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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

He had been sitting, without knowing it, on the very verge of a small gully, the long grass hiding it from view; and in leaning a lit tle

back he had shot over, pie and all.

(From "Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome)


Ex. 11.

On the Boat

"This way for the Dover boat."

"Have your passports ready, please."

"Pass up the gangway."

"First class to the right, second class to the left."

"Here we are. Would you like to stay up on deck or go down below?"

"Oh, I don"t know. I'm not much of a sailor."

"Oh, you won't be sea-sick today. The sea is perfectly calm. We're sure to have a good crossing. I'll get a couple of deck chairs, up

here, in the sun."

"Oh, well, I'll risk it. But if the worst comes to the worst, don't blame me."

"Do you travel much?"

"Not more than I can help by sea. I've crossed the channel once before but frankly I did not enjoy it."

"Why don't you fly across?"

"I think I shall one of these days. It couldn't possibly be worse than a really bad sea crossing."

"I can see the English coast already, can you?" "Yes, just. Well, I suppose we'd better get ready for landing."

"I say, you haven't got anything dutiable, have you? If you have, you'd better declare it. Whatever you do, don't try to bribe the

customs officer or you'll get into trouble."

"I don't think I'm quite as foolish as that. As a matter of fact, I don't think I have anything to declare. Still, thanks all the same."



1. Comment on the use of nouns in bold type.


Peter Carl Faberge was Russia's Imperial jeweller.


— What a beautiful Easter egg! — Yes, wonderful, it's a Faberge.


Little Ben is always looking for trouble.


Big Ben and the Tower are very much photographed by tourists.


He lives in an ivory tower.


Simon lives in the suburbs of the city and it takes him an hour to get to the City.


This small museum is proud to have a Levitan and an Aivazovsky.


Mine is a Panasonic, not a Sony.

10. This film won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film last year.


Alex is driving a brand new Ford.


Henry Ford started the company Ford Motor Co.


Your son could be a new Newton!


This singer is called the new Elvis.


— "I see your husband is really a Jack-of-all-trades." — "Yes, and master of none."


— "What a smart dress!" — "Yes, it's a Chanel."


— "I like your sport suit, is it an Adidas?" — "No, it's a Nike. "


The Roosevelts provided America with two presidents.


My new master was a Mr. Rochester, who was often away from home.


Peter Ustinov comes from the Benois, and like a Benoi is very talented.


Now she was playing the practical, sensible Frisch, the "Wortian who Got Things Done".


Why weren't there more Coras in the world? Why wasn't she more like Cora?


A scared Michelle couldn't utter a word.

2. Insert the right article.

Can I introduce ... Margaret Diamond?

Can I introduce ... Margaret Diamond I told you about last week?

There is ... Margaret Diamond waiting for you in the office.