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19. Editors of Reader's Digest, Strange Stories, Amazing Facts (Pleasantville, N. Y: Reader's Digest Association, 1976), pp. 384–85.

20. J. B. Rhine, «Experiments Bearing on the Precognition Hypothesis: III. Mechanically Selected Cards», Journal of Parapsychology 5 (1941).

21. Helmut Schmidt, «Psychokinesis», in Psychic Exploration: A Challenge to Science, ed. Edgar Mitchell and John White (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1974), pp. 179–93.

22. Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner, and Alan Vaughan, Dream Telepathy (New York: Macmillan, 1973).

23. Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, Mind-Reach (New York: Delacorte Press, 1977), p. 116.

24. Robert G. Jahn and Brenda J. Dunne, Margins of Reality (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987), pp. 160, 185.

25. Jule Eisenbud, «A Transatlantic Experiment in Precognition with Gerard Croiset», Journal of American Society of Psychological Research 67 (1973), pp. 1–25; see also W. H. С Tenhaeff, «Seat Experiments with Gerard Croiset», Proceedings Parapsychology 1 (I960), pp. 53–65; and U. Timm, «Neue Experiments mit dem Sensitiven Gerard Croiset», Z. F. Parapsychologia und Gretgeb. dem Psychologien 9 (1966), pp. 30–59.

26. Marilyn Ferguson, Bulletin, p. 4.

27. Из личной беседы с автором 26 сентября 1989.

28. David Loye, The Sphinx and the Rainbow (Boulder, Col.: Shambhala, 1983).

29. Bernard Gittelson, Intangible Evidence (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987), p. 174.

30. Eileen Garrett, My Life as a Search for the Meaning of Mediumship (London: Ryder & Company, 1949), p. 179.

31. Edith Lyttelton, Some Cases of Prediction (London: Bell, 1937).

32. Louisa E. Rhine, «Frequency of Types of Experience in Spontaneous Precognition», Journal of Parapsychology 18, no. 2 (1954); see also «Precognition and Intervention», Journal of Parapsychology 19 (1955); and Hidden Channels of the Mind (New York: Sloane Associates, 1961).

33. E. Douglas Dean, «Precognition and Retrocognition», in Psychic Exploration, ed. Edgar D. Mitchell and John White (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1974), p. 163.

34. See A. Foster, «ESP Tests with American Indian Children», Journal of Parapsychology 7, no. 94 (1943); Dorothy H. Pope, «ESP Tests with Primitive People», Parapsychology Bulletin 30, no. 1 (1953); Ronald Rose arid Lyndon Rose, «Psi Experiments with Australian Aborigines», Journal of Parapsychology 15, no. 122 (1951); Robert L. Van de Castle, «Anthropology and Psychic Research», in Psychic Exploration, ed. Edgar D. Mitchell and John White (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1974); and Robert L. Van de Castle, «Psi Abilities in Primitive Groups», Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association 7, no. 97 (1970).

35. Ian Stevenson, «Precognition of Disasters», Journal of the American Society for Psychical Researches, no. 2 (1970).

36. Karlis Osis and J. Fahler, «Space and Time Variables in ESP», Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 58 (1964).

37. Alexander P. Dubrov and Veniamin N. Pushkin, Parapsychology and Contemporary Science, trans. Aleksandr Petrovich (New York: Consultants Bureau, 1982), pp. 93–104.