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Бернард Эммануилович Быховский

31. Cathcart H. R. Berkeley’s philosophy through Soviet eyes.— «Hermathena», 1964, N 98.

32. Copteston F. A history of philosophy, vol. 5. London, 1959.

33. Descartes R. Oeuvres, t. IX. Paris, 1904.

34. Devaux P. La place de Berkeley dans la philosophie moderne. — «Theoria», 1954, vol. XX, N 1—3.

35. Farber M. Phenomenology and existence. New York, 1967.

36. Farber M. Basic issues of philosophy. New York, 1968.

37. Frazer A. C. Life and letters of G. Berkeley. Oxford, 1871.

38. Frazer A. C. Berkeley. Edinbourg—London, 1881.

39. Gouhier H. La signification historique de la pensee de Berkeley. — В кн.: «Melanges A. Koyre», vol. II. Paris, 1964.

40. Grave S. A. A note on Berkeley’s conception of the mind.— «Philosophy and phenomenological research», 1962, vol. XXII, N 4.

40a. Johnson G. A. The development of Berkeley’s philosophy. London, 1923.

41. Lehec C. Trente annee d’etudes berkeleyennes.— «Revue philosophique», 1953, N 4—6.

42. Leroy A.-L. George Berkeley. Paris, 1959.

43. Luce A. A. The life of George Berkeley, bishop of Cloyne. London—New York, 1949.

44. Luce A. A. Berkeley’s immaterialism. London, 1945.

45. Luce A. A. The dialectic of immaterialism. London, 1963.

46. Luce A. A. Malebranche et le Trinity College de Dublin.— «Revue philosophique», 1938, N 3—4.

47. Mandeville B. de. A letter to Dion. Liverpool, 1954.

47a. Metz R. George Berkeley. Leben und Lehre. Stuttgart, 1925.

48. Ossowska M. Mysl moralna oswiecenia angelskiego. Warszawa, 1966.

49. Perry R. B. Present philosophical tendencies. New York, 1955.

50. «Philosophical Union of the University of California. George Berkeley». Berkeley—Los-Angeles, 1957.

51. Randoll J. H. jr. The career of philosophy, vol. I. New York—London, 1962.

51a. Reid T. Inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense. London, 1764.

52. Reininger R. Locke, Berkeley, Hume. Munchen, 1922.

53. «Revue philosophique». Paris, 1953, N 4—6.

54. Ritchie A. M. The dialectic of immaterialism.— «Philosophy», 1965, vol. XL, N 153.

55. Robertson J. M. A short history of freethought. New York, 1957.

56. Sellars R. W. Referential transcedence.— «Philosophy and phenomenological research», 1961, vol. XXII, N 1.

57. Steinkraus W. E. Is Berkeley a subjective idealist? — «Personalist», 1967, N 1.

58. Steinkraus W. E. (edit.). New studies in Berkeley’s philosophy. New York, 1966.

59. Stephen L. History of English thought in the eighteenth century, vol. 1. London, 1927.

60. Thomson J. F. Berkeley. В кн.: D. I. O’Connor (edit.). A critical history of Western philosophy. New York, 1964.

61. Turbayne С. M. Berkeley’s two concepts of mind. — «Philosophy and phenomenological research», 1962, vol. XXII, N 4.

62. Urmson J. O. (edit.). The concise encyclopaedia of Western philosophy and philosophers. London, 1960.

63. Van Iten R. J. Berkeley’s alleged solipsism.— «Revue internationale de philosophie», 1962, N 3—4.

64. Van Steenburgh E. W. Berkeley revisited. — «The journal of philosophy», 1963, vol. LX, N 4.

65. Warnock G. J. Berkeley. Melbourne (a.o.), 1953.