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Эдвин Оливер Джеймс

145. Hemp, op. cit., vol. 85, 1935, p. 253.

146. Daniel, Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, p. 57; Antiquity, vol. xi, 1936, p. 190.

147. G. Coffey, New Grange and other Incised Tumuli of Ireland’ 1912; T. G. E. Powell, P.P.S., vol. iv, 1938, pp. 243ff

148. Macalister, The Archaeology of Ireland, 1928, p. 127.

149. Breuil and Macalister, Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxxvi, p. 1; Coffey, Trans. R.I.A., vol. xxx, 1891, pp. Iff.

150. The Antiquaries Journal, vol. xiv, 1934, p. 204.

151. Powell, P.P.S., vol. iv, 1938, pp. 239ff.; Piggott, Neolithic Cultures of the British Isles, pp. 193ff.

152. Co. Louth Archaeological Journal, vol. ix, 1939, pp. 1—18.

153. Breuil, PP.S.(A.) vol. vii, 1934, pp. 293ff.

154. Childe. Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles, 1940, p. 53.

155. Childe, The Prehistory of Scotland, 1935, pp. 4 Iff.

156. Cf. р. 87.

157. Childe, The Prehistory of Scotland, p. 34.

158. Cf. Crawford, Ordinance Survey Professional Papers, N.S., No. 8, p. 3; R. F. Jessup, The Archaeology of Kent, 1930, pp. 70tT; Daniel, op. cit., pp. 80f.

159. Piggott, PPS, N.S., vol. i, 1935, p. 122.

160. Coon, The Races of Europe, New York, 1939, p. 111.

161. Daniel and Powell, P.P.S., vol. xv, 1949, p. 178.

162. Chap. i, pp. 33f.

163. Childe, Antiquity, vol. xxiii, 1949, p. 134.

164. Коридорная гробница в Карлби близ Фалькопинга имеет камеру длиной 16,65 м и коридор длиной 12 м.

165. Cf. С. A. Nordman, Jaettestuer i Danmark nya fynd, Nordisker Fortisminder, vol. ii, 1918, p. 118; H. Shetslig and Falk, Scandinavian Archaeology, E.T. by E. V. Gordon, Oxford, 1937, pp. 56f.

166. Nordman, Megalithic Culture in Northern Europe // Suomen Muinais-muistohydistyksen Aikakauskirja, Helsinki, 1935, xxxix, 3, p. 28.


167. Childe, Dawn of Civilization, pp. 162f.

168. Greenwell, British Barrows, 1878, pp. 506f.

169. Op. cit., p. 19.

170. Hogg, PPS, vol. iv, 1938, pp. 335f.

171. S. Rudder, A New History of Gloucestershire, 1779, p. 306.

172. J. R. Mortimer, Forty Years’ Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, 1905, pp. 298ff.; cf. p. 240.

173. Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles, 1940, p. 63.

174. Cf. chap. v, p. 123.

175. J. F. S. Stone, PPS, vol. xv, 1949, pp. I22ff.

176. M.E. Cunnington, Woodhenge, Devizes, 1929, p. 88; Piggott, Antiquity, vol. x, 1936, pp. 22If.

177. Piggott, Aspects of Archaeology, 1951, pp. 274 ff

178. Piggott, Antiquity, vol. iv, 1938, pp. 58ff.

179. Cf. R. С. С. Clay, Wilts. Archaeological Magazine, vol. xliv, 1928, p. 103; R. S. Newall; op. cit., vol. xlv, 1931, pp. 432ff.; Piggott, Neolithic Cultures in Britain, 1954, pp. 355ff.; L. V. Grinsell, Ancient Burial-Mounds of England, 1953, pp. 17ff.

180. Childe, The Danube in Prehistory, Oxford, 1929, p. 295.

181. Cf. Hawkes, The Prehistoric Foundations of Europe, pp. 343 f.

182. Vlllanovans and Early Etruscans, Oxford, 1924, pp. 5ft, 267f.

183. Pigorini, Bulletina di Paleontologia Italiana, vol. xxix, 1903, pp. 76, 169.

184. Childe, The Bronze Age, 1930, p. 202.