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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

Предисловие Предлагаемая организация сичистгнттрлыгой, внеаудитор­ной работы студентов способствует более прочному усвоению ими активного вякабудяра и высвобождению значительной части аудиторного времени для творческой работы на изуча­емом иностранном языке. Автор Lesson Four Ex. XII. p. 47 1. la she a doctor? — Yea, she is. She is a good doctor, 2. She ig seventeen {years old / years of age), isn't she? — Yea. she is. 3. Your brother is fourteen, isn't he? — Yes. he ia. 4. Is he fourteen or fifteen (years oldj? — He is fourteen. 5. This ball is small, isn't it? — Yes, it Is. 6. ta the pencil small or big? — It is big. 7. They are not busy* are they? — No, they are not. Й. He is busy, isn't he? — Yes* he is. 9. He is out, isn't he? — YesH he is. He is out, 10. He ia in. isn't he? — Yes, he ia. 11. It is a leather bag. isn't it? — Yes. it is. 12. Is it a difficult or an easy text? — It'aaneaay tent. / It's an easy one. 13. The text is not difficult, is it? — isn't. 14. It's eleven (o'clock) now, isn't it? — Yes, it ia. 15. 1sitclevenortwelve{o'dock>now? — It's eleven (o'clock) (now)* 16. It la not twelve yet. is it? — No, it isn't. 1?. It is cold. IS. Is it cold? 19. It ia cold, isn't it? 20. Is It cold or hot In the hall? — It'scold. 21. It isn't hot in the hall, is it? — No. it isn't. 22. Take the map (the lamp, the pen. the notebook / the ex­ercise book t the paper). 23. Don't take my ball (my bag, my pencil, my skates, my things). 24. Don’t home alone. 25. It'a dark. Go home. Lesson Five Ex. VIII, p. 60 1. No, lie isn't. Doctor Sandford Ls out, 2. Doctor Sandford Is still in the hospital. 3. No, she isn't, Mrs. Sandford is out. 4. Yea, she ia. Mrs, Sandford is in the park with Benny. 5. No, she isn't. She isn't in the garden. 6. But yes. she is. Old Mrs. Sandford is not well, 7. No, she isn't. Old Mrs. Sandford is not in bed. 3. Yes, she is. She is belter today. 9. Yes. he is. Mr. Sandford is at home after four on Satur­day. 10. He ia at home after four on Saturday. Ex. IK, p. во 1. Are they in the garden or in the park? 2. ls your slater at the Institute or at / in the library? 3– Is Doctor Sandford at the hospital or at home? 4. Is his wife in the park or in the yard? 5. fs the exercise easy or difficult? 6. Is Betty nineteen or twenty? 7. Is the hall big or small? S. Arc you free on Saturday or on Sunday? 9. Are these leasons difficult or eaay? 10. Ia thisaentence longer short? ь( 1. They are in the garden, aren't they? 2. Your sister is at the Institute, isn't she? 3. Doctor Sandford is nl the hospital, isn't he? 4. His wife lain the park, isn't she? 5– The exercise is easy, isn't it? 6. Betty is nineteen, isn't she7 7. Thehall isbig.isn't it? 8. Yon are free on Saturday, aren't you? 9. These leasons are difficult, aren't they? 10. This Eienlence ia long, isn't it? 1. These areboxea, 2. These are apoona, 3. Those are forks, 4. These are parks. 5. Those are gardens. 6. These arc desks. 7 г Thoae are doors. 8. These are my birds. 9. Those are his dogs, 10. Those are her daughters, , p. 81 shortfall] — shorter |'/э:Гз| — the shortest {flo Jprtttt] Ы1{Ы] – taller {Ыэ] — the tallest {Лэ l^lisrj large {lfl:cbl larger l']a:dj3] — the largest {da ЧанЬы] nice {патч| — nicer {'nai&a] — the nicest {As *iiaiSLSl] Long (Ion] — longer I'Jona| — the longest {to 'Jnriist] b1K Ib'g] — biR-ger {'begs] — the biggest {Дз 'brgisi| red (red] — redder {Veda] — the reddest {Да 'redist] high Ihai| — higher |'haia] — the highest {Да 'Ьан5Г| dirty fd^li] dirtiorfda iia] — the dirtiest foa di:n^t] faat {fflESt] — faster (lbs Is] — the faslcsL{&> Tatstisl] easy {4-zi] — easier {'kzis]— the easiest {ds'hzN&l] good {gud] — belter {bcla] — the besl {Дз best] bad {ba?d| — worse {w.s] — the worst {Дэ V3:st] few {fju:l fewer {'Iju^l the fewest {Дз tjunsl) busy Г"Ьтй|]busier {'bms| — the busiest {Й*> 'btzifst] near {ma| — nearer {'шага] — the nearest {rta 'niarisi| / the next |Да 'nek&l] far {fa:] — farther {fu: оз] / further {Ъ.да] — the farthest {fo Tavist] / the furthest {Дз [1] f:i:drst] old(Hj]dl— older Isolds]/elder {ЪЩ – theoldes^a toklj&ll / the eldest {– eldist] late{len| —bter|'le]!fl|/latter I'l^la] —the latest{Дл '!ет1Ы| / the last flast] thin {От J — thinner l^irwj — the thinnest |3э thick {0m| — thicker {'Oike] — the thickest Jd3 "OifcnjlJ comfortable I'kAmforabll — morecomfortBble|'ino:'kAinf3t3b{] — the most comfortable \дэ InHUsI 'клшГзюЫ! interesting {'inlrsstmj — more interesting '{TiErsstin] — the most interesting {03 'nisust 'inErjstLnJ difficult {difibl 11 — more difficult J?nj:'difikaUJ — the most difficult {оо'тэиз! difiksltj narrow {'nieraiTj narrower fnajrsun-] — the narrowest \Аз 'пазпттсчг] Ex. Xllr p. 61 11. This boy is not so clever as that one. E*. XIII, p. 61 1. She is Leas tired than 1 amr 2. The child ia less sleepy than you are. 3. This taak ia less important than Hint one. 4. This book is less interesting than that one. 5. Spanish is less difficult than Chinese. 6. There is Less ink in my fountain pen than in yours. Ex, XIV, p. fit 1. Iail?2, Isit? 3.Isit?4.Isn'tlt?5. Is it?6\ isn'tlt? 7, Isn't it? 8. Isit?9. lsn,Lit?lO,Isit?n, Isit?l2,Ibn4it?l3. Tsn4 lt?14.Ian'tit? Lesson 5i> – & En. XVI. p. G2 1. Ia Mr. Sandford at homo after four on Saturday? 2. Is my brother still at the office? 3. Is Mr. Smith в good doctor? 4– Is my mother glad to see you? Ex. XVIII, p. 62 1. What's the matter? / What's up? — John ill. 2. Ts he in bed? — Yes, he is. But he is / feels better today, 3. Is Tom in? — No, he is out. Ho is usually at home at five (o'clock). 4. On Saturday lam at home at foil г (o'clock). b. Where is Benny? — He is in the park. 6. What ia he? — He is a doctor. 7– la Doctor Sandford in/at home?— He is still in the hos­pital. 5. Benny is in the park, isn't he? 9. When are they at home on Saturday? — At sin (o'clock). 10. They arc always glad to sec you. 11. What a pity / That's a pity, he is out / he is not at home. 12. What a pity / That's a pity, she is still in bed. Lesson Six Ex. VII, p, 76 1. Her full name is Elizabeth Louise Smith. 2. She is a college graduate. She is a writer, just a beginner, 3. Yes. she has. She has got many companions. 4. Yes, they are. Her companions are kind and jolly. 5. Belly'a elder sister, Helen, ia married to Henry Sandford, 6– Yes. she is. Betty is a member of her sister's family. 7. Her brother-in-law is a doctor. 8. He has a mother, but he has no father. 9. No, she isn't. Helen is a housewife. 10. They have only one child. Benny. 11. Betty's nephew is four. 12, Yes. he is. But sometimes he is naughty. 13– He is fond of birds and animals. 14. No, he isn't. He Is eager to haves rabbit. 15. Yes, they have. They have got many animals and birds in the house. Ex, IX, p. 76 1, my mother's brother 2. my sister's friend 3r his daughter's husband 4, my parents' house 5. my father's table 6. my mother's work 7. this student's notebook 8. these students' notebooks 9. my friend's sister 10, onr cousin's friend 11. my grandfather's photo 12. Pete's room 13. her brother's son 14. Ann's daughter 15. my mother's sister Ex. XaJ, p. 77 1. What faculty are you students of? 2. What is her brother-in-law? 3. What is Betty Smith? 4. Whn t is ni у s ister-iii-1 aw ? 5. Is his family large? 6. How many children have they got? 7. Has she got a sou or a daughter? 8. What is their child's name? 9. What is her name? 10. How old is his nephew? 11. Where is he? 12. Is she a German student? 13. Whoae sister is Betty? 14. What has she got on the table? 15. Has Benny any brothers? 16. What age ia their grandmother of? 17. What age is Dr. Sandford of? Ex. XII, p. 77 1. cousin 2. grandfather 3. nephew 4. niece 5. uncle 6. aunt 7. eouain 3. grandmother 9. sister-in-law 10, brother-in-law Ex. XIII, p. 77 1. am 2. is 3. are 4. is. are 5. are fl. Is 7. Are 8. ia 0. are. am 10. are.arell. Are 12. Are 13. areI4,Isl5, is 16. am 17. am lS.lsie. ia Ex. XIV, p. 78 1. to 2. at, in. with 3, at 4. into 5. in 6. into 7. out of 8, in 9. into 10. from 11. in/under 12. to 13– to 14. out of 15. in 16. to 17. of 18. in 19. at 20. of. at 21. at, of Ex. XV, p. 78 1. any, any 2, any, aomc 3. по. a 4. some / no 5. any, any 6. some / по 7. anyS.anyO, aomc/по 10. any. some 11, any, none 12. any 13. no / some 14. no / some Ел, XVI, p. 78 writer, worker, teacher, reader, painter, singer, examiner, dancer, listener Ex. XVII, p. 78 three, nine, eleven, twelve, fourteen, fifteen, nineteen, thirty three, forty-four, sixty, ninety-nine, a / one hundred Ex, XVIII, p. 79 the first, the third, the fifth, the ninth, the nineteenth, the second, the fourth, the eighth, the twelfth, the twentieth Ex. XIX, p. 79 Forty-six plus eighteen issixty-four. Fifteen minus eight is seven. Eighty minus thirty is fifty. Nine plus eleven is twenty. Four plus forty is forty-four. Ten plus eight is eighteen. Seventy-nine minus fifty is twenty-nine. Ninety-niiie plus one Is a / one hundred. Thirty divided by five is six. Five multiplied by five is twenty-five. Nine multiplied by nine is eighty'one. Ten divided by two is five. Ten divided by five is two. Six multiplied by eight Is forty-eight. Six multiplied by six Is thirty-six. Twenty-seven divided by three is nine, Ex. XX, p. 79 1. Take your books out of the bags and put them on the desks. 2. Open you books at page 79 and find Exercise Twenty On it. 3. Go to the blackboard and write Sentence One. 4. Come up nearer to the bookcase, will you? 5. Put your exercise books aside, will you? 6. Read Text 1 on page 33. will you? 7. Will you look at the picture, please? Sr WiJI you close the window, please? 9. Will you, please, speak louder? 10– , prepare you homework in time, will you? Ex, XXI, p, 79 1. His friends are students of the English Faculty, They are future teachers. 2. Helen is Mr. Sand ford's wife. 3. How old is your niece? 4. How many brothers has James? — Only one. 5. He is married and haa a large family. 6– la your elder sister married? — Yes, she is. Her husband is я teacher of English- 7. Has he a nephew? — No, he hasn't– But he has a niece. 8. Take your books out of the / your bags. 9. Open your books at page Twenty-Seven. Юг You must read Lesson Six once more. 11, Read and translate Sentence Three. Lesson : evan – 13 12. Do Exercise Eleven on page Thirty-Seven. 13. Fetch aome chalk from Room Fourteen. 14. She is a naughty / disobedient girl. 15– My schoolmate is very fond of animals f likes animals very much. 18. lam eager to have a dog in the house, but my parents are against it. 17. My daughter-in-law has no peace in the house because of cats and dogs. 13, Most of her daughter's girlfriends are students. 19. Шв children are well-bred. SO. Nelly is a kind and jolly girl, 21, We are schoolmates and classmates. 22, He lives at 9, Lesnsya Street, Flat Fifteen. 23, Have you got a telephone? — Yes, I have. My telephone number is two one seven one eight three six. 24, He ia not so young as you think, he is already thirty. l'.'i My niece is as old as your grandson. 26. How old is your son? — He is ten years old / years of age. He is three years older than your daughter ie. 27. My cousin is two years and a half younger than 1 am. 28. My brother's daughter is only a year and a half, 29. Natasha is the youngest of my friends. 30. My parents and 1 live at 10, Peschanaya Street, 31. Add ten to ten. 32. Multiply five by seven, 33. If you divide thirty by six, you will get five. Lesson Seven в. Then? are girls in the picture. 7. There arc no children in their family. Ex. Xi a), p. 01 1. Ia there a telegram on the table? There is no telegram on the table. 2. la there a cinema near our Ьоине? There is no cinema near our houae. 3. Are there many mistakes in his dictation? There are not many mistakes in his dictation, 4. Is there much paper in his hag? There is not much paper in his bag. 5. Are there twoaofas in the room? There яге not two sofns in the room. Are there many children In theparlc (odayV There are not many children in the park today. Ex. ВД p, ВТ 1. No. that's wrong. Doctor Sandford has no daughter, he has only a son г 2. No. that's wrong. There are five people in Doctor Sand-ford's family. 3. No. (hat's wrong. Doctor Sandford la thirty. 4– Noh that^a wrong. There are no boys or girl sin the family for Benny to piny with. 5. No, that's wrong, Benny has two cousins. 6. No. that's wrong. Benny's cousins are in Canada. 7. No, that's wrong. Benny's cousins are not schoolchil­dren. E-.HVabp. 92 1. What is there in the room? How many tables are there in l he room 7 2. What ia there in lierhag'MInw many notebooks are there in her bag? 3. What is there in the hall? How many students are there in the hall? Lesson ^BYEn 17 4. What is there on (lie desk? How many clocks are there on the desk? 5. What la tbere In the laboratory? How many cassette re­corders are {here in the laboratory? 6. What is there in the exercise? How many sentences are there in the exercise? Ex. xvi b|p p. G2 1. How much coffee is there in the coffeepot? — There ia much coffee in the coffeepot, 2. How much water is there in the Klaus? — There is much water In the glass. 3. How much salt Is therein (hesoup? — There is (on much salt In (he soup. 4. How much money is there in the bag? — There is little money in the bag. 5. How much tea la there in the teapot? — There is much tea In the teapot. 6. How much butter la there on the plate? — There Is little butter on the plate, Ex. XtfJlh p. 92 *. 1. There ia a picture on {he wall. There Is a cluck on the wall. There is a blackboard on the wall. There are pntatnea on the tabler There are bonks on the table. There is milk in the jug. There is butter on the pla(er There is salt on the table. There Is a sentence {wrIUen) on the blackboard. 2. The picture Is on wall. The clock is on the wall. The black­board Ison (he wall. The boxes are on the table. The bags are on (he table. The books are on the table. The milk is in the jug. The butter is on the plate. The salt is on the table. The sentence is (written) on the blackboard. 3. Thereipolamponthetahle. The lamp is on (ho (able. There are newspapers on the table. The newspapers are on {he table. There la a car in the street. The car la In the street-There is a sofa near the wall. The sofa is near the wall. There are pencils in the box. The pencils are In (he box. И-Койрохтнвнийяурс Ex. VII, р. 89 A– I. Yes, it is. This is a classroom. 2. No, there are not. There are not marly desks in it. There are fifteen desks here. 3. Yes, there are, Thereare(bomc)chairsin the room. There are thirty chairs in the room. 4. Yes. there are. There are (some) suspended lamps in the room. ii. No, they are not. The lamps are not on the walls, в. There are eight lamps in the room. 7. There are three windows in the roam, 8. The walls are Jight-green (in colour), 9. The desks are beige (in colour). 10. The chairs are fawn (in colour). 11. Yes, there is. There is a blackboard on the wall. 12. The hoard Is green (in colour). 13. There are nine sentences on it. 14. There are seven books on my desk. 15. They are English. 16. There are three exercise books in my bag. 17. They are thick. 18. This book is thin, 10. There iaa cassette recorder on this table. 20. There arc pencils in that box. в. 1. Yes, it is. The box is on the desk. 2. Yes. they are. The pencils are in the bo*. 3. The bag is under the desk. 4. The fountain pen is in the bag, 5. The noiebook lain your hand, 8. The notebooks are on the desk. 7. The letters are under the book. 8. The picture is on the wall. 9. The chair is near the table, 10. The pens are in the box, С 1. No, it isn't. Dr. Sandford's family is not very large. 2. Yes. he has. He has a wife. 3. Her name is Helen. Lesson : even ■ 15 4. Yes. she has. She has a sister. 5. No. be hasn't. Dr. Sandford has no fsther. 6. Yes, he lias. He has a mother. 7. No. he hasn't. He has no daughter. H. Yes, he has. He has a son, gr His name is Benny. H3. There are five people in Dr. Sandford's family. 11. Dr. Sandford is thirty. 12. Helen is twenty-six. 13. Mrs. Sandford is fifty-eight. 14. Benny has two cousins. 15. George and May are Aunt Emily's children. 10, Benny's cousins pre in Canada nowr Ex. VIII, p. 90 1. There is a bus In the street. 2. There is a lamp in the room. 3. There is chalk at the blackboard, 4. There is bread on the table. 5. There is tea in the teapot. 6. There is coffee in the coffeepot, 7. There is money in the bag. 8. There is paper in the box. 9. There is soap on theshelf- 10. There is water in the jug. Ex– IX. p. 90 1. at 2. past 3. at. to / past 4. past 5. to. at. at 6, from, till 7.in. of Fx. X, p. 90 1. There are sentences on the blackboard. 2. Are there (any) desks in the room? 3. There are not any books on the table. 4. Are there (any) dictionaries on the chair? 5. There are matches in the box. п т КорракшвнцЯ курс 4. There is no book on the chair. The book is not on theehair. There is no hat on the chair. The hat is not on the chair. There is no exercise book on the chsirr The exercise book is not on the chair. There is no pen in the box. The pen is not in the box. There is no money in the bag. The money is not in the bag. 5– There arc not three but four books in the hag. There arc not five hut six pencils in the bag. There are not two pens but one in the bag. 6, It's just the time for dinner. It's just the time for tea. в. 1. Thisis my room. There isa table in the middleof the room. There isa jug on the table. There is milk in the jug. There is butler on the plale. 