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Автор неизвестен -- Эпосы, мифы, легенды и сказания

Beowulf was buried on a cliff. The dragon’s treasure was buried with him, in accordance with Beowulf’s wishes, rather than distributed to his people, and there is a curse associated with the hoard to ensure that Beowulf’s wish is kept.


1. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Scyld Scefing had come to Denmark in a boat loaded with bottles of rum.

2. Scyld Scefing had come to England in a vessel loaded with treasures.

3. Scyld Scefing had come to Denmark in a vessel loaded with treasures.

4. Scyld Scefing had come to Denmark in a big ship.

2. What colour was the banner which Scyld’s men put over his head when he died?

1. red.

2. black.

3. white.

4. golden.

3. Who (or what) is Heorot?

1. a mighty warrior.

2. the great hall.

3. a conqueror.

4. a king.

4. A goblin is

1. a legendary evil or mischievous grotesque dwarf-like creature.

2. a legendary creature with magic powers and supernatural beauty.

3. a big and ugly creature that dwells in isolated rocks.

4. a small, humanoid creature that lives underground.

5. What did Cain do?

1. Cain created his brother from one of his ribs.

2. Cain ate fruit from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden.

3. Cain created the world.

4. Cain committed the first murder by killing his brother.

6. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. The feasting stopped for a few moments to honour the memory of the warrior.

2. The feasting stopped for few moments to honour the memory of the warrior.

3. The feasting stopped for a little moments to honour the memory of the warrior.

4. The feasting stopped for little moments to honour the memory of the warrior.

7. О ком здесь говорится:

Terrible was he, dangerous to men, of extraordinary strength, human in shape but gigantic of stature, covered with a green horny skin

1. Hrothgar

2. Wiglaf

3. Grendel

4. Aeschere

8. Выберите нужный глагол:

The monster _____________ the strength of thirty men in the grip of Beowulf’s hands, and he was frightened.

1. The monster will feel the strength of thirty men in the grip of Beowulf’s hands, and he was frightened.

2. The monster feeling the strength of thirty men in the grip of Beowulf’s hands, and he was frightened.

3. The monster felt the strength of thirty men in the grip of Beowulf’s hands, and he was frightened.

4. The monster feet the strength of thirty men in the grip of Beowulf’s hands, and he was frightened.

9. Выберите нужные глаголы:

If you _____________ in killing Grendel, great treasures will I _____________ upon you.

1. succeed, bestow

2. succeeded, bestow

3. succeed, bestowed

4. succeeding, bestow

10. Выберите нужный предлог:

Many mighty warriors lost their lives _____________ a vain struggle against Grendel.

1. on

2. at

3. in

4. by

11. Заполните таблицу:


1. Scyld Scefing had come to Denmark in a vessel loaded with treasures.

2. golden.

3. the great hall.

4. A goblin is a legendary evil or mischievous grotesque dwarf-like creature

5. Cain committed the first murder by killing his brother.

6. The feasting stopped for a few moments to honour the memory of the warrior.