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Ольга Глебовна Кирьянова

Cifelli A. Show-down for Reagan at Gender Gap // Fortune, 1984, 9.VII.

Ferraro G. Why I Believe That Women Must Exercise Their Political Clout // Glamour, 1984, XI.

Fiore M. Ronald Reagan’s Boyhood Home // Good Housekeeping, 1984, VIII.

Johnson K. In Washington a Famous Name Means a Lot // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 26.XI.

Learner L. The First Couple // Ladies’ Home Journal, 1983, IV.

Nancy Reagan Salutes American Fashion // Harper’s Bazaar, 1984, XII.

A Natural Touch to White House Christmas // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 24.XII.

New Star Wars: Celebrity Politics Becomes Part of the Game // People Weekly, 1980, 31.III.

Reagan as Grandfather // Newsweek, 1984, 8.X.

White House Family Feuds Nothing New // U. S. News and World Report, 1984, 10.XII.