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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

serve as a valuable historical record? What can it preserve for the posterity? 4. There are certain rules of composition tending to give

unity and coherence to the work of art as a whole. Have you ever observed that triangular or pyramidal composition gives the effect

of stability and repose, while a division of the picture space diagonally tends to give breadth and vigour? Be specific. 5. The painter

who knows his own craft and nothing else will turn out to be a very superficial artist. What are some of the qualities a true artist must

possess? 6. Why does it sometimes happen that an artist is not appreciated in his lifetime and yet highly prized by the succeeding

generations? 7. The heyday of the Renaissance is to be placed between the 15th and 16th centuries. Artists began to study anatomy

and the effects of light and shadow, which made their work more life-like. Which great representatives of the period do yoy know? 8.

What national schools of painting are usually distinguished in European art? 9. Classicism attached the main importance to com -

position and figure painting while romanticism laid stress on personal and emotional expression, especially in colour and dramatic

effect. What is typical of realism/impressionism/cubism/expressionism/surrealism? 10. What kinds of pictures are there according to

the artist's theme? 11. Artists can give psychological truth to portraiture not simply by stressing certain main physical features, but by

the subtlety of light and shade. In this respect Rokotov, Lev- itsky and Borovikovsky stand out as unique. Isn't it surprising that they

n/anaged to impart an air of dignity and good breeding to so many of their portraits? 12. Is the figure painter justified in resort ing to

exaggeration and distortion if the effect he has in mind requires it? 13. Landscape is one of the principal means by which artists

express their delight in the visible world. Do we expect topographical accuracy from the landscape painter? 14. What kind of painting

do you prefer? Why?

5. Give a brief talk about an outstanding portrait painter. Choose one you really have a liking for.

6. You are an expert on an outstanding landscape painter. Note down about five pieces of factual information and five pieces of personal

information. Your fellow-students will ask you questions to find out what you know about it.

7. Make a note of the title of the picture that is reasonably well known. Tell the others in the group about the picture. See if they can guess the


8. You are an expert on the Peredvlzhniki/the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions. Your partner is a foreigner who is completely ignorant of

this period in Russian history.

9. A painting can be studied on several levels and from a variety of perspec tives. Here are a few examples of how pictures can be described,

analyzed, interpreted and evaluated. Use the following texts for making imaginary dialogues about the pictures and act them out in class.