2. Let Benny sit down to table. It's just the time for break­fast. The milk is in thejug. The butter is on the plate. The knife is near the plate. Where is the breed? The bread is in the sideboard. 3. Where is the magazine? There is no magazine on the table. The magazine is not on the table but on the chair. 4. There is no pen in the box. The pen is not in the box but in the table. 5. Where is the money? There is no money in the bag– Your money Is not in the bag– It Is on the table. 6. Are there many exercise books in your bag? — No. there are not many, two or three. — Is there much chalk on the board? — Yes, there is, I think so. 7. Are there many houses in your street? — Yes. there are-There are many beautiful new houses in our street. — Are there many flowers in your park? — Not so many, but I like them very much. Ex. XVIII, p. 93 Model i: There isa lot of milk in the jug. There isa lot of sugar in the sugar howl. There is a lot of rubbish in the corner. There isa lot of juice in the carafe. Model 2: There are a Lot of mistakes in the test paper. There arc a lot of dictionaries on the shelves. There are a lot of buttons on the coat. There are a lot of people in the room. Ex– XIX, p. 93 1. much 2. шануЗ, Iittle4, many 5. much 6, much 7. afewS. a little / some 9. a few 10. a few 11, many 12– much 13. many 14. some Ex. XXI, p. 93 1. At ten o'clock. 2. Atseveuo'clock, 3. At twelve o'clock, 4. At half past twelve. 5. At half past two. 6. At half past ten. 7– At a quarter past five. B. At a quarter past seven. 9. At a q ua r ter pas I n ine. 10. It is a quarter to one. 11. It isa quarter to three. 12. it is a quarter to four. 13. At twenty (minutes) past eight. 14. It is ten (minutes) to twelve. \h– It Is twenty-five (minutes) to five. 16, At ten (minutes) past six. 17. At five (minutes) to six. 15. It is three (minutes) to six- 19. It is seven (minutes) to nine. 20. It is twenty-eight (minutes) to three. Ex, XXII. p. 94 a] one hundred and thirty-four, two hundred and ninety-eight, three hundred and fifty-five, nine hundred and forty-eight, three thousand five hundred and twenty-six, nine thousand and eleven, one hundred and ninety-three, five hundred and sixty-one, seven million five hundred and six thousand and seventeen. Zt – Коррективны» курс thirty-five million six hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and thirty four bj one hundred and four, one hundred snd fifty-one. one hundred snd seventy-five, one hundred and elghty-nino. one thousand and twelve, one thousand and seventeen, one thousand and thirty-eight, two thousand five hundred and sixty-eight, four thousand and eighty-three, five thousand nine hundred and ninety-three, six thousand four hundred snd ten, ten thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, two hundred snd fifty-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-nine. eight hundred and forty-one thousand four hundred and three, two million one hundred and eighty-four thousand and one. one three four eight six seven eight, two five three six four nine two. two eight nine four seven three {эи] Ex, XXIII, p. 94 1. Are there many students in this room? — No, there sre not many. 2, There Is a table in the middle of the room. There are flow­ers on the table. There arc five rooms In our flat. They are large and light. 4. Where is your brother? — He is in that room. 5. There Is no broad on the lable. 6. Our University is not far from the centre. 7. There are many big houses in this street. 8. There is much light in this room. 9– Oleg is in Group 105. 10. Nelly is in Group l02r 11. Boris is in Group 501, 12. Read Text Nine. 13. Do Exercise Two on the blackboard. 14. There is no chalk at the blackboard, 15. There are many pens, poiicits and exercise books on the 16. Are there any apples on the plate? 17. The apples are in the basket. 18. The cups are on the table. 19. Is your nephew at school? — No. he is not. he is at home. 20. There sre not ten but nine students in our group. 21. Are there many boxes on this table? — No, there are not many. 22. There are not three but four windows In our room. 23. Come at six o'clock. 24. Comeback at half past nine. 25. James Is an eight-year-old boy, his sister Is asix-yesr-old girl. 26. Tell me your telephone number, please. — Here you are. Write it down: ЗЗЁ-25-41 (double three eight two five four one), 27. Peter's son is seven years old, Arthur's sister is fifteen years old. Tom's grandmother is sixty-eight years old / years of age. Lesson Eight En, VII, p. 108 A, L Yes, 1 can. I can speak English well. 2. No. I can't, 1 can't speak French well, 3. Yes, I сап. I can understand Spanish, 4. Yes. lean. 1 can count the chairs in this room. 5. No. we cannot wrile without a pen or a pencil, 6– We can write with a fountain pen. 7, Yes. you may. You may take my textbook. И. Yes. she may. She may leave the classroom. 9– Yes. you may. You may go to the pictures. 10. Yea, we must. We must speak English now. 11. If we want to writes letter wo must have a sheet of paper and a pen. 12. If we want to buy something we must have money, 13. If we want to wash our hands we must use soap. 14. When 1 have flu 1 must take medicine and stay in bed, 15.1 must work more in the laboratory to make my reading distinct, н. 1, This pen / It is mine. 2. This bag / It is yours. 3. This watch / It is yours. 4. This watch / It ia hers. 5. This room / It is theirs. 6– This box / It Is ours, 7. This desk t It ia theirs, 8. This notebook / it is mine, 9. This cassette recorder / It is ours. C. ju There are twelve students in our group. 2. Three students are absent. 3. Nine students are present. 4. Kotova is the monitor in our group. 5. The monitor's name is Nina. 6. Yes, I have. 1 have got a new bag. 7– My bag is in the desk. Э. Yes. 1 have. I have got a pen. It is good and blue in colour, 9. Yes, there is. There is much chalk at the board. / No, there is little chalk at the board. 10. Yes, I have. 1 have many books at home, 11. There are English books in my bag. 12. Yes, 1 have. 1 have got a watch. It is right, 13. Her watch is fast. 14. Пег dress is brown. 15. Her pen is yellow. E*. VIII a), p. 105 1. Can she spell the noun correctly? She cannot spell the noun correctly. LeWonEpri! » 23 2. May you take your exercise book? You may not take your exercise book. 3. Can he write this in transcription? He cannot write this in transcription. 4. Are there any mistakes jn her dictation? There are not any mistakes in her dictation. 5. Has my sister got two interesting magazines? My sister has not got two interesting magazines. 6. Is Doctor Sandford busy in his study? Doctor Sandford is not busy in his study. 7. Is spelling her weak point? Spelling is not her weak point. Ex.X. pr 106 1. must not 2. May 3– can 4– can. can 5. need not 6. must 7. Can S. must 9. can 10. Must 1 L Can Ex. XI, p. i 0b Modal 1: Let's rend the text. Let's write on the blackboard. Let's do the exercises. Let's speak to the dean. Hcdei2: Shall! clean the blackboard? Shall I bring some chalk? Shall I do my homework? Shall I answer your question? Shall I spell the noun? Shall I press the button? Shall I pronounce it? Moder 3: Listen to the teacher. Listen to your fellow student. Listen to the radio. Listen to the story. Listen to the text. Listen to the tune. Listen to the cassette recorder. Listen to the actor. Model 4г Look at the picture. Look at the house. Look at the black­board. Look at the bird. Look at the child. Look at the lamp. Look at the cup. Look at the plate. Ex. XIV, p. 107 1. Who is on duly today? — Helen is. Is anybody absent? — Yes. Three students are absent. 2. Nobody is absent today. All the ninestudents are present today. 3' * KqppBKTH—ГЧЙ курс 3. Is Victor here? — No. he isn't. He is absent. 4. What date is it today? — It ia the 15th of October. 5. May 1 ask you л question? — Do, please. — Where ia Room Forty-Eight? — I csn't answer your question. Will you ask the secretary, please? fi. What is the English for «наушники– («письменный стод., * палата иинция*)? 7. Shall Iswilch on the cassette recorder? — Do, please. Shall 1 switch off the cassette recorder? — No, you needn't, wait ft bit. Shall I begin reading / to read? — Do, please. Shall I clean the blackboard? — По, please. Shall I open the window? — No, you needn't. Shall I read the sentence again? — Do. please. 8. Read louder, please. Speak Fonder, please. Sing louder, pleaae. That will /That'll do. 9. Repeat the sentence two times / twice. Read the text three times. Юг Let us go to the Dean's office in break. Let us correct the mistakes in the dictation, 11. Will / would you fetch the group register (a pieceofchalkh a duster, the list of students, earphones / headphones}? 12. Can you do this exercise today? Yes, I can. Can you write this text today? — No. I can't. I can't write this le*t today. 13. These exercises are difficult. Repeat them. These tcxta are easy. You needn't repeat them. 14. You may sit down / take your seat (go, begin reading). 15. Goon reading (writing, speaking, working). 16. Silence, please. The lesson Is not over. How long ia it before the bell? — Two minutes only. 17. What is the pronunciation of the word 'palatalization' ('transcription', 'volceiessness')? IS. What is the spelling of the word "pronunciation' ('maga­zine', 'enough', 'answer')? 19. Ask questions on / about the text. 20– No helping / whispering, please. 21, Hand in / give in your exercise books, please. 22. First set in the cassette, then switch on the recorder. ></emphasis> Lesson Eflhi ■ 25 23. And now wind the tape back / rewind the tape / playback the tape, please. 24. Do you have classes on Friday? — Yes. we do. But they are over early. 35. May Bob not go to achool today? — No. he mustn't. He must go to school. 26. Have another try and read louder. Ex, XV. p. 108 a) three hundred and ninety-five, seven hundred and forty-five, one thousand nine hundred and fifty, thirteen thousand four hundred and eight, two hundred and eighty-two thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, three hundred and forty-five thousand two hundred and ninety-six. five million seven hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and thirty-three b) two hundred and seventy-three, one thousand eight hundred and eight у two. nineteen thousand one hundred and seventy-six, thirty thousand and sixteen. fifty-five thousand seven hundred and forty-four, eighty-one thousand six hundred and fourteen, three hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and eeveHi six million two hundred and seventy-one thousand three hundred and ninety-eight Ex. XIX, p. 109 1. Will you use the duster and clean the blackboard, and bring some chalk, please? 2– Tell me the date and write it on the board. Don't stand in front of the hoard, let the others see it, will you? 3. Come up to my desk and read the lent. Uon't go so fast. Go to your place, will you? Tf. ■ Корреитнаныйиурс 4. Lot uschcck the homework. The pronunciation of the word 'begin' Is wrong. The sound *b' mustn't he palatalized. 5. Will you collect the exercise books and hand them in? 6. Will you switch on the cassette recorder and llsien to the text? 7. Could you. please, play the tape back and switch off the cassette recorder? 8. Have another try and read every Лne distinctly, please. Lesson Nine Ex. VII, p.119 A. 1. No, it is not Jarge, hut itis comfortable and well-planned. 2. In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers. Behind it there is a little orchard with a few frnit trees in it. 3. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a dining-room, a cosy sitting room and Doc lor Sandford's study. There are also several rooms upstairs on the first floor. 4. The furniture is modern and quite new, 5. No, it isn't yet. Doctor Sandford says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture before he can call the house his own. В. 1. My flat is small. 2. There are two rooms in my flat, 3. We call it / a room people sleep in a bedroom. 4. We call it / a room people have meals in a dining room. 5– Arooni where a person stud ies. reads, writes, etc. Iscatled a study. 6. A room where children sleep, play and have meals is called a nursery. 7. A room where people spend time after dinner or supper and where guests are received is called a sitting room. 8. A room where food is cooked is called a kitchen. 9. A room where food Is kept is called a pantry. 10. Yes, it Is. My ffat is com for table and cosy. 11. No, there is no green lawn in front of our house. 12. Yes. there are. There are a few fruit trees in our gar­den. 13. Our house is very old. 14. The walls ore light-green In my Hat. 15. There isa bed, two bedside tables and a wardrobe in my parents' bedroom. 16. Mo, there are not many new houses in our street, 17. Yes, we have. We have a rubbish chute in our house to carry rubbish down. 18. Yes, we have. We have built-in furniture in our flat. 19. No. she hasn't. She hasn't got a unit in her room. С. 1. Yes, I can. I can read English fluently. 2. No, 1 can't, I can't speak French. 3. My teacher can (answer your question). 4. You can find this book in the reading roomr 5. Of course. 1 can (transcribe this word). 6. But yes. I сап. { can speak German rather fluently. 7. Why, yes, of course. Do. please. (You may ask me a few questions.) S. Yes. you may. You may go out (any time you need). 9. Yes, you may. You may open the window. 10. No, you may not. You may not lake my book. 11. Yes. you must. You must translate this text. 12. Yes. wc must. We must learn this poem by heart. 13. No. you needn't. You may put it on the desk. 14. You must read Chapter Seven now. 15. You must come home before nine (o'clock). 16. No, we can't. We can't go to the skating rink at four. Ex. VIII, p.120 a) one hundred and twenty-two. two thousand four hundred and eighty-nine, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, eleven thousand three hundred and eighty-nine, twenty thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. 2Ё ■ Кйрректпвчьй '-/ре one hundred and nineteen thousand nine hundred and twenty-two b| It's five past five. It's twenty-five past three. It's half past six. It's twenty-five to four. It's twenty to twelve-It's a quarter past ten. It's twenty past nine. It's ten past five. It's a quarter to five. It's five past seven. It's five to eight –It's ten to nine. Ex. IX a), p.120 1. Are there any fruit trees in front of my ho use? There are not any fruit trees in front of my house. 2. Is there a study in our flat? There is no study in our flat. 3. Is it n difficult text? It is not a difficult text. 4. Have I a room of my ownV J have no room of my own. 5. Can we go out for a walk now? We cannot go out for a walk now. 6. Hay you open the window? You may not open the win­dow. 7. Must the students learn this dialogue by heart? The stu­dents must not learn this dialogue by heart. 8. Must Mr. Sandford pay much money for his house? Mr. Sandford must not pay much money for his house. 9л Must you switch off the cassette recorder? You must not switch off the cassette recorder. Ex. Хэ), p.121 1. Are there eight fruit trees In you г garden? There are eight fruit trees in your garden, aren't there? How many fruit Ircesarc there in yonrgarden? In whose garden are there Lessson Nine eight fruit trees? What eight trees are there in your gar­den? Are there eight or nine fruit trees in your garden? 2. Is Mr. Sandford the head of the family? Mr. Sandford is the head of the family, isn't he? Who is the head of the family? What is Mr. Sandford the head of? Is Mr. Sand­ford or Mrs. Sandford the head of the family? 3. Can you answer this question? You can answer thisques-tion, can't you7 Who can answer this question? What question can you answer? Can you answer this or that question? 4. Can your brother speak French? Your brother can speak French, can't he? Who can speak French? What language can your brother speak? Can your brother speak French or German? 5. May I ring you up tonight? I may ring you up tonight, may 1 not? Who may ring you up tonight? When may I ring you up? May 1 ring you up tonight or tomorrow morning? 6. May you go home now? You may go home now. may you not? Who may go home now? When may you go home? May you go home now or in half an hour? 7. Must they prepare this poem for phonetic reading? They must prepare this poem for phonetic reading, mustn't they? Who must prepare this poem for phonetic reading? What must they prepare for phonetic reading? What poem must they prepare for phonetic reading? What must they prepare this poem for? What reading must they prepare this poem for? Must they prepare this poem for phonetic reading or for recitation? 8. Must you work much at your pronunciation? You must work much at your pronunciation, mustn't you? Who must work much at his / her pronunciation? What must you work much at? How much must you work at your pronunciation? Must you work much at your pronuncia­tion oral your spelling? 9. Can 1 sec a standard lamp on the right? I can sec a stand­ard lamp on the right, can't I? Who can see a standard i<. • Ковре-пненыииурс lamp un the right? What can L Бее on the right? Where can 1 Бее a standard lamp? Can T see a standard lamp on the right or on the left? Ex. XI, p. 121 L. running water / pantry, etc. 2,orchard 3. lawn 4– garden 5– cosy fi. own / favourite 7. modern 8. carpet 9. rubbish chute Ex. XIII, p. 121 1. past 2, at 3. in, — 4. in 5– at 6. in 7. by, past, tofi. on 9. at 10. of 11. for 12. at Ex. XIV, p.121 l.much / little/ a little/a lot of 2. some 3. many 4. a few/ many 5. any / some 6. any 7. some / much / little / a little / a lot of / no fi, any / some 9. a few 1С any / many 11. any Ex. XV, p.122 1. May I see John's book? 2. Will you come lo my daughter's birthday party? 