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Ольга Глебовна Кирьянова

Jacoby S. Crucial Sexual Dilemmas of the Eighties // Cosmopolitan, 1986, VII.

Jacoby S. The Sexually Assertive Woman: Balancing Act of the Eighties // Cosmopolitan, 1986, VII.

McCracken E. Demystifying Cosmopolitan: Five Critical Methods // Journal of Popular Culture, 1982, Fall.

McKenney M. Cosmopolitan and Redbook. N. Y., 1972.

McNeil J. That Cosmopolitan Girl // The New Yorker, 1973, 16.VII.

Olson K. Thirty Ways to Beat the Blues // Cosmopolitan, 1986, I.

Viva-Viva? // Time, 1973, 24.IX.

О чём мечтать «деловой» американке?

Cagan Е. The Selling of the Women’s Movement // Social Policy, 1978, V–VI.

Eby Sh. Does He Love You or Your Money? // Working Woma, 1981, I.

Ehrenreich В. I Thought I was Doing Fine until I Read Your Magazine… // Working Woman, 1981, V.

Glazer N. Overworking the Working Woman: The Double Day in a Mass Magazine // Women and Media, S. 1.: Pergamon Press, 1980.

How Fast Can You Double Your Money? // New Women, 1979, I–II.

Investing in the Working Woman. // The Washington Post, 1976, 27.X.

Kronholz J. Though More Women Work, Job Equality Fails to Materialize // Wall Street Journal, 1976, VII.

Letters on our Fifth Anniversary // Working Woman, 1981, XI.

Lusting W. True Confessions: What Women’s Magazines Did for Me // Glamour, 1982, III.

Magazines Targeted at the Working Woman // Business Week, 1980, 18.11.

Magazines That Mirror Women’s Success // Business Week, 1982, 11.I.

The Real Dress for Success Story // New Dawn, 1979, II.

The Right to Be Your Own Boss // New Women, 1979, I–II.

Self’s Winning Pitch for Women Readers // Business Week, 1981, 8.VI.

Stead B. Real Equal Opportunity for Women Executives // Business Horizons, 1974, VIII.

Старые иллюзии в новой упаковке

Carmody D. Women’s Magazines Are More than Fashionable // The New York Times, 1978, II.

Ceulermans M., Fauconnier G. Mass Media: The Image, Role and Social Conditions of Women // Unesco, 1979, N 84.

Douglas S. Do Working Wives Read Different Magazines from Non-working Wives? Journal of Advertising, 1977, Winter.

Fenn D. Fashion Magazines: 99 Ways to Increase Your Insecurity // The Washington Monthly, 1981, IV.

Flora C. Changes in Women’s Status in Women’s Magazine Fiction: Difference by Social Class // Social Problems, 1979, VI.

Hearth and Home: Images of Women in the Mass Media // G. Tuchman, A. Danials, J. Benet (Eds). N. Y., 1978.

Liberating Magazines and Women’s Lib. // Newsweek, 1971, 11.II.

Magazines Fight It out at the Check-out Counter // Business Week, 1974, 30.III.

One Conversation Pope Never Had // Newsweek, 1980, 24.III.

Nobile P. Worry Lines at the Women’s Magazines // New York, 1981, 14.V.

Prisco D. Women and Social Change as Reflected in a Major Fashion Magazine // Journalism Quarterly, 1982, Spring.

There’s New Life in the Mass Magazines: They Focus on Food, Sex, Home // Business Week, 1973, 17.X.

Tuchman G. Women’s Depiction by the Mass Media // Sings, 1979, Spring.

Scheherazade of the Slicks: Wrapping Up the Real Stories // The Washington Post, 1976, 11.X.

Women’s Lib. no Peril to Women’s Mags // International Herald Tribune, 1978, 17.II.