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Фридрих Август фон Хайек

2. Alchian, Armen (1977), Economic Forces at Work (Indianapolis: Liberty Press).

3. Alland, A. Jr. (1967), Evolution and Human Behavior (New York: Natural History Press).

4. Alvarez, Louis W. (1968), "Adress to Students", in Les Prix Nobel.

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8. Barker, Ernest (1948), Traditions of Civility (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

9. Barry, Brian M. (1961), "Justice and the Common Good", Analysis 19.

10. Bartley, W. W., III (1962/84), The Retreat to Commitment (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1962), 2nd, revised and enlarged edition (La Salle: Open Court, 1984).

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12. Bartley, W. W., III (1978), "Consciousness and Physics: Quantum Mechanics, Probability, Indeterminism, the Body-MindProblem", in Philosophia, 1978, pp. 675–716.

13. Bartley, W. W., III (1982), "Rationality, Criticism and Logic", Philosophia, 1982, pp. 121–221.

14. Bartley, W. W., III (1985/87), "Knowledge Is Not a Product Fully Known to Its Producer", in Kurt R. Leube and Albert Zlabinger, eds., The Political Economy of Freedom (Munich: Philosophia Verlag, 1985); and in revised and expanded form as "Alienated Alienated: The Economics of Knowledge versus the Psychology and Sociology of Knowledge", in Radnitzky and Bartley (1987).

15. Bateson, William (1913), Problems of Genetics (New Haven: Yale University Press).

16. Bauer, Peter (1957), Economic Analysis and Policy in Underdeveloped Countries (London: Cambridge University Press).

17. Bauer, Peter (1971), "Economic History as a Theory", Economica N. S. 38, pp. 163–179.

18. Bauer, Peter (1972), Dissent on Development (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press).

19. Bauer, Peter (1981), Equality, The Third World and Economic Delusions (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press).

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21. Baumgardt, D. (1952), Bentham and the Ethics of Today (Princeton: Princeton University Press).

22. Bell, Daniel and Irving Kristol, eds. (1971), Capitalism Today (New York: Basic Books, Inc.).

23. Bentham, Jeremy (1789/1887), Works, ed. John Bowring (Edinburgh: W.Tait).

24. Bloch, Ernst (1954-59), Das Prinzip Hoffnung (Berlin: Aufbau Verlag; English translation. The Principle of Hope (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1986)).

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