3. You must read all Dickens's novels, 4. He must check his students' works. 5. Who can tell me the Smiths' address? 6. There are all modern conveniences in my mother-in-law's flat. 7. May I have a book from your father's library? 8. Where can 1 listen to Prokofiev's muaic? 9. Is there any built-in furniture tn your cousin's flat? Ex. XVII, p. 122 1, can 2, сапЗ. May / Can 4. Must / May 5. can / may 6. May / Can 7. need not 8. can 9. May / Can 10. can 11. must / may 12. May/Сап 13. Can 14. must lb. must Lesson чпг ■ 31 Ex. XX, p. 123 1. There are many flowers in front of our house. 2. Our flat is on the first floor. 3. May T have a Uilk with you now or must Г come tomor­row? 4. Сап I buy this radio set? 5. My sister's flat is very comfortable and cosy. B. Is there a pantry In your flat? — No. there isn't. 7. There are two rooms and a kitchen in this flat. 8. May the children go to the skating rink? — No, they must not. it's too late already. 9. May I have a talk with the teacher? — Yes. you may. 10. Must 3 answer you now? — No. you needn't. You may do it tomorrow. 11. There are two beds, an armchair, two chairs and a dress­ing table In my parents' bedroom. 12. Have you got a TV set? — No, T haven't, — And a refrig­erator? — Yes, I have. 13. Vou may clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. It is very easy. 14. f like the furniture in your flat. It is entirely new and quite modem. You must only buy a carpet and a standard lamp for the dining room. 15. Г Jive in a new house. Thei-e are all (modern) conveniences in our flati electricity, gas, running water, central heat­ing, a rubbish chute and a telephone. 16. Is there a mirror in your bathroom? 17. Have you got any English books at home? — No, I haven't. IS. Could / Can you ring me up? — I have no telephone. 19. You must correct all the mistakes in the translation. 20. What is your sister's husband? — He isa doctor. 21. Who is your brother married to7 — He is married to my friend / companion. — What is her name? — (Her name is) Helen. — How old is she? / What's her age? — (She is) twenty (years old). — What is she (by profession)? / What is her occupation? — (She is) a typist. ?3 Коррешиьный курс 22. Arc there any flowers In your garden? — No. Lhere are no flowers in our garden, hut there are some Fruit trees there / mil. ЭЗ. Are there any students in Room Twenty? — No, there are not They most come therein half an hour. 24. What's the time now? — (It Is) half past five. — Your watch ia fast. It is only a quarter past five now. 25. I have some free / spare time. I can go to the skating-rink. 26. Ia there any milk on the table? Yes. there is some / a littb. ■X. XXI, p. 124 1. He says this sentence is not difficult, — No, It isn't. 2. Mary says there isonlyone window in their classroom. — Yes. there is. 3. John says there aren't many fruit trees in their Institute garden. — No. there aren't. 4. Betty says Doctor Sandford isn't In. — No, he isn't. 5. Doctor Sandford says his family is not large. — No. it isn't. 6. Helen says she has only one son, — Yes. she has. 7. Mrs. Sandford sayaBenny Is an only child in the family. — Yes. he is. 8. Benny says their house is not large. — No, it isn't. 0– The student says he can not speak English well. — No, he can't. 10. Betty aayashe must learn many poems by heart. — Yes. she must. 11. The teacher says it is two o'clock and the classes are Over. — Yes, they are. 12. The mother says Tom must come home at a quarter to three. — Yes. he must. 13. The father says he must work till Late at night today. — Yes, he must, 14. Bob says he can come In the morning, — Yes, he can. 15. Nick says his sister is married to a sailor. — Yea, she is. Lesson Ten Ex, Xt, p. 134 A. 1. Mr. Sandford is in his study on a Saturday afternoon, 2. Mr. White comes to see Doctor Sandford on a Saturday afternoon. 3. Mr. While asks Doctor Sandford If hcreceivesffie Times. 4. Mr. White calls on Doctor Sandford to help him to sub­scribe to the newspaper. 5. Yes, he does. Doctor Sandford signs the paper. 6. At five o'clock in the afternoon they have tea In Eng­land, в. 1. Yes. I do, I like English. 2. Yes. I do. I speak English well. 3. 1 study English at the University. 4. Yes. he does. My brother goes to the Institute every day. 5. Yes. they do. My classes begin In the morning. 6. I prepare my lessons at home or in the reading room, 7. My brother goes for a walk in the evening. Й. My mother speaks two foreign languages — Polish and Latvian. 9. We write on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. С. 1. It's the fifth of November today. 2. It Is Wednesday today. 3, Monday is the first day of the week, Tuesday Is the second day of the week. Wednesday is the third day of the week. Thursday is the fourth day of the week, Friday is the fifth 3d ■ Коррективный курс day uf the week. Saturday ls the sixth day of the weak. Sunday ia the seventh day of the week. 4. January ia the first mouth of the year. February is the second month of the year. March is the third month of the year. April is the fourth month of the year. May is the fifth month of the year. June ia the sixth mouth of the year. July is the seventh month of the year, August is the eighth month of the year. September ia the ninth month of the year– October is the tenth month of the year. November is the eleventh month of the year. December is the twelfth month of the year. 5. November ia the eleventh month (of the year). 6. June is the sixth month (of the year), 7. December is the twelfth month (of the year). 8. Our Studies at the University begin at nineo'clock in the morning. 9. The winter examinations begin on the eighth of January. 10. The summer examinations begin on the fifteenth of June. Ex. XII a), p. 134 1. Do Mr. White and Betty enter the room? Mr. White and Betty don't enter the room. 2. Does Mr. White want to see Dr. Sandford? Mr. White doesn't want to see Dr. Sandford. 3. Can you sign this paper? You can't aign this paper. A. Do J know any of these names? 1 don't know any of these names, 5. Can I do anything? Г can't do anything. Ь– Are the walls in my room light-green? The walls in my room aren't light-green. Ex. XIII, p. 135 1. How many mouths are there in a year? 2. How many days are therein June? 3. Hnwold isshe? 4. Whose friend can skate well? Lesson 'en ■ ib 5. What is he? 6. What do you call it? 7. What books do you like to read? 8. Is It the first of October? 9. What day is it today? 10. Where can you see a bookcase? . XIV, p. 135 1. Are there any newspapers on the desk? There aome newspa­pers on the desk, aren't there? What is there on the desk? Are there any newspapers on the desk or on the table? 2. Do you have tea at five o'clock? You have tea at five o'clock, don't you? What do you have at five o'clock? When do you have tea? Do you have tea or high tea at five o'clock? 3. Do you have two English lessons on Monday? You have two English lessonaon Monday, don't you? What lessons do you have on Monday? When do you have two English Lessons? How many English lessons do you have on Mon­day? Do you have two English lessons on Monday or on Thursday? 4. Do your parents live in Moscow? Your parents live in Moscow, don't they? Where do your parents live? Who lives In Mocow? Do your parents live in Moscow or in Smolensk? 5. Is your fat her a doctor? Your father is a doctor, isn't he? What is your father? Who is a doctor? Is your father a doctor or a teacher? 6. Does your father workat a hospital? Your father works at a hospital, doesn't he? Who works at a hospital? Whose father works at a hospital? Where does you г father work? Does your father work at a hospital or at school? 7. Is he forty-five? He is forty-five, isn't he? Who is forty-five? How old is he? Is he forty five or fifty-five? 8. Do all the members of your family read this paper? All the members Of your family read this paper, don't they? Who reads this paper? What do all the members of your family read? What paper do all the members of your family read? Do all the members of your family read this paper or that magazine? 9. Can you come and see me on Friday? You can dome and see me on Friday. canT t you? Who can come and see me on Friday? When can you come and see me? What day can you come and see me? Can you come and see me on Friday or on Saturday? 10. May 1 sign this paper tomorrow? 1 may sign this paper tomorrow, may I not? Who may sign this paper tomor­row? When may I sign this paper? What may I sign? May I sign this paper tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Ex. XV, p. 135 the ninth of April nineteen forty-six. the eighth of July nineteen twenty-four, the first of September eighteen twenty-seven, the twelfth of October nineteen fifty-five, the fourth of January nineteen forty-nine, the eleventh of February nineteen eighteen Ex. XVJ, p. 135 I. anything 2. somebody I someone 3. something 4. anything 5, anybody / anyone, somebody 6. anything ?. nobody / no one S. anybody / anyone 9. something IQ. anything И– something 13. anything 13. nobody /поопеИ. everything 15. something 1 в. everybody 17. everything / anything 18. nothing / something 19. anybody / anyone Ex. XVII, p. Г36 1, in 2. In 3. in 4.on 5. on, of 6. in 7. —, at 8. at / in 9. at. on 10– to, at / in 11. at, on 12. on 13. to 14. to 15. To, of Ex. XVIII. p. 13B 1. ш 2. — 3. the, a, — 4, — 5. a, the 6. a, a4 the 7. — 8. the 9. the lO.thell.a Lesson 'en – 37 Ex. XXIt, p. 137 1. Tom asks if we know English well. 2. She asks if I like to skate, 3. My friend asks if lam free on Sunday. 4. The student asks if I have any English books at home. 5. Sheaaks If I want to read this book. ti. The teacher asks if there are many mistakes in spelling on the blackboard – 7. The student asks if there are any mistakes in his pronun­ciation. 8. The teacher asks me if I know any poem by heart. 9. Mary asks me if I know many English words. 10. Hetty asks Tom If he must go to the Institute today. 11. The teacher asks the boy if May is a spring month. 12. The student asks me if 1 like our University. 13. Mr. While aska Betty if Doctor Sandford Is in. 14. The children ask Betty if she plays the piano. 15. The teacher asks the boy if he has any brothers or sis-tors. 16. The teacher asks the girls if they can spell the word * white". 17. The hoy asks his mother if she sees anything on the table. Ек. XXIII, p. 137 1. A: Are you busy? B: What do you ask me? A: I ask you if you are busy. C: What does A. ask you? Hi A. asks meif J am busy. 2. X: Are the lessons over? B: What do you ask me? A: 1 ask you if the lessons aie over, C: What does A. ssk you? B: A. asks me if the lessons are over. 3. A: Is he already twenty? Bs What do you ask me? ■ Коррективный куре A: I ask you if he is already twenty. C: WhatdoesA. ask you? It: A. asks mo if he is already twenty. 4. A: Are there any new words In Lesson Four? B: What do you ask me? A: J ask you If there any new words in Lesson Four. C: What docs A. ask you? B: A. asks me if there are any new words In Lesson Four. 5. A; Do you know the pronunciation of all the new words? B: What do you ask me? A: J ask you If you know the pronunciation of all the new words. C; What does A. ask you? B: A. asks me if 1 know the pronunciation of all the new words. 6. A; Js this translation difficult? B: What do you ask me? A: I ask you if this translation ia difficult. C: What does A. ask you? B: A. asks me if this translation Is difficult. 7. A: Do the students of your group work much at their English? B: What do you ask me? A: I ask you if the students of your group work much at their English. C: What does A. ask you? В: Л. asks me if the students of our group work much at their English. 8. A; Who is the monitor of your group? B: What do you ask me? A: I ask you who the monitor of your group is. C; What does A. ask you? R:A. asks me who the monitor of my group is, 9. A: Can you swim? B: What do you ask me? A: 1 ask you if you can swim. Lesson Ten C: What does A. ask you? B: A, asks me If I can swim. 10. A: Must we finish this work today? B: What do you ask me? A: I ask you if we must finish this work today. C: What does A. ask you? B: A. asks me if we must finish this work today. 11. A: Are you fond of animals? H; What do you ask me? A: I ask you if you are fond of animals. C: What does A, ask you7 B: A. asks me if 1 am fond of animals. Ex. XXIV, p. 138 1. I can't do anything / 1 can do nothing for the present. 2. Nobody wants to eat anything. 3. Сап I do anything for you? 4. May J come to see you / come to your place on Sunday? 5. Thursday is the fifth day of the week. 6. My younger sister is ten (years olds / years of age) now. 7. I cut speak English for the present– — Can't you? / Indeed?/Really? 3. Good afternoon. Mr. White. What Is It? — May I have a talk with you / a word with you. Mr. Sandford? — Yes. please. 9. What does this word mean? / What is the meaning of this word? 10. Must I sign anything? — Here you are. — Where do J Sign? — Here, please. 11. Many of our students work on the farm in autumn. 13. Can you play the grand piano? 13. Can / Could you give me something to read? 14. Who is working / works in Room Pour? 15. Find Page Five and read the text. 16. There is not any picture on page Nine. 17. Is there anybody in your parents' room? 13. My son knows many English poems by heart. — Does he? ДО ■ Коррективный курс 19– Her daughter is already я schoolgirl. — ]& she? 20,1 can give you this booh. — Can you? 21. Ann must come on Monday. — Must she? 22. Our studies are over in June. 23. Nobody in our family works on Saturday. Lesson Eleven Ex. VI, p. 147 slowly fslauli) — more slowly {'my. 'sl3uh| — most slowly {'тэиы 'sJiuli] fast {fn:si) – faster {Taste] — fastest {TuiSlisl] hard Iha:d| — harder |'hada] — hardest ('ho:disl| badly {Ttiedhj — worse |w3:s] — worst {wi:st] much {тл|Г| — more {nm] — most {mausr] well|we|] — better {Ъе!э] — best{bes<l early E'i:li] — earlier {'з: lis] — earliest ^ilnst] far(fu:] — farther {fa-йз] — farthest {Ta-AistJ near |ntsJ — nearer {Vilaraj nearest f'nianstj often I'ofanJ — more often {Vtist ofan] — most often JVinust Wan J late Licit J — later {Ifflta] — latest {leitisT] quietly {'kwaiolli) — morequletly {'mo: 'kwaiaili] — most qui­etly {"m^ust 4 kwaioEh] easily f'hzdi] — more easily |'mo:r 'hzih] — most easily I'msusi Ш] little ( lit]] — less\les\ — least {HjStJ warmly Imill — more warmly {VnJ: 'wj:mh] — most warmly {'msust Wmfi] seriously {'sun.i'll] — more seriously {'mo: 'sianashj — most seriously {'moust 'siorioshj comfortably {'timfelablij —more comfortably lin^tomfotthl rj — most comfortably {'miust 'клтГаЕаЬМ] quickly |'kwikli| — morequickly f'moi'kwikhl — mostquickly {'msust 'kwikh] Lesson Eleven VJI a), p. 147 1. Aicx is never late for his classes. 2. He usually has dinner at two o'clock. 3. I seldom go to bed before twelve o'clock. 4. I often speak Spanish to my mother. 5. lie always works in the lab after his lessons. 6– Do you think that she is sti 11 ill? 7– 1 think she is already at home. 8. 1 sometimes see him in the library. VIM. p. 14S 1. 1 know the foil owing traditional holidays in our country: the New Year, Mother's Day, May Day, Easter, Day of Freedom of Russia, Victory Day. Christmas. Teachers' Day and some others. 2. We usually see in the New Year at home. 3. Yes, there is. There is a New-Year tree at our place at that time. 4. The biggest and the most beautiful New-Year tree in Moscow can be seen in the Kremlin. 5. Wccelehrale Mother's day on the eighth of March. в. I usually give my mother a bunch of flowers and a present. 7. Victory Day is not only a traditional holiday in our coun­try, it is also an international holiday. B– On Victory Day we usually go to the war memorials and take flowers there or lay wreathes on the soldiers' graves, 9. In fact people mother со un tries celebrate Victory Day in the same way. 10. The traditional holiday of teachers in our country is Teachers' Day. 11. My birthday is on the 21" of July. 12. No, I don't. 1 don't always invito guests to my birthday party. 13. 1 don't like this tradition. / I like this tradition as 1 am still very young. 14– No, I don't. 1 don't put candles on my birthday cake be­cause 1 think it is superfluous, Ex. IK, p, 14S 1. arger 2, shorter Э. better 4. fewer 5. most beautiful 6. colder 7. more difficult 6, easier 9. farthest, quietest Ex. ПР, p. 149 I. to, of 2. to, in3.in, of, of, of 4. in, of 5. in 6. In 7. of. on 8. in, of 9. to, of 10. of. of. at, of 11. of. in / of. from 12. оГ. 13. in E*. XIV, p. 149 1. — –the, — ,the, — 2. The,the, — 3. the, —, — 4. {he5. —. the, the 6. The. the. the 7. the, — 8.-9. The, — Ю– an. a U.The.thel2. the 13.the Ек. XVI, p. 150 1. Is Russia a very large country? Russia is a very large country, isn't it? What country isa very large one? What kind of Country is Russia? Is Russia a very large or a very small country? 2. Are there more than 100 nationalities in the CIS? There are more than 101) nationalities in CIS. aren't there? How many nationalities are there in the CIS? 3. Is winter very cold in the North of our country? In the North of our country winter is very cold, isn't it? In what part of our country is winter very cold? Is winter very cold or very warm in the North of our country? 4. Are there many rivers and lakes in the North of Russia? There are a lot of rivers and lakes in the North of Russia, aren't there? in what part of Russia are there many rivers and lakes? Are there many rivers and Lakes in the North or in the West of Russia? КVll, p, 150 1. I can see four oceans on the map. They are the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. 