Читать «Английский язык с Стивеном Кингом "Дети кукурузы» онлайн - страница 59
Stephen King
He examined his arm with a stupid sort of wonder (он осмотрел свою руку с тупым удивлением: «с удивлением тупого сорта»). A buck and half Pensy jack-knife was growing out of it like a strange tumour (большой складной нож “Пенси” за полтора доллара торчал: «вырастал» из его руки, как невиданная опухоль). The sleeve of his J. C. Penney sports shirt was turning red (рукав его футболки "Джей-Си Пенни" стал: «становился» красным;
paralysis [pq'rxlIsIs], absurd [qb'sWd], wonder ['wAndq]
The beaten and dented driver's side door was hauled open. They were trying to drag her out but her hands were wrapped around the steering wheel. Then one of them leaned in, knife in hand, and — His paralysis broke and he plunged down the steps, almost falling, and ran down the flagstone walk, towards them. One of them, a boy about sixteen with long long red hair spilling out from beneath his hat, turned towards him, almost casually, and something flicked through the air. Burt's left arm jerked backwards, and for a moment he had the absurd thought that the arm had been punched at long distance. Then the pain came, so sharp and sudden that the world went grey.