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Фридрих Август фон Хайек

48. Clark, Grahame (1965), 'Traffic in Stone Axe and Adze Blades", Economic History Review 18, 1965, pp. 1-28.

49. Clark, R. W. (1971), Einstein: The Life and Times (New York: World Publishing Company).

50. Clifford, W. K. (1879), "On the Scientific Basis of Morals" (1875) and "Right and Wrong: the Scientific Ground of Their Distinction" (1876), in Lectures and Essays, Vol. 2 (London: Macmillan and Co.).

51. Coase, R. H. (1937), "The Nature of the Firm", Economica4.

52. Coase, R. H. (1960), "The Problem of Social Cost", Journal of Law and Economics 3.

53. Coase, R. H. (1976), "Adam Smith's View of Man", Journal of Law and Economics,

54. Cohen, J. E. (1984), "Demographic Doomsday Deferred", Harvard Magazine,

55. Cohen, Morris R. (1931), Reason and Nature (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co.).

56. Cohn, Norman (1970), The Pursuit of the Millennium, revised and expanded edition (New York: Oxford University Press).

57. Comte, A. (1854), "La superiorite necessaire de la morale demontree sur la morale revelee", in Systeme de la politique positive, I (Paris: L, Mathias), p. 356.

58. Confucius, Analects, trans. A. Waley (London: George Alien and Unwin, Ltd., 1938), {русск. перевод: Семененко И. И. Афоризмы Конфуция. М., Издательство Московского университета, 1987}.

59. Curran, Charles (1958), The Spectator, July 6, p.8.

60. Dairaines, Serge (1934), Un Socialisme d'Etat quinze Siecles avant Jesus-Christ (Paris: Libraire Orientaliste P. Geuthner).

61. Demandt, Alexander (1978), Metaphern fur Geschichte, (Munich: Beck).

62. Durham, William (1979), "Towards a Co-evolutionary Theory of Human Biology and Culture", in N. Chagnon and W. Irons, eds.. Evolutionary Biology and Human Social Behaviour (North Scituate, Mass.: Duxbury Press).

63. Edelman, Gerald M. (1987), Neural Darwinism: The Theory ofNeuronal Group Selection (New York: Basic Books).

64. Edmonds, J. M. (1959), The Fragments of Attic Comedy, Vol. II (Leiden: E. J. Brill), in three volumes, 1957-61.

65. Einaudi, Luigi (1948), "Greatness and Decline of Planned Economy in the Hellenistic World", Kyklos II, pp. 193–210, 289–316.

66. Einstein, A. (1949/56), "Why Socialism?", in Out of My Later Years (New York: Philosophical Library); see also Monthly Review, May 1949.

67. Emmet, Dorothy M. (1958), Function, Purpose and Powers: Some Concepts in the Study of Individuals and Societies (London: Macmillan).

68. Evans-Pritchard, E. (1965), Theories of Primitive Religion (Oxford: Clarendon Press).

69. Everett, C.W. (1931), The Education of Jeremy Bentham (New York: Columbia University Press).

70. Farb, Peter (1968), Man's Rise to Civilization (New York: Dutton).

71. Farb, Peter (1978), Humankind (Boston: Houghton Mifflin).

72. Ferguson, Adam (1767/1773), An Essay on the History of Civil Society, third edition (London: A. Millar and T. Caddel). {русск. перевод: Фергюсон А. Опыт истории гражданского общества. Спб., 1817}.

73. Ferguson, Adam (1792), Principles of Moral and Political Science, Vol. II (Edinburgh: A. Strahan and T. Caddel).