2. Yes. it. is. The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world. 3. The Pacific Ocean is the largest one in the world, 4. No, it does not. The Pacific Ocean docs not wash Western Europe. 5. The Atlantic Ocean washes Western Europe. 6. The Arctic Ocean washes the northern part of Europe. 7. The Pacific Ocean washes Eastern Asia. fi. The two American continents are North America and South America- 9. I also know Europe. Asia. Africa* Australia and the Ant­arctic. 10. Australia is a continent. 11. Ireland is nn island. 12. Yes. they are. The Alps are higher than the Urals. 13. The highest mountains in Europe are the Caucasus 15.642 in). 14. No, it is not. The Nile is the longest river in the world (6.671 km). 15. No. it is not. The Thames is not so long as the Mississippi, it is much shorter than Ihe Mississippi. 1G. The Nile is the longest river in the world. 17. Yes, it is. The Black Sea is in the South. 18. No, it is not. The Baltic Sea is not in the South. It is in the North-West. 19. The White Sea is in the North. 20. The United States is in North America. 21. Japan Is in the East. 22. Italy is in the South of Europe. 23. The capital of Bulgaria is Sofia. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. The capital of Rumania is Bucharest. 24. The Spaniards speak Spanish. The ■Japanese speak Japa­nese, Е>. XX, р. 150 L The pupils ask if the United Slates lain North America. 2. The studen tasks if the Volga is longer than the Thames. 3. The pupil asks if the Thames is as long as the Volga. 1. My friend asks me if the Baltic Sea is cold. 5. The teacher asks if Budapest is in Hungary. 6. The teacher says {that) the Indian Ocean is warmer than the Arctic Ocean. I. Betty says (that) her farther speaks two foreign lan­guages — German and French. 8. The teacher says (that) London is the capital of Great Britain. 9. The teacher says (that) Hetty speaks German better than Mary. 10. My friend asks if Mary speaks Italian. II. My mother asks if Helen knows any foreign languages. 12– The teacher says (that) Japanese is a difficult language. 13. The student asks If Japanese is moredlf ficult than Rus­sian. 14. The pupil asks if Prague Is the capital of Czechia. 15. The teacher asks me if I can spell the word Mississippi'. Ex. XXI. p. 151 aj He wants to take part in the game. He wants to take part in the play. He wants to take part in the football match. He wants to take part in the demonstration. He wants to take part in the concert. He wants to take part in the discussion, b) He doesn't want to take part in the game. He doesn'l want to take part in the ptay. Hedoesn'l want to lake part in the football match. He doesn't want to take part in the demonstration. He doesn't want to take part in the concert. He doesn't want to take part in the discussion. Ex. XXII a), p. 151 1. He knows French much beller lhan German- 2. He can doit much heller than she {can), 3. He writes dictations much better than his friends. Ex. XXIII, p. 151 Model 1: Let me Introduce you to my mother. Let me introduce you to my sister. Let me introduce you to my cousin. Let me introduce you to my father-in-law. Modal 2:1 am ever so glad to sec you. I am ever so glad Lo listen to you. Iam ever so glad to do it for you. Iam ever so glad to Join you. Model 3: Would you join our group? Would you join my friends? Would you join our company? Would you ioin my family? Model 4r He is (a) Greek. He is {an) Armenian. He is (an) English. He is a Spaniard. Model 5^ The Poles live in Poland. The English live in England. The Spanish iive in Spain. The French live in France, Model 6: He Comes / is from Latvia. She comes / is from Spain. They come / are from France. We come / arc from Russia. Ex. XXIV, p. 152 1. During the holidays Moscow looks especially beauti­ful, 2. Is Women's Days traditional international holiday? 3. Would you like to see in the NewYear with us? 4. A famous / well-known singer is taking part in our ton-test / competition. 5– The view out of the window of my room Is beautiful / splendid. Ё. When ills getting dark* people go out into the streets to see the illuminations. 7. There are many foreign guests in Moscow on holidays. They walk about the city and talk to the Russian people J cltiiene. 8. Do you take part in the work of our English club? 9. Students from different cities of Russia study in our group. 10. My friend knows German much better than I do. П. Не вроаке Italian badly bill I"' 11 rifU-rala nds nearly every thing- 12. What foreign liingiiBgeit&ra your friend speak? 15. If Ime introduce you <o niy mother. 14, IЯсс ftlchdcr / Slim bliick'haireri girl at the window. What do you think tier nationality A? — I know tlmt her mother 1в a Gcordmi and tier father isa йивйнп. 16. Among the tourists then? Were many Bulgaria n.i who spoke Russian well. 16.my birthplace is Mobcow. Основной курс Lesson Twelve bf. II. p. tse giving ГЧ^Ш|| taking |1cifcin|. beginning | frt'cjini П |, buying Inininj]. paying fpi-'nijj, saying {4clin|. listening |'lisrUll]. writing I'r.iirin], litiiyiiig I'stei i n|. lenyi np jlrvin I. eoi ng \'qv nn]. coming |'Ьлщ1Г||, dining |rdainin|. putting I'pullrfJ. passing {'|ju:sin|, talking |i.i:kui|. working Cwiitan], Kcuins I'yeim]. alEling Hill"»], looking jlukin]. forgetting | la'uel in|, hu rry] ng {'hnrnnj. studying I'lUdnn], truuclilnj! |'iritvo|in|, hiving {'hicvin], gi ving {'q mn. |. tasting | 'rci:Uinj, preferring { pnli: с in |. bringing |Ъг mm] .offering ]nfrrm|. adding I'.x'dm] En. Ill, p. 156 J. is reading?– Am working3. ia silling 4. srn preparingB. are working o. am writing 7. am Laving в. are not going 9. Is corning 10.(я. not giving Ex. IV p. 15G ■1 1.i em doing excrcine IVon page 16c tat the English len-Ј0nj. Z. I am listening to Llie Lecturer (at the lecture]. 3. IЛШ copying trie timetable(in Ihecorridor). I.i am walking |along hit street). 6. T*ni making & flowerbfri (in the gArden). 6. I am going down the escalator (in the meLro). 7. I am picking up berries and mushmom* (|n the forest). ft. I am having dinner |in the dining room). 9. lam swimming (In the water). ■ 0.i am cooking breakfaal (in lhc kllclicnl. II. Iam taking a sJiower (In the Ъ a I broom J. О) I. My fellow student is nl&n doing Exercise IV on page 1ДС (ftl UlC English lesson). Ji ■ Основной type 2. My follow student Is also listening lo the lecturer (at the lecture). 3. My fellow student is also copying the timetable (in the corridor)^ 4. My fellow student Is also walking (along the street). 5. My fellow student is also making a flowerbed (in the gar­den). 6. My fellow student is also going down the escalator tin the metro}, 7. My fellow student is also picking up berries and mush­rooms (in the forest). 8. My fellow student is also having dinner (in the dining-room). 9. My fellow student is also swimming {in the water). 10. My fellow student is also coo king breakfast (In the kitch­en). 11. My fellow student is also taking a shower (in the bath' room). Еж. VI p. 156 1. My father asks me why 1 donht read English newspa­pers. 2. Maggy asks me why lam Looking at her in that way. 3. My teacher says (that) J have got a number of mistakes in my translation. 4. Sim asks me what T am going to he when 1 leave the Insti­tute. 5. Г say (that) 1 am sure I am going to be a teacher. 6. He says (that) Italy ia in ihe South of Europe. 7. My cousin asks me when 1 nni coming to see them, S. She says (tlmt) she likes the poem, (and) she is going to learn it by heart. 9. Mother asks us not lo be late for dinner. 10. Our teacher says (that) we must work more systemati­cal I y- П' They ask us not stay here any longer as It is getting dark. Lesson l'i\evc • *9 12. The girl says (that) they have a lot of English books at home. IS. The child asks me what Iam doinp. 14. The mother asks him why he is crying and asks him to come up to her. 15. The boys say to the father (that) they want to help him. 16. Mr. Smith invites me to have dinner with them. 17. The mother toils the children to eat up their porridge. 18. The teacher asks us Lo find the Thames on the map, 19. They ask John not lo make so much noise as the baby is asleep. Ex. XI, p. 165 A.1. I sec a dining room in the picture. 2. The Smiths arc in the dining room. 3. They are having breakfast. 4. Mrs. Smith is putting some cornflakes on the boy's plate. 5. The elder daughter is passing the sugar to her father. 6. No, he doesn't. John doesn't like sugar on his corn­flakes. 7. He prefers milk on his cornflakes. 8. Ann is already finishing her corn flakes. 9. Kitty doesn't Like cornflakes. 10– Kitty is just thirsty, she wants some lea and cakes. 11. Mr. Smith asks Ills wife to give him a little more corn­flakes. 12. Mrs. Smith doesn't ask her cider daughter to do any­thing. 13– The children are still talking over their corn flakes while their father is having his tea. в. 1. The two friends eo to the canteen. 2. For dinner they take mixed salad, chops and mashed po­tatoes, ч 3. They go to the canteen because it's high time to have a bite. 4. No, they don't– They don't always take soup for dinner. Ь. The friends harry to Lhe meeting of their English club. 6. They must leave at once to he in time for the beginning of the discussion* Cr 1– I have breakfast st seven o'clock. 2. For breakfast I have a cup of toffee and a couple of sand' wlches. 3. My breakfast ia note square meal. 4. I usually have dinner at home, 5– Having dinner at home is less expensive than having it in a restaurant. 6. For the first course I usually have cabbage soup, for Lhe second course I have fish and mashed potatoes Bud for dessert T have a glass of slewed prunes. 7. I usually have dinner at two o'clock in thesfternoon. 8. I cook meals in my family. 9. It goes without saying 3 can. IG. On Sunday I have dinner at three o" clock. 11. My Sunday dinner is a substantial meal that consists of chicken broth with quenelles, trout and vegetables* and ice cream with jam to finish with. 12. No. 1 don't. As a ride I don't have supper late. 1,4. Late meals are harmful for our health. 14. Yes. I do. I like vegetables very much. 16. I like salad, garlic, onions, carrots, beets, cucumbers. cauliflower. Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, aubergines. marrows, jtepper, paprika, tomatoes. 16– I like salmon soup best. 17.1 like cabbage and aubergine salad. 1Б. In summer I buy melons and watermelons anil in winter I buy apples and bananas. 13. 1 lay the table in a usual / classical way. Ex. XII, p. 166 A. 1. Are they having breakfast? They are not having break' fest. 2. Is Mrs. Smith putting any cornflakes on the boy's plate? Mrs. Smith is not putting any cornflakes on the boy's plate. Lesson Tv.e ve * SI 3. Is Ann finish higher corn flakes? An и is not finishing her cornflakes. 4. ls Mrs. Smith passing a plate toher husband? Mrs. Smith is not passing a plate to her husband. 5. Are the children talking over their cornflakes? The chil­dren are not talking over their cornflakes. 6. Are we having an English lesson? We are not Laving an English lesson. 7. Is the girl coming into the room? The girl is not coming into the room. 1. Am I finishing this article? 1 am not finishing this arti­cle. 2. Do 1 prefer a glass of soda water? I don't prefer a glass of soda water. 3. Is the waitress already bringing in our ten? The waitress is not bringing in our tea yet. Л. Is the boy writing a letter to his parenLs? The boy is not writings letter to his parents. 5. Is my cousin leaving tomorrow? My cousin is not leaving tomorrow, . JtlVa), p. 166 1. Is the elder daughter passing the salt to her father? The elder daughter is passing the salt to her father, isn't she? Who is passing the salt to her Tether? Which daughter is passing the salt to her rather? Wtiatis the elder daughter passing to her father? Is the elder daughter passing the salt or the sugar to her father? 2. Are you thirsty now? You arc thirsty now, aren't you? Who is thirsty now? Are you thirsty or hungry now? 3. Is the father having his cup of tea? The father is having his cup of tea. Isn't he? Who is having his cup of tea? What is the father having? Is the father hnving his cup of tea or coffee? 4. Must you leave in a quarter of an hour? You must leave In a quarter of an hour, mustn't you? Who must leave in a quarter of an hour? When must you leave? What must Ы ' Основной курс you do in a quarter of an hour? Must you leave in a quarter of an hour or in half an hour? 5– Are the children working in the garden? The children are working in the garden, aren't they? Who ia working in the garden? Where are the children working? Are Lhe children working in the garden or in the yard? 6. Are the students reading the text? The studenta are read­ing the text, aren't they? Who Is reading the text? What are the students reading? Arc the students reading or copying the text? 7. Is the gi ri going to write a Ietter7 The giri is going to write a letter, isn't she? Who is going to write a letter7 What is the girl going to do? Whst is the girl going to write? Is the girl going to write a letter or a composition? S. 1, Are you reedy to go down to the canteen? You are ready to go down to the canteen, aren't you? Who is ready to go down to the canteen? Where are you ready to go down to? Arc you ready to go down to the canteen or to the restaurant? 2. Are you finishing this article? You are finishing this article, aren't you? Who is finishing this article? What are you finishing? What article are you finishing? Are you finishing this or that article? 3. Do you prefer a glass of soda water? You prefer a glass of soda water, don'I you? What do you prefer? Who prefers a glass of soda water? Ooyou prefer a glass of soda water or a cup of coffee? 4. Is the waitress already bringing in our tea? The waitress is already bringing in our tea, isn't she? Who is already bringing in our tea? What is Lhe waitress already doing? What is the waitress already bringing in? Whose tea is the waitress already bringing in? Is the waitress already bringing In our tea or their ice cream? 5. Do Г forget about the meeting of our club7 I forget about the meeting of our club, don't J? Who forgets about the meet! ng of ou r club? W hat do I forget ahou I? What mec t –log do 1 forget about? Do I forget about the meeting of our club or of our chair? 6– Must you leave at once to be in time for the beginning of the discussion? Vou must leave at once to be in time for the beginning of the discussion, mustn't you? Why must you leave at once? Who must leave at once to be in time for the beginning of the discussion? Must you leave at once to be in Lime for Lhe beginning or for the end of the discussion? Ей, XV, p. 167 a) four, fourlecn, forty, nine, nineteen, ninety, twelve, thirty-eight, one hundred snd fifty-seven, six hundred and sev' enty-three, eight hundred and twenty-one, one thousand two hundred and thirty-nine, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, two thousand qnd eighteen, three thousand six hundred and eighty-seven, two hundred and seventy-one, two hundred and ninety-nine, nine hundred and forty-five, nine thousand two hundred and twelve, three hundred and twenty-two Ы the twenty-third of January nineteen sixty-four, the seventh of November nineteen forty-five, the twenty-second of June nineteen forty-one, the fifth of December nineteen eighty-two Ex. XVI. p. 167 (a) 1. leaves 2. stays 3. stay 4. leaving 5. leave 6. leave 7. stay В. stay. lcavcS. leaving, stay 10. leaving 11– staying, leaving 12. leave, slay |Ь) 1. comes 2. comes / goes 3. comes 4. go 5. coming 6– going, going (c) 1. still 2. another 3, another, still 4. more 5. more 6. still 7. more B. another 9. more 10. more 11. another 12. still 13. still 14. more 15. still 16. still 17. more IS. more 39. more 20. another 21. more 22. still Ex. XVII, p. J6й A. I. —2. to3. to4. to5. —6. In 7. at8. in9. in 10. —,to 11. at, in 12, at, in 13, in 14– out 15. in 16. into, — I7-— le.for в. 1, for, in 2. for3. with 4. to Ъ. to 6. for. for 7. with 8. to9, for, to 10. to lb to 12. out of 13. —. In 14. for IS-оГ Ex. XVIII a), p. 168 1. Do they have supper at eight? They don't have supper at eight- 2. Do you usually have dinner at home? We don't usually have dinner at home. 3– Does father have lunch at his office? Father doesn't have lunch nt his office. 4. Does your cousin's family have dinner at five o'clock as a rule? My cousin's family doesn't have dinner at five o'clock as a rule, 5. Does he have dinner in thecanteen? He doesn't have din­ner in the canteen. 6. Do you always have breakfast at home? I don't always have breakfast at home. 7. Do they usually have lunch together? They don't usually have lunch together. 8. Does your brother have lunch at the plant? My brother doesn't have lunch at the plant. 9. Do you often have dinner at your aunt's? I don't often have dinner at my aunt's- Ей. XX, p. 160 1– I should like some cucumbers, now. 2. 1 should lilcesomechnpti and mashed potatoes now. 3. I should like some H.msnge now. 4. 1 should like some jinn now. 6– I should Mice some augur now. 6– I should like some bacon and egga now. 7. I should hkesome mnrmalade now. 3. 1 should like some coffee now. 9. I should like some lee cream now. 10. I should likesome chicken now. 11. I should like some luumunn now. Ex. XXI, p. 169 Model f: 1. Shall I speak English? 2– Shall 1 open the window? 3. Shall I read the exercise? 4. Shalll do It at once? 6 ■ Shall I repeat this рое m ? 6. Shall I learn it by heart? 7– Shall 1 clear the table? 8. Shall I answer your question? 9. Shall I lay the table? 10. Shall I make tea for us? Model 2? 1. Shall Г look it up in the dictionary? 