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Николай Евгеньевич Веракса


Svendsen M. Children\'s Imaginary Companions // Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. – 1934. – P. 988.


Там же. – Р. 988–989.


Schaefer C. E. Imaginary Companions and Creative Adolescents // Developmental Psychology. – 1969, № 1.


См., например: Manosevitz M., Prentice M., Wilson F. Individual and Family Correlates of Imaginary Companions in Preschool Children // Developmental Psychology. – 1973, № 1.


Nagera H. The Imaginary Companion: Its Significance for Ego Development and Conflict Resolution // The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. – 1969, № 24. – P. 183.


Nagera H. The Imaginary Companion: Its Significance for Ego Development and Conflict Resolution // The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. – 1969, № 24.


Murphu L. В. The Widening World of Childhood: Paths Toward Mastery. – New York, 1962. – P. 125.


Bender L., Vogel B. Imaginary Companions of Children // American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. – 1941, № 11. – P. 64.


Singer J., Streiner B. Imaginative Content in the Dreams and Fantasy Play of Blind and Sighted Children // Perceptual and Motor Skills. – 1966, № 22.


Benson R. M., Pryor D. B. When Friends Fall Out: Developmental Interference with the Function of Some Imaginary Companions // Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. – 1973, № 21.


Taylor M., Carlson S. The Relation Between Individual Differences in Fantasy and Theory of Mind // Child Development. – 1997, № 68.


Manosevitz M., Fling S., Prentice N. Imaginary Companions in Young Children: Relationships with Intelligence, Creativity and Waiting Ability // Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. – 1977, № 18.


Singer /. Imagination and Waiting Ability in Young Children // Journal of Personality. – 1961, № 29. – P. 148.


Taylor M, Cartwright В., Carlson S. A. Developmental Investigation of Children\'s Imaginary Companions // Developmental Psychology. – 1993, № 29.


Schaefer С. Е. Imaginary Companions and Creative Adolescents // Developmental Psychology. – 1969, № 1.


Bouldin P., Pratt Ch. The Ability of Children with Imaginary Companions to Differentiate Between Fantasy and Reality // British Journal of Developmental Psychology. – 2001, № 19.


Пиаже Ж., Инхельдер Б. Психология ребенка. – СПб., 2003. – С. 59.


Пиаже Ж., Инхельдер Б. Психология ребенка. – СПб., 2003. – С. 63.


Подробнее см.: Furth H. G. Concerning Piaget\'s View on Thinking and Symbol Formation // Child Development. – 1967, № 3; Ausubel D. P. Symbolization and symbolic thought: response to Furth // Child Development. – 1968, № 3.


Overton W. F., Jackson J. P. The Representation of Imagined Objects in Action Sequences: A Developmental Study // Child Development. – 1973, № 44.


DeLoache J. S. The Symbol-Mindedness of Young Children // Hartup W., Weinberg R. A., (E.) Child Psychology in Retrospect and Prospect: in Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Institute of Child Development. – 2002, № 32 – P. 73–101; DeLoache J. S., Uttal R, Schreiber J. С. Waiting to Use a Symbol: the Effects of Delay on Children\'s Use of Models // Child Development. – 1995, № 6.