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Роберт Льюис Стивенсон

“Is this here table for my mate, Bill (этот здесь = вот стол /накрыт/ для моего приятеля, Билла)?” he asked, with a kit of leer (он спросил с хитрым взглядом; kit — обмундирование, снаряжение, экипировка; to leer — смотреть хитро, злобно).

service [`sq:vIs] motioned [`mquSnd] paused [pLzd] mate [meIt] leer [lIq]

I asked him what was for his service, and he said he would take rum; but as I was going out of the room to fetch it he sat down upon a table, and motioned me to draw near. I paused where I was with my napkin in my hand.

“Come here, sonny,” says he. “Come nearer here.”

I took a step nearer.

“Is this here table for my mate, Bill?” he asked, with a kit of leer.

I told him I did not know his mate Bill (я сказал ему, что не знаю его приятеля Билла); and this was for a person who stayed in our house (а этот /стол/ был для человека, который остановился в нашем доме), whom we called the captain (кого мы звали капитаном).

“Well (что ж),” said he, “my mate Bill would be called the captain as like as not (мой приятель Билл мог бы назваться = возможно, назвался капитаном, не исключено). He has a cut on one cheek (у него порез = шрам на одной щеке), and a mighty pleasant way with him (очень приятную манеру /поведения/), particularly in drink (особенно в пьяном виде), has my mate, Bill (имеет мой приятель, Билл). We’ll put it, for argument like (мы примем это, за довод вероятный = предположим; we’ll = we will), that your captain has a cut on one cheek (что ваш капитан имеет шрам на одной щеке) — and we’ll put it, if you like (и, допустим, если хочешь), that the cheek’s the right one (что щека правая). Ah, well (ага, правильно)! I told you. Now, is my mate Bill in this here house (итак, /скажи/, здесь ли мой приятель Билл, в этом вот /здесь/ доме)?”

I told him he was out walking (я сказал ему, что он пошел прогуляться; to be out — не быть дома; to walk — идти, гулять).

pleasant [pleznt] particularly [pq`tIkjulqlI] argument [`Rgjumqnt]

I told him I did not know his mate Bill; and this was for a person who stayed in our house, whom we called the captain.

“Well,” said he, “my mate Bill would be called the captain as like as not. He has a cut on one cheek, and a mighty pleasant way with him, particularly in drink, has my mate, Bill. We’ll put it, for argument like, that your captain has a cut on one cheek — and we’ll put it, if you like, that the cheek’s the right one. Ah, well! I told you. Now, is my mate Bill in this here house?”

I told him he was out walking.

“Which way, sonny? Which way is he gone (каким путем = куда он ушел)?”

And when I had pointed out the rock (и когда я указал скалу) and told him how the captain was likely to return (и сказал ему, каким образом = откуда капитан, вероятно, мог вернуться), and how soon (и как скоро), and answered a few other questions (ответил на несколько других вопросов), “Ah,” said he, “this’ll be as good as drink to my mate Bill (это /увидеть меня/ будет так же хорошо, как выпивка для моего приятеля Билла; this’ll = this will).”