2. Shall I step aside? Shall I read it up for you? 3– Shall I teach you how to swim? 4. Shall 1 speak Louder? 5. Shall {spellit? 6. Shall I take you around Moscow by car? 7. Shall I help you to iook for It? 8. Shall 1 give you mine? Ex. XXII, p, 170 1. So do I. So does my brother. 2. So am I, So are the students of Group 103, 3. So is mine. So am I. 4. So is mine. So am I. 5. So do L So does my brother. 6. Neither do I– Neither does my sister. 7. So does my uncle. So do we, 8. Neither do 1. Neither does my cousin. 9. Neither do I. Neither does my father. 10. Neither can we. Neither can my friend. 11. So do 1. So does my brother. 12. Neither do L Neither does my mother. 13. Neither can 1. Neither can my daughter. 14. So do wc. So do the Browns. 56 * Ос конной курс 15. So am I. So arc Lhe first-year students. 16. So am I. So are Lhe postgraduate students. 17– So is mine. So is my niece. IS. Neither are our neighbours. lfl. So is mine. So is my cousin's (father). Ен. XXIII a), p. 170 1. Mrs. Smith asks John if he will have sugar on his corn­flakes. Й. John thanks liis mother and says that he would like some more milk instead. ■1. Mr. Smith asks Kitty why she isn't esting anything and adds thai Ann is already finishing her cornflakes. 4. Kitty says thatshedoesn't like cornflakes. She says that she is just thirsty and asks her mother to give her some tcs and cakes. 5. Mrs. Smith asks Kitty to be a good girl and to have some more cornflakes. She says that they are going to have bacon and eggs and then Kitty will gel her tea with toast and marmalade. 6. Mr. Smith asks his wife to give him a little more corn­flakes. 7. Mrs. Smith aslfs her husband if lie will have some bacon and eggs. S. Mr. Smith asks for a strong cup of tea and says (that) he is afraid he must leave in a quarter of an hour or so. Ex. XXV, p. 170 1. They h&ve neither a son nor a daughter. 2. She can do neither sing nor dance. 3. 1 use neither pepper nor mustard. 4. He speaks neither English nor French. 5. I like neither football nor hockey. 6– She knows neither my cousin nor my brother. 7. i am going to buy neither cabbage nor potatoes. 3. 1 am going to have neither coffee nor cake. Lesson Twelve 9. My cousin li kes ne it her nut u ni n nor win ter, 10. Wc need neither cucumbers nor tomatoes. 11. She knows neither physics nor mathematics. 12. We see neither the child nor her mother. 33. You've got neither grammar nor pronunciation mis­takes, 14. Neither my schoolmates nor my fellow students are to come to my birthday party. Ex. XXVlfl. p. 171 Д. 1. They are having dinner. 2. When do you usually have dinner? 3. Whai are we having for supper today? 4. Are you having dinner now? / You are having dinner now, aren't you? 1 shall ring you up in a quarter of an hour then. AH right? / OK? 5. Takeoff your coat and come in. Wc are just having din­ner. 6. What time does your family usually have dinner? 7. Is Nina in / at home? — Yes, she is. She is having din­ner. 6. What are you looking at? — I am looking at that new house. It's a beautiful building. Do you sec it? 9. Good morning / Good afternoon, Sergeyevl Where are you going lo? — I am going to the University. I wanL to listen to Lesson Twelve in the laboratory once more, 10. What are you doing, Bob? — I am writing a letter, don't you see? 11. Are you going to the library? — No, lam not. I am going to the English study room. 12. Why are you smoking here? The child / baby is sleeping in the room. 13. Why are you speaking Russian? You are at the English lesson* aren't you? 14. Don't hurry. The lecture begins only in half an hour. 15. Do you hear me. friends / comrades? Iff. Arc you listening (to me), Pelrov? 58 • Основной курс you hear well? 18. Why don't you answer my question? Can yon answer my question? 19. Don't cry / shout so loudly, your sister is sleeping. 20. Why are you crying, my little kiddy / my little one? — I am not crying. 21. What are the students doing? — They are answering the teacher's questions. (They are listening to Text Twelve). 22. What are you thinking about? It's (high) time to do your homework / to prepare for your lessons, jit's high time to get up. It's high time to go to school. It's high time Lo go to bed). 23. Why are you putting so few plates on the table? We are five today. Grandfather is coming, do you know? 24. Sit down to table, mother is bringing soup. 25. Shall I read this proverb to you? 26. Shall I cook dinner by four o'clock? 27. Shall i write this won! on the blackboard? 28. Shall 1 salt the soup? 29. Shall I fetch (a piece of) chalk? 30. Shall I clean the blackboard? 31. Shall { buy vegetables? 32. Do you have dinner at home? 33. lie doesn't liavedinnerathome,he usually has dinner in the canteen. 34. When / What time do you have breakfast? 35. Why do you have / are you having break fast so late? 36. Dues he always have supper at home? 37. Why doesn't he have dinner at home? 38. I'd like another cup оГ tea (milk, water, coffee). 39. I'd like (some) more milk (porridge, jam, bread, fish). 40. lie is still at home (in the laboratory, in the hospital). 41. I'm thirsty. Let's take a bottle of soda water. В. 1. It's (high) time to have dinner (to have break fast, to have supper). 2. It's high time to know this material. 3. Let's have (some) clear soup / broth for the first course. 4. Who(m)areyou waiting for? — I'm waiting for my girl­friend, we are going to the theatre together. Г I'm waiting for our teacher, he is at the Dean's office). 5. ls the dining room / the canteen downstairs or up­stairs? Q. Will you go downstairs to the library and take the book, please? 7. I prefer fruit to ice cream (pepper to mustard, cold to heat). 8. What do you say to a cup of tea (to a bottle of soda wa­ter)? 9. This film is out of the question. It is not for children. 10. Wlfl you pass me Lhe sail, please. — Here you are, — Thank you. — Not at all. 11. Where is the chalk? Will you give тел piece of chalk? — Here It is. Thank you. — Not at all. 12.1 слпЧ find anything to my taste today. — Can't you? There are so many tasty / delicious things today. Look, there is tomato and cucumber salad, ham, sausage. 13. It's already six (o'clock). — You don't say so! It's (high) time to go home. 14. Who(m) are you waiting here for? It is already a quar­ter past eight. Come on / along. — Just a moment. / Wait a minute. Nina is coming with us. I am waiting for her. — I'm afraid, we are going to he late. It's (high) time Lobe at the Institute. — You are right. Look, she is already coming. Run along! We arc not to / mustn't be late. — Hurry up, NinaT . XXIX, p. 172 to; past, in; of; —; to, at/near, from; for: to, with; up to; on, in. of; for. of, of; Lo; with, in; for; on. out into . XXXI, p. 173 1. Fetch some water. Fetch the water. 2. Don't take the paper. Give me я sheet of paper. Give me the ре per. 3– I'd like (lo have) aome jam. 1 like the jam, it Is very tasty. 4. Have a glass tif milk– Have some milk. Have the milk. 5. Put the cabbagp on ihe table, I'm going to cook dinner. Buy same cabbage, I'm going to cook cabbage eoup today. flr Have sonic mare porridge. — I don't like the porridge. It*a too salty. / There's loo much salt in it. 7. Thesoup is in the kitchen. Fetch it here, please. I'm very hunnry. Give me some soup. 8. Don't buy these cucumbers, I don't like them. Dan't buy (any) cucumbers. 9. I'd like (to have) some coffee. I'd like to have another cup of coffee, 10* Don't lorgct to buy (some) bread. Don't leave Ihe bread on the tabic, put it into the sideboard. II. Will you fetch the chalk, pleas*? Will yoti give me some chalk, please? Lesson Thirteen Еж. II. p. 177 be {bi;] — wasI*oz], йоге {wt.\ — been |bi:n] — being {will] do {du:] — did ]drdj — done|dAn| — doing j'dunn] havc{ha?v| — had {hafd] — had |h&ri| — having {'hxvin] see {sh j — saw {s#l — seen {skn] — seeing fstwj sLrike {tlnukj — struck (sifAk]— struck {sirftk] — striking I'slraiktn] get Joel] – got|goi| — got ]goi| — getting J'gcUt)] openl'iopn| — opened f'supnd] — opened faupnd] — opening |"3Upanrq] turn fta:n] — turned (la:iid] turned {ls:nd| — turning |ts:mnj wash |wnfl — washed |*Oj"l] washcri |wojl] — washing LesMiiTii4teen ■ 61 take {leikl —took flub] —taken |tcikn|— taking |(bikini dry fdrar| — dried {drnid] — dried |draid] — drying {'dranrj clean {klnn| — cleaned |klind) — cleaned {klhtd] — cleaning go {qw] — went fweni] gone|gon] — going {'gsmnj dress {dres.| — dressed {dreslj dressed {diesEj– dressing put {put] — put {put] — put fpul| — putting {'putm] inakc(merk] — marie {mcid] – madc|mcidj making {r mcikm{ sweep {iwi;p] — swept |swcpi] — swept |swepl| — sweeping \\w\:p\p] clear {klra| — cleared {kJl?dJ — cleared {klud| — clearing {'кЬзпп| stay{sler] — stayed {steid] — stayed {mcid] — staying I'slerlij) say |serj — said {sed] — aairi |sed| — Haying {tain] hurry {Ълп] — hurried {'liATid] — hurried {llArio] — hurry ing |'li л run | begin {bi'gm| began {bi'gxn| — begun fWgAn] — beginning {bi'qimn] prepare |рп'рсэ{ prepared {pn'prad] — prepared Iprrprad] — preparing {pri'pt annj сотс|клт| — came|kejm] — come |клт| — coming {"tunin] work |w):k] – worked fw^kl) – worked |ws:kt| — working fwttkml press fprtii| — pressed {prc$l| — pressed {prcsl] — pressing | presmj iron f'aionj — ironed {"alODdj – ironed |'hund| — ironing ftugpmj RjiLher {'gsefls] — gathered fgarf.-tdj — gathered {'gicdad] — gathering fgi^jrml play |plei] — played |pleid| playing { pkiip] repair {п"ргэ| — repaired {rr'prad] —knit {nit] — knit {nil] — knit {ml| — kidtting{niiui| listen f'lisn] — listened {'hsnd] — listened {hsnd] — listening {lismn] hang |ha?o] hung|hA^| – hung {tun] hanging {bain in] G~, ■ Основной курс change {tremtft] — changed {tjernd^d] changed {i|e]iid;d| cha ngi og (tfcmdj in I want {wont] — wanted {'wnnitd] — wanted {'wnulid| — wanting {Vnnun] finish f'frmJI — finished J'fmifiJ — fiuksFied |*fnu/l| — finishing {Timjin] know |пчи| knew{nju:| — known {nsun{ – knowing {Vffun] help {help] — helped {hclptj — helped {rn.-lpl| — helping {hdpinl En. Ill, p, 177 1. Noh I haven't. I haven't had dinner yet. 2– Yes, J have. 1 have had coffee today. 3– Yes, he has. My brother has left for Kiev. 4. Nil, she hasn't. She has never met your elder brother. 5. No. she hasn't. Mary hasn't been to the canteen yet. 6. No. J haven't. I haven't found anything to my taste on the menu. 7. No. they haven't. They haven't paid for the lunch yet. 8. We ha ve discussed the novel by Oscar Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray". 9. I have paid fifty roubles for the supper. 10. No, I haven't. I haven't learned / learnt this poem by hurt. lb Yes, I have, t have made few mistakes in spelling. 12– Г have found this book in the attic. 13– 1 have learned / learnt Lesson Twelve by heart. 14, J have already read ''Vanity Fair" by William Thackeray and other English classics of the previous century. Ex. IV, p. 17B 1. tells 2. tells 3. tells 4. tells 5. tells 6. says 7. says g. tells 9. says 10. tells 11. says 13. tells 13. says 14. says Lesson 'imieen – S3 Ел. V. p. 178 1. Mary says to me (that) she is already finishing this book. 2. The girl says lo her mother (that) she doesn't like por­ridge, 3– Tom says lo his friend (that) he is going to the canteen. 4. The boy says lo me (that) he is thirsty, 5. The teacher says to the students It hat) they must be read у for the written test tomorrow. 6. Nick says to his mother (that) he has already had din­ner. 7. Boris says to me (that) his father is leaving for Kiev. 3– Nick says to me (that) he has already paid for the LuncFi- 9. Ida says lo her friends (that) there is nothing to her taste on the menu. 10. The girl says to her sister (that) she hasn't finished her supper yet. 11. Tom says (that) he can speak two foreign languages — English and Spanish. 12. Mary asks if the bell has gone. 13. Tom asks if Mary is staying at home. 14. Nick asks / tells Ann not to forget to air the room. 13. John asks his father if she has left. lb. Tom asks Mary what their next lesson is. Еи. V. p. 185 1. lgct up at seven o'clock. 2. It depends. In winter it is dark when 1 get up. 3. Yes, T do. 1 do my morning exercises to music. 4. 1 takes shower in the bathroom. 6, I brush / clean my teeth with a toothbrush, dry myself on / with a towel and do my hair with a comb. 6. I take a shower both in the morning and before 1 go to bed. 7. 1 clean my teeth with toothpaste. 8. T dry myself on • with a towel, 9. ldo my hair before a mirror­ 10. 1 usually have breakfast at half past sr-ven. 11. After meals I must wash up. 1 2. ilefore I leave the University 1 usually go lo the library to look through the latest periodicals or to take sonic books. 13.1 clean my flat with a vacuum cleaner. 14,1 leave for Hie University at half past eight* 1ft. No. it doesn't. It doesn't take nie Long to get to theUni' versity. 16. It takes me a quarter of an hour to get to the Univer­sity. 17. Yes, I do. 1 go to the University by hue. 13. My classes begin at nine o'clock sharp. 19. When the classes ore over 1 go to the canteen. 20. 1 usually have dinner at dome. 31. E prefer to work in theUniveraity reading room. 32. Lt Usually takes me five hours to do my homework. 33. Yes. I do. 1 work at the laboratory everyday. 24. I usually come home at five o'clock. 2ft. When I come home I usually change my clothes and wash my hands. 26-1 help my mother about the house in different ways: I wash upT water the flowers, dust the furniture. 27. 1 iron linen with an electric iron, clean the rooms with a vacuum cleaner, sweep the floor in the kitchen with a broom. 28. In Lhe evening I usually go out for a walk. 29.1 don't often go to the theatre or lo thecinema- 30. Yes, I am. 1 am fond of skating, 31. When I stay at home in the evening J read books and write articles. 32. No. they don't. My friends don't often come to sec me. 33. When my friends come to see nie 1 play the piano and wc listen lo music. .44– Yes. I do. 1 listen lo the news every day. 35. When 1 am going to listen to the news! switch On the TV set. 36.1 usually go to bed at a quarter to twelve. 37. My sister does the shopping in our family-Ex. VI a), p. 1BG 1. Has Mary ironed the tablecloth yet? Mary hasn't yet ironed the tablecloth, 2. Have J turned off the light yet? I haven't yet turned off the light. 3– Have the girls done the room yet? The girls haven't yet done the room. 4. Does it take me long to prepare for my English lessons? It doesn't take me long to prepare for my English les­sons. 5. Has It taken Peter five minutes to shave? It hasn't taken Peter five minutes to shave. 6. Arc we going to the skating rink after classes? We aren't going to the skating rink after classes. 7. Is my sister very good at sewing? My sister isn't very good at sewing. 8. Is Peter going to repair our TV set? Peler isn't going to repair our TV set. 9. Are we going for a walk after classes? We aren't going for a walk after classes. 10. Must I do any knitting today? 1 mustn't do nny knitting today. Ex. VII a), p. 186 1. When do you have dinner? 2. When do you leave for the Institute? 3. How do you go to the Institute? Where do you go by bill? 4. How long lias it taken you to do your homework? What has it taken you three hours (to do)? h. Who has already repaired the radio? What ha& David already repaired? 6. How long has it taken you to knit this sweater? What has it taken you a fortnight (to do)? iii • Основной курс Where яге you going Lo have Юте practice in intona­tion? Where are you going to today? When are you going to the theatre? Who is going to press his coat? What is Robert going to press? Whose coat is Robert going to press? 10. What do you do your room with once a week? How often do you do your room with a vacuum cleaner? 11. Why needn't you switch on the light? 12. Who has gone to bed? 13. Eiow long does it take you to have breakfast? What does it take you a quarter of an houritodo)? 14. Do you take a hath every morning? What do you take every morning? 15. How do you go to the Institute? Ifi. Where are you going to? 17. What do you do your hair with? Fx. VIII. p. 186 1– I have already had some practice in the laboratory. 2. I have Just cleaned the flat. 3. John has just shaved. 4. They have already had a rest in the country. 5. Ann has just turned off the gas. 6. The boy has already brushed his clothes. 7– I have just turned on the Light. 8. His family has just listened to the seven o'clock news, 9– Who has already had a bite? 10. What have you already done? 11. They have already stayed out of town for a fortnight. 12. I have just looked through his article. Ex. X, p. 187 1. a2. a3. the.a4. the. — /the5. the, —6. the,—* — 7. — Я. the. the 9. —, a. — 10. the. the 11. a. — 12. — Ex. XI, p. 187 1. at, down. to. till, on, — 2. of, for3. to 4. up 5. off, to 6. on. to 7. —, off, on, to, on, on/with 8. with 9. off 10. for П. at 13– off, on 13-on, to 14. by 15. up. of 16. with Ex. XII, p. 188 1. wrong, right 2. sleeping 3. ready A. shower / bath, clean / brush 5. rest 6. washed, dry 7. brush / clean 8. clean, do 9. knit / knitted 10. listen, watch, go. come 11. go 12. gets up 13. towel 14. concert / meeting / party 15. electric iron, look 16. light 17, table 18. pressed 1. older 2. younger3. morel, warmer 5. longerd. more / less 7. most 8. fine / well 9. better / worse С. 1. Finish 2. done 3. make 4. do 5. does 6. do / clean 7. do 8, make 9. make Ex. Ж III, p. 189 1. Those apples are not so tasty as these ones. 2. The Don is not so long as the Volga Is, 3. You house is not so tall as my house is / as mine. 4. Your pronunciation is worse than that of Tom. Б. The winter In London Is not so cold as that in Moscow. 