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71 Див. Gary S. Becker and Guity Nashat Becker. The Economics of Life (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997), pp. 142–43.

72 Цитата «афінський період» запозичена з інтерв’ю автора з колишнім капітаном поліції Вільямом Дж. Гортою, одним із винахідників CompStat.

73 Див. James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. BrokenWindows: The Police and Neighborhood Safety. Atlantic Monthly, March 1982.

74 Див. Terry McCarthy. The Gang Buster // Time, January 19, 2004.

75 Закони про зброю: щодо того факту, що у Сполучених Штатах є більше одиниць зброї, ніж дорослих людей, див. Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig. Guns in America: Results of a Comprehensive Survey of Gun Ownership and Use (Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation, 1996).

76 Див. Mark Duggan. More Guns, More Crime // Journal of Political Economy 109, no. 5 (2001), pp. 1086–1114.

77 Див. Stephen P. Halbrook. Armed to the Teeth, and Free // The Wall Street Journal Europe, June 4, 1999.

78 Див. Jens Ludwig and Philip Cook. Homicide and Suicide Rates Associated with Implementation of the Brady HandgunViolence Prevention Act // Journal of the American Medical Association 284, no. 5 (2000), pp. 585–91.

79 Див. James D. Wright and Peter H. Rossi. Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms (Hawthorne, N.Y.: Aldine de Gruyter, 1986).

80 Wise Climb-Down, Bad Veto. Los Angeles Times, October 5,1994.

81 Див. C. Callahan, F. Rivera and T. Koepsell. Money for Guns: Evaluation of the Seattle Gun Buy-Back Program // Public Health Reports 109, no. 4 (1994), pp. 472–77; David Kennedy, Anne Piehl, and Anthony Braga. Youth Violence in Boston: Gun Markets, Serious Youth Offenders and a Use- Reduction Strategy // Law and Contemporary Problems 59 (1996), pp. 147–83; а також Peter Reuter and Jenny Mouzon. Australia: A Massive Buyback of Low-Risk Guns in Evaluating Gun Policy: Effects on Crime and Violence, ed. Jens Ludwig and Philip Cook (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2003).

82 Див. John R. Lott Jr. and David Mustard. Right-to-Carry Concealed Guns and the Importance of Deterrence // Journal of Legal Studies 26 (January 1997), pp. 1–68; а також John R. Lott Jr. More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998).

83 Джон Лотт під псевдонімом Мері Рош: Див. Julian Sanchez. The Mystery of Mary Rosh. Reason, May 2003; і Richard Morin. Scholar Invents Fan to Answer His Critics // The Washington Post, February 1,2003.

84 Див. Ian Ayres and John J.Donohue III. Shooting Down the ‘More Guns, Less Crime’ Hypothesis // Stanford Law Review 55 (2003), pp. 1193–1312; а також Mark Duggan. More Guns, More Crime // Journal of Political Economy 109, no. 5 (2001), pp. 1086–1114.

85 Крекова бульбашка луснула: про дискусію навколо історії креку та її подробиці читайте в праці Roland G. Fryer Jr., Paul Heaton, StevenLevitt and Kevin Murphy. The Impact of Crack Cocaine. University of Chicago working paper, 2005.

86 Див. Paul J. Goldstein, Henry H. Brownstein, Patrick J. Ryan and Patricia A. Bellucci. Crack and Homicide in New York City: A Case Study in the Epidemiology of Violence // Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice, ed. Craig Reinarman and Harry G. Levine (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), pp. 113–30.