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When she had completed the journey, she returned with gladness to her astonished husband, and obtained of him what she had asked. The Earl gave in and lowered the taxes of the town: he freed the town of Coventry and its inhabitants from the service, and confirmed what he had done by a charter.

However, only one man was unable to resist the temptation to peep at the Countess. It was a tailor named Tom who drilled a hole through his shutters, so that he might see Godiva pass. He caught a glimpse of Lady Godiva, and before he could satisfy his gaze he was struck blind. He was blinded by the wrath of Heaven. This is where the phrase “Peeping Tom” for a voyeur comes from. Tom’s nickname has become synonymous with pervert.

Leofric was forced to pretend the whole thing was a miracle, which in a way it was, since almost no one did see her nudity. But the worst thing about this was that he had to grant the tax break.

Lady Godiva, as Countess of Mercia, had personal charge over the good people of Coventry. Her name Godiva is the Latin form of the Saxon name Godgifu or Godgyfu, meaning God’s gift. There were many celebrations to remember Lady Godiva’s courage. A pageant is held annually in Coventry to re-enact Lady Godiva’s original route through the town.


Once, long ago, the Danish land owned a mighty monarch, Scyld Scefing, the founder of a great dynasty, the Scyldings. This famous king Scyld had come to Denmark in a mysterious manner, since no man knew whence he sprang. As a babe he drifted to the Danish shore in a vessel loaded with treasures; but no man was with him, and there was no token to show his kindred and race. When Scyld grew up he increased the power of Denmark and enlarged its borders; his fame spread far and wide among men. He and his warriors sailed far over the sea, conquered many tribes and forced them to pay tribute to him. His glory shone undimmed until the day when, full of years and honours, he died.

When Scyld died, his men took his body to the shore of the ocean where, in the harbour, stood Scyld’s ship, ready for a journey across the ocean. They laid him on the deck of the ship. Then they brought there many treasures, also his weapons and armour, and put a golden banner high over his head. Then, with sad hearts, they let the ocean carry him away. Nobody ever knew what happened to that ship. The sorrowing people restored Scyld to the mysterious ocean from which he had come to them.

After Scyld, his grandson ruled the fierce vikings. The descendants of Scyld ruled and prospered till the days of his great-grandson Hrothgar.

Hrothgar was a mighty warrior and conqueror, who won glory in battle, and whose fame spread wide among men, so that nobly born warriors, his kinsmen, were glad to serve as his bodyguard and to fight for him loyally in strife. He was very successful in war and his warriors obeyed him gladly; they received much tribute, and soon his groups of warriors grew into a large and mighty army.