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Теодор Адамович Шумовский

Наряду с воспоминаниями и рассуждениями на научные темы автор при­водит свои поэтические переводы как с восточных, так и с западных языков, а также собственные стихи.

Это книга о жизни ученого, о том как сознание преобладает над бытием.

Ex Oriente Lux: Light comes from the East

Memoirs of Russian Orientalist

Th. Shumovsky, St. Petersburg, 2006

The memoirs of Prof. Theodore Shumovsky (born in 1913) are a dramatic ac­count of nearly 90 years of Russian history and Russian science. They cover the pe­riod starting before the October revolution up through post Soviet times.

Part I uAt the Arabian Sea" is a story of childhood in the Caucasus, then student years spent with outstanding Russian orientalists of the first part of 20th century. It goes on to narrate thoughts and aspirations of Leningrad intelligentsia in the 1930s.

Part II "Journey to the East" is an account of Shumovsky's 18 years of impris­onment with the outstanding Russian historian and geographer Leo Gumiliov, in Siberia and Belomorkanal together. It describes how Russian intelligentsia survived these years of terror.

Part HI "Searching for truth" covers the period from 1956 up to today. It is on the one hand a historical account of the ways in which Russia evolved from the Sta­linist terror to the degeneration of 1960-1990s and the collapse of the communist system followed by the emergence of modern Russia. Shumovsky looks at these historical events through the prism of Russian science, affected by political and social developments in the country. On the other, it is a personal story about creativity in science. Shumovsky provides an intriguing account of his more recent work: deci­phering unique manuscripts of Ahmad ibn Madjid, the Arabic pilot of Vasco da Gama and re-thinking medieval Arabic history, identifying Eastern roots of the Rus­sian language and civilisation; creation of the first poetic translation of the Quran; looking into the roots and perspectives of the modern conflict between east and west

This book describes what makes a scholar, the power of mind and the suprem­acy of spirit.


Теодор Адамович Шумовский родился 20.01 .(02.02) 1913 в Житомире. В 1946 г. окончил Восточный факультет ЛГУ. Кандидат филологических и доктор исторических наук. Один из старейших востоковедов России, воспитанник и продолжатель традиций петербургской- ленинградской школы научного изучения арабского Востока. Автор более 50 научных трудов.

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