6. My mother is not so young as yours. Ex. XIV, p. 189 a| It takes me a quarter of an hour to get to the Institute. It lakes him an hour and a half to repair the radio. It takes Mary an hour to prepare for the English lesson. It takes them long to get home. Tt takes us an hour and a half to prepare for the English lesson. It takes you long to get to the Institute. It takes Mary a quarter of an hour to get home. How long does it lake Tom lo get to the club? How long does it Lake Ann to do Lhe flat? How long does it take you Lo clean the windows? How Jong docs it take thorn to have dinner? How Jong does it take you to do the flat? c| It doesn't take me long to tnke n shower. It doesn't take Mary Jong to cook dinner. It doesn't take Dob long to get home, ft doesn't take us Jong to Jearn the dialogue by heart. It doesn't take yon Jong locook dinner. It doesn't take them long to get home. It doesn't take us Jong to cook dinner. Ex. XV a), p. 189 1. Has she? 3– Hasn't it? 3. Have you? 4. Has it? 6. Haven't you? в. Has she? 7. Have you7 8. Haven't you? 9. Haven't you? 10. Have you? Ex. XIX, p. 190 A. 1. Is Peter asleep yet? — No. he is already awake / has al­ready woken up. 2. When I come home, J go to the bathroom, turn on the tap / faucet, wash my hands and dry them on / with the towel. 3. You must air the bedroom before going to bed / you go to bed. 4. The mother asks the boy to take the broom and Gweep the floor. 5. Do you goto the Institute by bus? 6. What do you usually do after classes? 7. Takeoff the coat and hang Hon the hook. 8. J-el's have a dance. — With pleasure. 9– Do you usually do morning exercises to (the) music? — Yes, I do. 10. How long does it take you to get lo the Institute? — About half an hour. / Half an hour or so. 11. It takes me a quarter of an hour lo do my hair and to gel dressed. 12. Something has gone wrong with the TV sel. it doesn't work. Lesson Thirteen • 69 13. Plug in the iron, please, and press the father's coat. 14. What are you doing (now)? — I am ironing (linen), lb. At eight o'clock father puts on his coal and hot and goes to work. IH. What arc you going lo do? — 1 am going to take / have a bath. 17. 1/et us go to the skating rinkl — 1 am afraid. Г can't. 18. Let me help you (to) do / tidy up / clean the room. 19. How Jong has it taken you to prepare Laboratory Work Twelve? 20. It's very hot. i'd tike to take / have a cold shower. 21. The boy has aJready finished his porridge and is having coffee and / with a sandwich. 22– I (have) opened the window to air the room. 23. Have you nlready knitted / worked the sweater? — Not yet. 1 am going lo finish it tomorrow. 24. Hurry up or we'll be late for the first lesson, 25. Where is your sister? — She is washing up in the kitchen. 26. The boy asked his mother to sew a / the button on his coat. 27. Let us turn / switch on the tape recorder and listen to (the) music. 28. What are you doing? — !! am preparing for my English Jesson. — What are you going to do next? — L am going to play the grand piano. 29. Have you heard the latest news? — Yea. I have. 30. What are you doing? —I have washed (the) linen and now I am ironing it. 31. Lei us get together/gather after classes and have a walk together. 32. E like the dress (thai) you were wearing yesterday. 33. Why is it dark in the room? — Something has gone wrong with the lamp. 34. Are you sure (that) you have switched off the light? — Yes. I am. a. 1. Almost every family has a radio or a TV in the country now. That is why people can watch TV / TV programmes 7L –Основной:КУРС or listen lo the radio at home. Sonic of them go to the reading room to read a book, в newspaper or a magazine. Others go to the club, if there is s concert there or a new film ifl on. 2. Will it do a child any good lo sit up In front of the TV set (for) the whole evening? — Of course not. Children must spend more limeout-of-doors / In the open air. 3. What do you usually do in the even ingfs)? — We usually stay at home. Once or twice a week we go to the skating-rink. to the theatre or to the cinema. My sister is fond of music / lilies music very much and often goes to the concerts. Wc sometimes watch TV If there Is something Interesting on the programme. — Are you going out to­night / this evening? — 1 don't think so. Let us go to our University club then. There will be a concert there. You arc sure to like it– — Thank you. with pleasure. 4. Something has gone wrong with the radio/the wirelesa. It doesn't work– t*tmehavealookat it. — Do you lliink you can put it right? — Certainly. / Of course. / Sure– — How long will it take you to do it? — Quite a little time. / Not too long. It's ready. Here you are. — How clever of you! Thank you very much. — Not el all. Lesson Fourteen Ex. II, p. 196 Tell {lei] — told {ttuSd] — told {tWld] – telling flelin] go {gju| – went {went] — gone {доп] — going {'дзшп] come {клт|—came {keim| — соте{клт] — coming {'клтшл] walk |wj:k] — walked (w?ki| — walked {wodct] — walking l^wTtkigJ give {giv] — gave {geiv| — given ('tfjvnj — giving I'givnj] take {leifc] — took |tuk] — taken {teikn] — taking (ioiknjl put|pui| — put (pull — put {pull Pltfttnjjjf { pulinl say {sei] – said (sed) — said IsedJ — saying {'seiinj {еиап "oLjileen7\ speak (spirk] — spoke {spsuk] — spoken {'sp3ukn) — speaking hear {h]o| — heard (hs:d] — heard {h3:d] — hearing {hioruj] see {si;] — sawjsj] — seen {sin] — seeing {'si: щ] read {ri:d] – read {red] — read {red| — reading {ihdrnl write (raiij — wrote {гэо1] — written {Vnn|— writing {'rajlmj finish {fim/l — finished j'hm/i] — finished {finiflj — finish­ing (fmifiTll begin {bi'gm] — began {ЬГджп] — begun {Ы'длп] — beginning {Ы'дгшп] такс Jmeik] — made {mctd] — madc{meid] — making {'meikin] show {fnu| — showed {Jsud] — shown Цяш] — showing Cfuum] enter|'cnl3l — entered {entsdl — entered {cntsd] —entering {'етзпп I lesch {ir-tf| — taught {ta;l] — taught {еэ:{| — teaching {'{i:g"inj study J'siAdj] — studied {'siAdidJ — studied I'stAdid] — study­ing {'stAdnir] find {famd] — found {found] — found {faund] — finding {faindtrj| get {geij — got {gr>i] – got {got] — getting {'gednl leave {lin/j — left {left] — left {left] — leaving { lirvin] stay {slci] — stayed {stefd| — stayed (steid] — slaying {'.tlciirp] pay {pel] – paid {peid] — paid (peid] — paying { pemij eat {i:t] — ate {ei|– eaten firm] — eating ffcOq] drink |dnnk| — drank {d{a?nk] – drunk jdrAnk| — drinking {'d гщк J p] prefer {prifs:] — preferred (prif^idj — preferred {pnf3:d] — preferring {pn'frjnn.] ask {o:sk] — asked )a:&kl] — asked {o:skl] — asking {'a: skin] answer |'a;nso| — answered {'omsad) — answered I'amsad] — answering {'cnn&drm] pass {pQ:s] — passed {pa:sl] — passed {ptoat] — passing ('pn:snil stop {slop] — slopped {stopi] — stopped fstopl] — stopping fstopin] 7! ■ Основной hҐ PC prepare |ргГр!:э} — prepared |pTi'pcod] — prepared {pri'pcodj — prepa ri ng f pn'pr л nij | travel (trajvl] — travelled I'traMd] — travelled I'trsvld] — travelling |'tia;vlin| examine |1дЪд?пип] — examined |iy';3?mmd] — examined {igTzazmind] — examining {ig'ZEcmimn] offer {tofej offered {ofad] offered {nfad| – offering ГоГэгтп] plan {piЈcn] — planned {plamd] — planned {plamd] — plan­ning |'pla?nrn| carry|'k;en| — carried {'kafrid) — carried {'kserld] ■ carrying {ksrnn] occur \э'кт.) — occurred |s'k^:d) — occurred fs'kujd] — occur­ring {з'кз:{1п1 quarrel {'kwnralj — quarrelled {'kwnraldj — quarrelled I'kwnrsld] — quarrelling {'kworshrjl E*. Ill, p– 196 1. My slater worked hard at her English last year. 2. They had lo write many exercises at home (when they were first'year students). 3. (When Lhe professor taught iheni) the students spoke only English at the lesson. 4. Our lesson began at 12 on Thursday. 5. Our family got up at 8 o'clock on Sunday (when we lived in the country). 6. 1 usually prepared my homework in the morning (when I was a sandwich / part-time student). 7– Before going to bed 1 could rest for half an hour and listen to the news (when I was a sophomore). 8. We often had to work together (when we were freshers). 9. We gathered at the club every Saturday (when wc were undergrad uates). 10. The girl read about 20 pages every day (when she was in the first year at the University). 11. In the morning she took a cold shower, dried herself on the towel and cleaned her teeth before she put on her clothes. 12. We didn't understand those words (as there was much noise in the room). 13, The boys did morning exercises every day (when they stayed in the camp for summer). U– Why didn't you turn off tile cassette recorder when you left the room7 15– How long did it take you toget to the theatre last time? — It took me half an hour to get there. . IV, p. 196 1. Did Ann get a good mark yesterday? Ann didn't get a good mark yesterday. 2. Did we translate the text two days ago? We didn't trans­late the text two days ago. 3. Was he translating the text at that time? He wasn't translating the text at that time. 4. Did he come home late last night? He didn't come home late last night. 5. Did she finish her work half an hour ago? She didn't fin' ish her work half an hour ago. 6. Did they have break fast at S? They didn't have breakfast at3. 7. Were they waiting for us then? They weren't waiting for ua then. 8. Did your friend see this film last week? Your friend didn't see this film last week, 9. Was he looking at the people in the hall? He wasn't look­ing at the people in the halL 10. Was there a mistake in his text? There wasn't a mistake in his text. 11– Was Ann having dinner at six о'clock? Ann wasn't having dinner atstn o'clock. 12. Did they have to take four exams? They didn't have to take four exams. .У,р.1вТ 1. Yes. 1 have. I have bought this book. 2. 1 bought it the day before yesterday. 3. Yes, 1 have. I have seen Ша play. 4. I saw it a month ago. а. Yes, 1 have. 1 have made it myself* б, I m&de it on the eve of my birthday party. 7, 1 was writing a letter at seven last night, 8, No. 1 was not. 1 was not knitting at that moment. '■>– I was reading an e-zine when you entered. 10. I was singing an English folk song when he came. 11.1 couldn't help laughing when I saw him. 12. The baby was crying beenuse he was thirsty. 13.1 was listening in when you rang me up. 14. They were writing a message when the teacher entered. 1Б. He wqs listening to music when you called him. 16-1 was reading a manuscript when the doorbell rang. 1 7. We were going to the library when you stopped us. 15. The boy was running to the shed when I saw him. E*. VI. p. 197 1. He said (that) he wanted lo see mo that day. 2. She said (that) she was free that night and asked if she might come to sec me. 3. Mother said to me (that) she felt bad that day. 4. The students of Group 106 said to u&(thai) they had four exams that spring. 5. The pupil said to the teacher (that) he could do his home­work after dinner, 6. The teacher said (that) he knew I worked hard and I was a good boy. 7. The teacher said to the students (that) they had 18 hours of English a week. S. The dean said at the meeting (that) the first-year students had to work well. 9, The girl asked if she might wait for her friend there. 10. She asked if we were going to the club together. 11. The old man said to her (that) she could sing perfectly- 12. My sistcrsaid to me(that) Г looked very well and she hoped I wasall right- 13. The girl said to me (that) she was going lo become a doc­tor. И. Йоте of our students said to him (that) he was not right, he didn't work hard enough. 15. He said to us (that) he agreed he didn't always work sys­tematically. 16. My uncle said to us (that) he bought several newspapers every day. 17. My guest said (that) J was an excellent cook, everything waa eo tasty. Ex. VII, p. 193 I. wentЯ; have been 3. came, had, read, began 4. did… return, returned, did … go, could, was 5. did … discuss 6. have seen 7. entered, saw. was standing, cutting, was cooking 8. heard, ran, saw, lying, crying, has happened, did … hurt 9. want, do… want, haven't… heard 10. are… going, am going, haven't had 11. saw, understood, was working, was thinking, didn't notice 12– Has … returned, came 13. Have … been, were, stayed, remember, liked, liked Ex. VIII, p. 205 L; Why was Ann loo busy to write? 2– When did Ann leave school? 3. When did she begin to prepare for her entrance exams? 4. Why did Ann make up her mind to be a teacher? 5. How many exams did she have to take? 6. Did she pass all of them with excellent marks? 7. Isshe now a first-year student? 8. What University does she study at? 9. What building of the University would Ann like to show to Mary? 10. Why couldn't Ann help admiring that old building? II. When did the first students enter the University? 1 2. What fact are the students of Lhe Moscow State Teacher Training University proud of? IS. How many faculties are there at the University? 14. What wet {-known professors teach at the University? 15. What Libraries snd reading rooms are there at the Uni­versity? 1в. What facilities do they have for those who go in for sports? 17. What subjects does Ann take at the University? IB. Is there an English speaking club at their faculty? 19. What gives the students a good opportunity to master the language? 20. Why is Aim working hard at her pronunciation? 21. Whore do the students work with cassette recorders? 22. Does it help them to find out their mistakes and to get rid of them in the shortest possible time? 23. What does Ann ask Mary lo write about? 24. Whom does Ann send greetings at the end of her letter? Ex. IX, p. 205 I, — 2. In, at 3. for 4, of G.on 6. at 7. in 8. — 9. for 10. — II. lo 12. to 13. in for,at 14. with, — 15. to. in 16. of 17. of 18. from Ex. Xa|,p. 205 1. Who left school in June? When did you leave sohool7 What {educational establishment)did you leave in June? What did you begin to do? Whatdid you begin to prepare for? 2. Whoentered the Institute more than J 00 years ago? What educational establishment did the first students enter more than 100 years ago? When did the first students enter the Institute? 3. Who gathered at my cousin's place to see the New Year in? Where did we all gather to see the New Year in? Why / On what occasion did we all gather at my cousin's place? 4. Whom was i just writing a letter when the doorbell rang and my brother entered? When was I just writing a letter to my brother? Lesson –i>iir(een – П XI. p. 205 1. — 2. the. the 3. —, — 4. — 5. the. the, the 6. a / the 7, a. IheB.a. the 9. a, the 10. the, —, —, — П. the, the 12. the, 13,- Еи. XII, p. 206 1. I made up my mind to go For a walk as It was a pleasant evening. 2. We made up our minds to answer his question in written form. 3. He made up his mind to speak to the assistant dean about hie work. 4. Our cousin made up his mind logo to Lhe counlry for his holiday. 5. He made up his mind to recite his new pneni to his friends, 6. He mnde up his mind Lo gel an excellent mark in Eng­lish. 7. He made up his mind to master iwo foreign languages. Ex. XIII, p. 206 1. lam fond of Tchaikovsky's music. 2. The girls were fond of spending time in the open air. 3. I am fond of swimming. 4. He is fond of Byron's poetry. 5. We ail are fond of Russian nature. 0. The old man was fond of this beautiful park. Ex. XIV, p. 206 1. I can't help loving Replu's work, he isa great artist. 2. I couldn't help going to my sister's yesterday, it was my niece's birthday. 3. T couldn't help inviting Helen, she is one of my best frienda. 4. I couldn't help entering a teachers' training institute. J love children. li ■ Основной курс 5. I couldn't help ^hnghereveryihing, she wonted to know all about her mother. ti. I couldn't help smiling while looking at that funny ani­mal. Ек. XV, p. 207 1. It goes without saying we read a newspaper every day- 2. It goes without saying we must work systematical ty if we want to know English well. 3. it goes without saying she wiii get an excellent mark. 4. It goes without saying his work is very interesting. 5. It goes without saying teaching is a noble profession. 6. It goes without saying he is a well-bred person. 7 i It goes wi thou t sayi ng we arc eager to master the Engl is h language. Ex. XX, p. 208 1. Wc try to take part in the discussions about new films. We take part in lhe public activities of our University. We take part Lb lhe work of our English club. 2. Why don'lyou take pari in our work (in our concert, in our discussion)? 3. He goes in for sports (music, painting, languages, scien­tific work / research, singing, arts), 4. Those who come from other cities live in the hostel. 5. He made up his mind toentcrthe Moscow Teacher Train­ing University (to become a teacher, to study hard this term)* 6. I cannot help stopping when I see this nice child. I could nol helpentering Lhe Teacher Training University, Hike children. 7. The children arc proud of their father-sailor. They are proud of their success. They all (have) passed Lhe examina­tions and got excellent marks. The inhabitants of Volgo­grad are proud of their city. It is really a new wonderful city. 8. Don't be angry with me. It is my fault / mistake. They are angry with me because! have been late (have not answered their letter). 9. It goes without saying (thai) we speak only English at / during lhe English lessons. It goes without saying(that) he has helped us / has given us a helping hand. 10.1 can't get rid of this mistake in (my) pronunciation (of this painful / distressing thought, of this illness / disease). 11– When did you pass the last examination? — I passed the last examination on the twelfth of August. She has passed the last examination. Have you passed this ex­amination? — Yes, I have passed the last examination and now I am free– He did not take the examination with us as he was 111. He has failed / has not passed the examination. Wc are taking an examination in English in January. 