv, 1935, pp. 93ff., pis. 1–2.

328. Op. cit., pis. 7 i.

329. Contenau, Syria, vol. viii, 1927, p. 198, figs. 2, 3; La Deesse nue babylonienne, Paris, 1914, p. 59, fig. 58; cf. p, 62, fig. 59; Delegation en Perse, Memoires, vol. i, p. 125, fig. 276; cf. p. 130, pis. vii, 14, viii, 19.

330. Pezard et Pottier, Les Antiquites de la Susiane, Paris, 1913, p. 129.

331. Op. cit., p. 149.

332. De Morgan Collection, no. 276.

333. Cf. Delegation en Perse, vol. i, p. 130, pis, vii, 10; Pezard, op. cit., p. 129; Contenau, fig. 60.

334. Explorations in 7brkestan, 1904; Pumpelly, vol. i, 1908, p. 171, pi. 46, figs. 13, 14.

335. Op. cit., pi. 46, fig. 11.

336. Op. cit., figs. 10a, 10b.

337. Op. cit., pis. 4, 55.

338. Piggott, Prehistoric India, 1950, p. 127; Stein, Memoirs Arch. Survey of India, no. 37, 1925, pp. 38, 42, 60, 75, pis. ix, P.W. 9, P. 262; xii, K. 14; xvi, D.N. d. 9, SJ. 68; Piggott, Ancient India, 1950, pp. 107f., 126ff.

339. Stein, op. cit., p. 60.

340. Op. cit., pi. ix, P.C. 17.

341. Cf. Brunton and Caton-Thompson, The Badarian Civilization, p. 29; Woolley, Antiq. Journal, vol. xi, p. 368; Zammit, Archaeologia, vol. lxx, p. 197.

342. Mackay, Further Excavations at Mohenjo-daro, vol. ii, 1937, pis. xci, 12; xcii, i, a; vol. i, pp. 257ff.; Marshall, Mohenjo-daro and the Indus Valley Civilization, vol. i, 1931, pp. 338tf.; Vats, Excavations at Harappa, vol. i, 1940, pp. 292ff; Piggott, Ancient India, no. 3, 1946, pp. 126ff.