1 hope, we all are going to pass it. . XXVI, p. 209 li Yes, 1 shall / will. I shall / will come to your party with pleasure. 2. Idon'tthinkitis. 3. Thanks a ]oi. Ml have no more, 1 must be running. 4. 1 am the one who ought to thank you. 5. It is. And the sky is overcast with clouds. 6. Shall wego right now? 7. Ltutyes, I do. I was lucky to get acquainted with her when I was in Lhe rest home. 8. Very nice of you. 1 hope they were glad Lo accept your invitation. 9. A very good idea. Our English choir is the best one in the region. 10. 1 thought as much. LI. Do you? Ishould never have thought that studying Eng­lish was such an undertaking (for you). 12.1 hope so. In fact I would like logo Lo Sochi first. IS– Shall 1 hetp you in a way? Idst year 1 was the First prize winner at the phonetic contest, you know. 14. Weli, Chemistry is not his cup of tea hut he tried his best to prepare For the exam, lb. It serves her right. She was not industrious during the term and missed many classes. IE, I'd rather go there tomorrow as 1 am having a birthday party today. 17. No doubt, he is. Is he ready lo share his experience wilh us? 13. Л11 right. Let me have a took at it. 19. Just a moment. J must turn off the gas first. 20. Do, please. The baby is already awake. 21. You may take mine for a fortnight or so. 22. 1 don't mind. Could you npen that casement, please? 23– Do you really believe that curses like chickens come home to roost? Ex. XXVII. p. 210 1. I finished / left school two yearssgo. I have (already) fin­ished the work and can go with you to the cinema. When I Finished lhe work I made up my mind to go for a watk-The meeting was over and we went home. 2. My sister entered the Institute in 1982. When I entered the hall I saw (that) there were many students there. 3. The Muscovites are proud of their Hero City. 4. We can't help thinking about the coming examinations. 5. His parents left Kiev when he was ten (years old / years of age). 6. I have passed the entrance examination in English with an excellent mark. How many examinations did you pass last year? Nina has passed Lhe examination in Physics but has not passed the one in Chemistry. 7. What mark have you got for the reproduction? 8. The boy answered well and Lhe teacher gave him a five, 9. I know this teacher, he examined me in History last year. Lesson T i leen – si 10. She has good marks in all Lhe subjects. 11. My brolher likes MaLhetnatics, Physics and ChemisLry but I like Literature and Geography. 12. Idst week we had a test. I got a three. 13– At the lessons / classesin Speech Practice wc read, answer questions, do oral and written exercises. Do Exercise Three orally and Seven and Eight in writlen form / in writing. 14. Yesterday I did my homework / lessons / hometasknl the laboratory. I like to work with the tape recorder / cassette recorder. If you want to get rid of your mistakes, you must work more at the laboratory. 15, i want to take part in the work of this scientific society, lfi. Boris has made up his mind Lo join our sports society, he goes in foreparts. 17. Though there is a good gymnasium a tour University, we often go to the stadium. 18. When did you join the drama society? — Some days ago- 19. Our English club helps us Lo master the language bet­ter. 20. My girlfriend has a good voice. She is a member of our choir. 21. Last week I made a report on home reading. I made many mistakes and the teacher gave me an unsatisfactory mark. Lesson Fifteen Ex. II, p. 21 e 1. At 10 o'clock he will be still working at the laboratory. 2. My friend will be preparing For her written test when 1 come. 3. Will you be waiting for me at the station at 8 o'clock in the morning? 4. Will his friend be giving a tessnn at 5 o'clock? 5, My nephew will be repairi rigour vacuum cleaner at 7. 6, My uncle will be listening: to the news when I go Id bed. 7, My Hunt will be knitting the whole morning. Eh. Ill, p. 216 1. When will he begin his lectures? 2. Where will my brother go for six months? 3– Why will my sister go to the South? 4. How long will it take me to get to her house? 5. Where shall / will I be waiting for you? 6. How long will it take lo build this theatre? 7. When was 11 snow jug 1 iard ? 8. When shall / will I be able to translate this article? 9. When will hesee her? 10. When shali / will I get up tomorrow? 11. How long will he stay in the country? 12. When shall / will I be able to go to the canteen? 13. When shall / will I have to repair my aunt's iron? 14. When shall • will I be having dinner? Ex. «V, p. 217 1. translate 2. is 3. hurry 4. rains 5. comes 6. comes 7. leave 3. give 9– miss 10. come 11. washes 12. comes Еж. V, p. 217 1. He says (that) he is sure she will come in time. 2. She says (that t she will be able lo read English newspapers without a dictionary in a year. 3. They say (that) they won't go lo the Institute on Sun­day. 4. Mr. Sandford says (that) he will have to pay much money for the house. 5. Peter says (that) he will be waiting for me at the sta­tion. 6. Mary says (that) she will be back soon. 7. She asks me what I am going to do when I come home. 8. She says (that) she hopes she'll soon speak English as well as I do. 9. He says (that) he is sure it will rain soon. 10. They soy (that) they will go for a walk If it is hot tomor­row. 11. She says (that)she is busy today but she'll be much busier tomorrow. 12. Jane says (that) she will come earlier tomorrow. 13. John says (that) he won't be able to meet them tomor­row. 14. He says (that) he will come if he is free. 15. She says (that) she'll go to Lhe cinema in the evening if she is not very tired. 16. Mother says (that) I'll be sleepy tomorrow if I don't go to bed at once. 17. My aunt says (that) she won't be thirsty if she has some grapes. 18. My mother asks not to serve dessert before she clears the tabic. Ex. VI, p. 216 1. You had to practice this text in the laboratory. You will have Lo practice this text in Lhe laboratory. 2. You had lo take your exam in English. You will have Lo Lake your exam in English. 3. She could trauslale this article without a dictionary. She will be able to translate this article without a diction­ary. 4. They couldn't meet them at Lhe station. They won't be able to meet them at the station. 5. Thedoclor had to examine this chJ Id. The doc Lor will have to examine this child, 6. He had to work systematically if he wanted to know French well. He will have to work systematically If he wants to know French well. 7. This child had to spend more time out in the open air. This child will have to spend more time out in the open air. в. I couldn't recite tills puem, I shan't / won't be able to reciLe this poem. 9. You hud to takepnrt in this work. Yon will have to take part ш Ellis workr 10, He couldn't join the parly, he was busy. He won't he able lo join the party, he'll be busy. Ex. V. p. 223 corner came — come coming blow — blew — blown — blowing drive — drove — driven — driving fall — fell — fallen — falling prefer — preferred — preferred — preferring freeze — froze — frozen — freezing ski — skied — akied — skiing put ■ put — put — putting sweep ■ swept — swept — sweeping hang — hung — hung — hanging enow — showed — shown — showing sew — sewed — sewn — sewing awake — awoke — awoken — awaking sleep — slept — slept — sleeping build — built — built — building stop — stopped stopped — stopping alt — sat — oat — sitting read — read — read — reading write — wrole — wrillcn — writing play – played — played — playing leave — left — left — leaving begin — began — begun — beginning become — became — become — becoming Ея. VI, p. 223 dark {do;k] — darker |'du:kd| — thederkpsl |to tifldtntj heavy {'hevi] — heavier j'hevia) — the heaviest (to 'Hcvust] hard {hu:d| — harder {'1шч1э| the hardest |oVhu:dlSl| large|l<MhJ — larger {Icwlja] — lhe largest |o3'lu:ihjSl| old|ioid] older {suldjJ/cldcrlcldal—theoldestEoa'BjIdistl/ the eldest |to eldistj severe fsi"vi5|—severer {siViara] – the severest (to siVjan&i] pleasant TpleTinif — more pleasant {mj-'ploiant] — the most pleasant |to 'mrast 'plezanl) had {ba?dj — wurae {w3;s] — the worst |to SraSt] good {god J — belter ]'het*l — the best|to Death, strong {ilion] — stronger (sunna| — the strongest {Ai'stroniMl weak |wi:k| — weaker {'wiikaj — the weakest {ЛД 'wikist] little Jllll] — less {lesj – least {to li st] far (for) – farther {fn:to| / further {Тз:йг]— lhe farthest (to Tu oistJ / the furlhesl|to'fsrojstJ near {шэ| — nearer |'П13гз] — the nearest {to hunst] / the next {to 'neksl| late{leil|—Jater|!eita] / latter {IstaJ —the lntesl|to 1eilisl| / the last PcRrtJ clear {kh?] — clearer {"khoral — the clearest {to 'klrarislj ootplDlJ — hotter {Шл] — the hollesl|to'holistj warm {warn] — warmer (Чта: ma] — the warmest |to 'wjmist] beautiful {ojiLrtfull — more benutLful {'mo: 'bjmnfnl] — the most beautiful {to 'msrist hju:tihil| . Х1Г a>, p. 224 1. Is it as chilly today as it was yesterday? It isn't as chilly today as it was yesterday. 2. Will the frost be as hard tomorrow as it is today? The frost won't bp as hard tomorrow as it is today. 2. Is she as fond of frosty weather as her brother is? She isn't as fond of frosty weather as her brother ia. 4. Has it slopped raining? It hasn't stopped raining. 5. Will she be working when you come? She won't be work­ing when you en me. 6. Will pressure remain high? Pressure won't remain high. . XIII, p. 225 1, severer / more severe 2. the most Interesting 3. harder 4– the coldest 5. worse в. the hottest 7. the most beautiful 8. the best 9. faster, the fastest 10. less, least, more Ex. XV, р. 226 a. 1. on 2. over. on. along 3. at, on 4. across f>. over, in 6. in, at 7. down ft. above 9. with, in B. 1. above, in 2. at, in 3– to. of 4. up 5. over, up 6. in 7. at, on, in 3. through 9. at. for Ex. XVI, p. 227 1. stops 2. is fine 3. is not severe 4. is hot 5. put on 6. comes 7– conies 8. rains 9. comes Ex. XVII, p. 227 (a) I – remain 2. stay 3. remain 4. stayed 5. remained 6. stayed \b) 1. so 2. such 3. such 4. so 5. so G-so Ex. XXIII, p. 228 a. 1. Today the fog is not so thick as it was yesterday, / It ia not so foggy today as it was yesterday. Yesterday the fog was so thick that I was afraid to go by car and preferred to waik to the theatre / to go to the theatre on foot. 2. Jtis unpleasant to go for a walk /togo for a stroll / to go out when the sky ia overcast with clouds and it rains and buses and cars splash (the) water and mud on the passers-by. 3. What nasty / beastly weather (we are having today)! It is drizzling and the streets are so dirty. 4. The sky has got dark and the cold wind has begun blow iug / to blow from the sea– Hut today the wind is not so strong as it was yesterday. Yesterday it was much stronger- 5. It's freezing hard. The pond will soon he frozen over and we shall be able to skate. 6. The park looks so nice / beautiful when the ground is covered with snow and the frost sparkles on the branches (of the treefl). 7. I have not heard the weather forecast today and don4 know if it is going to rain today. If it does not rain I am sure logo out of town / to the country- 8. The weather is getting warmer and I think fruit trees will soon be in blossom / in bloom. 9. Thecorn is beginning to turn ripe / to ripen. Harvest time will soon conic. Some students of our faculty will go to help the farmers to reap Lhe corn / the harvest and put it in barns. 10. Take the raincoat or the umbrella. The weather may change. 11. It is very cold today. You wiil have to stay at home, if you go out. you will catcli (a) cold again and will not be able togo to school / to attend the lessons. 12. I think he will not ring you up until he comes back / re­turns to Moscow. 13. My brother ia coming tomorrow morning. I don't know if 1 shall / will get a telegram from liim. but even if 1 don't ' get it. 1 shall / will go to the station to meet him. 14. We shall / will be able to discuss our plans on Monday. 15. You must not learn this poem by heart until you master it / its pronunciation at the laboratory. 10. She does not know if she will finish her article today. If she finishes it and if it does not rain today, we shall / wili go to the theatre. 17. J shall / will be glad if the rain is over / it stops raining. 1 must hurry to the station. 13. In an hour the first delegates will start coming / arriv­ing. 19. Fields and parks in England remain green even in win­ter. 20. Look! There has been a good fall of snow. Tomorrow chil­dren will be tobogganning and making a snowman. 21. How beautiful it is! Raindrops a rid dewdrops are shining on the leaves and (blades of) grass. 22.1 think it won't be raining too long and we shall / will he able lo go to the forest and pick up / gather mushrooms and berries. В. 1– It is too stuffy / very close today. 1 fear a thunderstorm is coming. 2. Those tremendous claps of thunder awoke me at night. It was raining cats and dogs/pouring the whole night / all night (Long). 3. Look! It has stopped raining. The clouds have lifted. There is a fine rainbow in the sky. Г hope, the weather will be / keep fine. 4. According to the weather forecast there will be occasional rain this week. Г>. EtT s pouring, put up the umbrella or you wiil get wet through. Ex. xxiv. p. 229 а) неумный, неразумный, глупый: разрушать, уничтожать; веселый, радостный, живой, любящий аеселуя) компанию, общительный; совершенно, полностью, и пол не. Всецело; поеменватьсч, хихикать, фыркать от смеха; красивый, миловидный, привлекательный; хрупкий, непрочный, неосновательный; начинать, нннци и ропать Ы senseless, foolish, stupid, ridiculous; spoil, destroy, demolish, wreck; joyful, spirited, happy, cheerf ul. glad; wholly, fully, entirely; giggle. Utter, laugh; attractive, fair, charming, comely, pretty, beautiful, handsome; weak, wobbly, frail, fragile; begin, commence, initiate c) torn foolishness — idioticalness, extreme stupidity or foolish­ness (Webster's, p. 1124); occasional — sometimes, but not frequently or regularly (Macmi I tan. p. 977); happening now and then / not of ten (Harrap's p. 345); depression — a feeling of be­ing extremely unhappy (Macmillan. p. 372). miserable feeling (Harrap's p. 133); Lobe plagued — to be annoyed all the time by doing something or by heel ng asked for something (Mscmillau, p. 1075), to be annoyed or bothered (Harrap's p. 380); set-fair day (of lhe weather) to be likeiy to stay fine for some time (Courtney, p. 554), (from sei fair, я position on a barometer dlal)(Cowie, p. 495); keep on steadily — to continue, often in spite of difficulties, regularly (Courtney, p. 31 ti), (Harrap's p. 498); a thing that is beyond me — it is too difficult for nie to understand ordeal with (Macmillan. p. 121) Lesson Sixteen Ex. II, p. 233 seen — rode {rsud] ridden {'ridn| — riding J'laidui] go{gou|— went |went] — gone {дог | — going jjgsuin] know {пзи] — knew{nju:) — known {пзип) — knowing|пэип1] shine {jam] — shone {faun] — 3hone{j3rmJ — shining {Jamin] forget |fe'ge{] — forgot {fo'gul] — forgotten |fe'gDLti] — for­getting {fog et M)| tell {tell — *eld {tauldl — told {i^uld] – telling { tclinl cut {кл1] — cut |k*t] — cut |k*t] — cutting {brin] getjgcll – gotigntj – got {got] getting J'gclinl make|meik] —made |meid] —made {mcrd]—making Itaeikin] run {тлп] — ran {ra?nl run {ran] — running {н глтп1 fly {flai] – flew (flu:] — flown {fbun] — flying {fhuinl choose {lfu:z) — chose {ifauz] — chosen {'{fauzn] — choosing catch {kiclf] — caught {kmt] — caught {fcat] — catching I'kslfinl swim {swim) — swam |swa;m] — swum {swAin] — awimming {'swim in] lie {hu] — lay {let] — lain |lein) — lying {'launj Ex. III. p. 233 1. She asked me if I would be angry with her. Й– I said (that) I would be too busy the following day. 3. Wc said (that) we wouid take four exams in summer. 4. He said (that) he would show me the main building of their University, it was / is very beautiful. 5. Ann said (that) she would have a bettor contend of the language if she read English books. 6. Thestndenlasaid (that) they would work hai"d at their pro­nunciation; they wanted to get rid of their mistakes. 7. They asked us when we would join their / our choir. 8. Nelly asked her if she would invite her to her birthday party. Ex. IV, p. 234 1. Roger said (that) his uncle had been there more than once. 2. Alice asked me if 1 had spent much time there, 3. Den asked me when J had Joined their circle. 4. She said (that) their group hod worked in the lab that day. >>. Bill said (that) he remembered she had been good at sing­ing. 6. The mot her asked her son why he had spent no much money on sweets. 7. Fanny asked her friend where he / she had gone during his / her vacation, Ex. VI, p. 234 1. We heard • knew that all the first-year students had en­joyed the concert greatly. 2. Everybody was sure that Peter would pass all the exami­nations with excellent marks. 3. In his letter the son wrote to his mother that he was tak­ing part in difficult but interesting work. 4. We learned that they had not gone out of town because of nasty / beastly weather. G, Becky said to her mother (that>slie had invited her friends to the picnic, 6. I was sure T would not tie able to get an excellent mark in Geography. 7. Brother said he did not like Chemistry. 8. Ann said to Nick (that) he would have to make a report on Saturday. 9. The children said to Tom (that) the teacher had given him a good mark. 10. He learned (that) the man had formerly been a brave general. 11. We heard over the radio (that) the frost would be still harder the next day. 12. She was afraid (that) the day would be cold and rainy. 13. Harry said (that) it had not been raining at least for two days. 14. The girl said (that) her brothers had gone to ski. 15. Father said (that) he had already looked through the morning newspapers. 16. Nina's girlfriend said (that) she had managed to get tickets. Ex. VI s). p.240 1. When Ben Smith came home he was dreadfully tired be­cause he had had a lot of work and trouble that day. 2– June was smiling radiantly because she had got every­thing arranged and they would go to the theatre. 3. She was realizing her dream of going to the theatre. 4. Penny said she would stay indoors and watch televi­sion. 5. Ben envied his daughter because she intended to stay indoors, 6. He was a considerate husband as lie felt sorry for June who got too little entertainment even at weekends. 7. The weather was unusually nasty. 8. Ben had to get of Г the bus as only seven people could stand in it. 9. Ben went past the theatre because he had fallen asleep in the bus, 10. The man at the door didn't let Ben in because Ben had no listed' 11. The situation at that moment was saved by a girl behind the ticket-office window who asked Ben if he was Mr. Smith and said that his wife had left his ticket with her. 12. It was not easy for Ben to find his seat as he squeezed to it in the dark, stepping on people's feet. 13. Ben and J (me found it difficult to understand the plot of the play as one actor, an old man. spoke very quietly, and the other, a young man, spoke very quickly. 14. Ben decided to take a taxi on the way back because they waited long for a bus in rainy weather, they got wet through and he lost his patience. 15. The journey turned out to be rather expensive for them as after ten o'clock in the evening the fare was higher. 16. When Ben talked to his daughter about watching TV it struck him to get to know that Penny had seen the same play on TV and enjoyed it greatly. Ex. VII, p. 240 of, —; to; into, at; In, —; at; in, out of, with; on; of, on; by, —; for Ex. IX. p. 241 1, leaving 2. heard 3. high 4. listening 5. tall 6– stay 7. short, taller 8. low Ex. X, p. 241 It Is high time for him to leave. It is high time for them to go out of town. It is high time for everybody to begin the work. It is high time for John to return. Ex. XI, p. 241 The wind was quick enough to take off the leaves from the trees. The secretary was polite enough to offer her a cup of coffee and a couple of sandwiches. The pronunciation was distinct enough to reach the ears of those sitting in the farthest corner of the room. The guest was energetic enough to make me feel uncomfort­able. The hoy was clever enough to give advice to Int. elder brother. Ex. XII, p. 241 Model: a) It was such a hot day. We drank a lot. It was such a back break lug task. They worked a lot. It was such a difficuIt examination. He prepared a lot. It was such a cunning question. I thought a lot. It was such a curious disease. She ate a lot. b) She hates such greedy young men. They get on her nerves. We like such shrewd pupils– They make great progress in studies. He preferred such enperienced workers. They could cope with the task in no time. He dislikes such polite waitresses. They ask for enormous tips. I adore such industrious students. They are sure to take a postg rad Uate со u rse. c| Don't cat such fat food. You may put on weight. Don't listen to such loud music. You may get deaf. Don't make such terrible noise. You may get into a mess. Don't buy such gaudy furniture. You may get tired of it. Don't use such exquisite perfume. You may make a vulgar impression-Ex Kill, p. 242 Model I: a) How strong the sportsman is! He lias already won the contest! How Interesting the novel is! 1 have already read it! How weak the patient is! He has already faintedl How tall the hoy is! He has already grown out of his clothes! How beautiful the painting is! She has already bought Ш b) How jolly the pupils are! They are already on the Black Sea coast! How high lhe buildings are! They are already half the lower in height! How weak the ponies are! They are already on their knees! How lovely the waitresses are! They are already near our table! How strong the young shoots are! They are already above the ground! Model 2: a) What a lovely hostess she is! She has already arranged the partyl What a weak wind it isl Jt has already ceased! What an interesting person she is! She has already changed her mind! What a strong man he is! He has already broken the horse- BhoeT What a beautiful girl she isT She has already taken the first prizel b| What weak creatures theyaref They are already in bed! What interesting people they are! They are already on their way to the museum! What tall oaks they arclThey are already over lhe roofl What Jolly swimmers they are! They are already on the way back! What beautiful apple treea they are! They are already in blossom! Ex. XIV, p. 242 untidy — неопрятный, неряшливый, неаккуратный unpleasant — неприятный, противный, отталкивающий unselfish — неэгоистичный, бескорыстный unable — неспособный; поэт, слабый, бессильный, не­мощный ungreatful — неблагодарный, непрнэнательный unlimited — неограниченный; безграничный, беспредель­ный. unnecessary – ненужный, излишний unoriginal — неоригинальный, банальный; заимствовалнтьгй Ex. XV, p. 242 homeless — бездомный speechless — немой; безмолвный, молчаливый careless — беззаботный woodless — безлесный waterless — безводный thoughtless — бездумный-беспечный; неосмотрительный, неразумный, неосторожный sleepless — бессонный restless — беспокойный– неугомонный hairless — безволосый, лысый toothless — беззубый Ex. XVI а), р. 242 1. Бы бы предпочли кусочек хлеба или пирога? 2. Я бы предпочел пойти в кино, чем остаться дома. 3. Нам бы лучше аыйти из дома в б. чтобы не опоздать. 4. Не потели бы вы пойти в театр? — Нет, спасибо, я бы предпочел остаться дома. 5. Вам бы лучше съесть свой завтрак, иначе вы проголо­даетесь до ланча. 6. Кслн мы не побежим, то не успеем на автобус, поэтому нам бы лучше бежать- 7. Ваш брат хотел бы прийти? — Пожалуй, нет, я ду­маю. 3– Лучше бы мальчики поиграл и n футбол. 9. Я бы предпочел жаркую погоду холодной. 10. Чтобы вы предпочли: чай или кофе? Ex. XVII, р. 243 1. How long will it take them to read / to look through the magazines? — It won't take them even half an hour. How long will it take you to finish the work? — An hour and a half or so. 2– The friends were going / intended to gooulof town / to the country at the weekend. 3. I am dreadfully / greatly tired after the excursion and cannot come to your place / to come and see you today. 4– They all wanted to spend the holiday gaily / merrily. 5. Children must not watch TV every day. 3. This woman looks young. Does she always look so good? 7. He had never thought (that) he would be able to realize hla dream. The old man realized how serious his condition was. fi. It is easy to Trick up a row. hut it is difficult to make It up. 9. Your child knows much more than you think he does. Ю, They were sitting Jong on the bsnk of the river. There was nobody on the shore of the lake. It is warm now on the Black Sea coast. 11* A twelve year-old Mary and a jolly five-year-old boy Dicky joined them. is very difficult to stay at home in such weather. 13. He was about to leave the house when it began raining / to rain. 14.1 would like to be out-of-doors / in the open air now. 15– It is not difficult to settle the problem. / The problem is not difficult to settle. 10. It ia the very exercise book I need. It is the very man / person I have been dreaming to meet. 17. It is very close / stuffy in the carriage. Let us go out to the platform at the next stop. Ex. XIX. p. 243 I. a good deal 2. a great number of 3. plenty of 4. a great number of !i. a great many 6. a good deal of 7. a great deal 8. a great many 9. a good deal 10. A great many 11. plenty of 12. A great number of 13. A great many 14. a good deal of 15. plenty of Ex. XX, p– 244 l.A. the, a, —, —; A; the. —2. A. a; —.a; The, the, the; a. the; the. a Ex– XXVII, p. 245 The weather was fine that Sunday morning. The Fyo-dorovs were eager to spend a few hours out-of-doors / in the open air. It did nottaxe them long / much time to think over the plan of their rest. They all. the father, the mother and two eons Yuri anil Victor, were excellent skiers. That's why they decided to take the skis and go nut of town / start off as soon as possible. They had breakfast, got everything arranged for the trip and left the house at 10 o'clock. The streets were crowded with people. Some of them were going to museums and exhibitions, others — to visit their friends. Many young people and children were carrying skis or skates. In five minutes the Fyodorovs got toSavyolovsky station. In an hour they were at Tourist station together with the other skiers. The frosty air was wonderfully fresh. Everything around was covered with snow. After the trip everybody felt a bit tired, but pleased with the day (which they had) spent out of town. After dinner the brothers played chess. The mother and the father said they preferred to stay at home and watch TV. The father said (that) the Sunday TV programme promised to be interesting. They would watch a new film and listen to a Mussorgsky opera with pleasure. But Yuri and Victor were not going to rest at home. Their friend Alexander was celebrating his birthday. Both brothers had been invited. Mother wished them to have a good time at the party– The young men said goodbye to their parents and left the house. Ex. XXVIII, p. 246 1. Л; She can't help admiring St. Petersburg. B: What did you say? Л: I said she couldn't help admiring St. Petersburg. 2. A: They haven't got any refrigerator. B; Whatdid you say? А Нп~м I p-fC— Hih Ннктьч-инН –да ■нмшк-пг-. Ih М – Основной курс Л: I said they hadn't got any refrigerator. 3. A: He won't be able to make a report tomorrow. B; What did you say? A: I said he wouldn't be able to make a report tomor­row. 4.a: my friend isn't a coward. B: What did you say? A: I said my friend wasn't a coward. 5. A: Mary can shoot well. B: What did you nay? A: T said Mary could shoot well, fi. A: My brother hasn't had dinner yet. B.What did yon say? A: J said my brother hadn't had dinner yet. 7. A: We'll clean the windows on Monday. B: What did you say? A: I said we'd clean the windows on Monday. 8. A: They've gone further along. B: What did you say? A: I said they'd gone further along. 9– A: She ia having a bathe. B: What did you say? A: I said she was having a bathe. Ю– Л: The boy's teasing a dog. R: What did you say? A: 1 said the boy was teasing a dog. 11. A: They're about to dive off that raft. B: What did you say? А: Г said they were about to dive off that raft. Ex. XXIX, p. 246 Once in Berlin, Remarque, the author of "All Quiet on the Western Front", was talking to an American girl. The American, speaking in German, asked Remarque why he had never visited the United States. He answered he knew only a few sentences in English. The girt inquired what the sentences were. Remarque named five very short everyday phrases. The girl exclaimed that with that vocabulary he could tour her country from Main to California. Ex. XXXI, p. 247 а) Давайте отправимся ва пикник Пикники пользуются популярность» у женщин, де­тей и некоторых мужчин, которые знают, как развести костер. Дети обожают пикники главным образом потому, что, как правило, на пикниках не бынаот столов и, Следо­вательно, никаких застольных манер, и потому, что у них пои ил нитси блестящая возможность поесть того, чего им обычно есть нельзя. Поскольку ланчи на пикнике почти всегда одни и те же и. следовательно, не требуют большой фантазии, женщинам не приходится напрягаться, чтобы придумывать меню. Многое, конечно, зависит от конкретного дня. Ти­пичная погода для пикника бывает трек пидоп. Либо это сумеречная погода, обещающая временами ливни по утрам, с прояснениями после полудня; либо утром солнечно и жарко с грозовыми линиями после обеда; либо постоянная изморось на протяжении всего дня. Но поскольку большая часть ланча заготовлена заранее, то ничего больше придумывать не надо. В конце кон­цов, между тем, чтобы съесть ланч, заготовленный за день-дна до этого, или промокнуть до нитки, большого выбора нет. Площадки для пикни нон обычно располо­жены на берегу водоема на какой-либо возвышенности. Последняя из этих характеристик весьма существенна, так как ии один пикник ire считается удавшимся, если детям некуда упасть или пе с чего свалиться. Также во­доем, естественно, предполагает наличие у вас с собою рыбиловных принадлежностей. Невозможно припом­нить, чтобы кто-то когда-либо поймал хоть одну рыбку ио время пикника, но рыбалка всегда служит отличной причиной дли того, чтнбы не вертеться под ногами, когда выполняется тяжелая работа. Ланч — зтд самый главный признак пикника. Жа­реный цыпленок популярен всегда. Затем, как правило, яйца в мешочек. И почти все остальное, что упаковано в жестянки н бумажные пакеты, сойдет для пикника. Эти упаковки очень пажны, так как после поедания содер­жимого, их разбрасывают вокруг и тем самым помечают место стоянки. Имбирное пиво тоже следует взять с собой именно затем, чтобы вспомнить, что вы забыли открывал­ку дома. Как бы то ни было, всегда найдется хоть один из присутствующих, ктоанает,как Открыть бутылку облом­ком камня. Как только еда и всяческая утварь распакованы, на повестке дня — разведение костра. Собирание хвороста для костра обеспечивает занятие для людей, которые не знают, чем бы развлечься. После того как лаич съели, пикник идет на спад. Но всегда имеется возможность для кого-либо чуть не уто­нуть, или наступить на осиное гнездо, или вывихнуть лодыжку. Тем не менее, вы должны оставаться там да­леко за полдень, иначе вы не почувствуете, что хорошо провели время. Чтобы усугубить ситуацию, кто-нибудь предложить спеть. Пикники, чтобы против них ни говорили, имеют свои преимущества. По крайней мере, во многих сердцах они пробуждают мысль о правоте старой поговорки, что в гос­тях хороша, а дома — лучше. ь| picnics are popular with, children are fond of, to have an ex­cellent opportunity, require little imagination, not to have to trouble about, much depends on, typical picnic weather, threatening with occasional showers, a steady drizzle, getting a soaking, picnic grounds, situated on a body of water, taking fishing tackles along, an excellent excuse, for getting out of the way, the most important feature of the picnic, to open a bottle on, collecting wood, getting drowned, running into a hornets' nest, twisting an ankle, have a good time, to make matters worse, have their advantages, there is no place like home Lesson Sevemeen ■ 101 Ex. XXXII, p. 240 В то утро, когда мы покидали Ливерпуль, погода была замечательная, и мы собирались хорошо провести время. Капитан сказал нам, что будет тепло и спокойно всю дорогу до Нью-Йорка, Я все еще помню некоторых пассажиров. Была одна пожилая дама, которая собиралась навестить сына в Бостоне. Потом еще был человек, который соби­рался начать новую жизнь в Канаде. Оба они пошли ко дну вместе с кораблем. Первый и второй день были очень хорошими. Я подумал, что скоро у меня будет прекрасный солнечный загар. Затем, вечером второго дня капитан ска­зал нам, что погода будет немного хуже, чем оясидалось, но это долго не продлится. На третий день погода оказалась очень ненастной. Никто из нас не имел ни малейшего представлении, на­сколько плохой она может обернуться. К наступлению вечера погода стала в самом деле ужасной. На четвертый день все оставались в своих каютах. Шторм, разыгравшийся к тому времени, невозможно было описать. Вдруг я почувствовал толчок. Lesson Seventeen Ex. II, p. 250 1. The light is turned on when it's dark. And the blinds are drawn. 2. The translation was finished in time. Tom said it was a splendid opportunity to have a walk. 3. The dishes were washed. None of them was broken. 4. Benny was often taken to the park. He hated to stay at home alone. 5. Some coffee had been made. The only thing they needed was sugar. 6. Has your dress been ironed yet? You must hurry up, we have little time left. 7. The word was mispronounced fby Nina). But, nobody no­ticed it. 8. The consonant is pronounced with aspiration. Everybody must follow the rule. 9. The Present Perfect Tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb 'to have'. Is it difficult to under- aUnd? 10. The truth was told her. She made no comment. 11.1 wsh promised a book. Hut I failed to get it in time, 12. The cake has been cooked very well. My granny ia very good at cooking. 18. Chafk is used for writing on the blackboard. Tailors also make use of it. 14. My work will be finished at about seven. Let us go to the museum I hen. 15. The door has been opened. The key lo it has been bro­ken. 16. The coffee was brought. And we thanked the wailer. 17.1 was taken to the pictures fast week. The film appeared to be о bore. 1ft. E shall be met at the station. You may stay at home and wait till Iconic. 19. This work will be finished in time. And you will be able lo goon holiday next week. 20. The house was built in 1980. It needs decorations now. 21. I was not in viled to the birthday party Ьесаиье they didn't know I was in Moscow. I was too busy lo inform them about my arriveI* 22. The windows were not left open. Soon it became stuff у in the room. 23. The light was not turned off. And the child could not fall asleep. 24. Some friends have been invited to tea. Let us wait a bit. 25.1 have been given an English book. U is English Grammar in Uw by Raymond Murphy. 26– Has the letter been written yet? lean take it lo the post-office. Lesson Sevenlcen – 105 Ex. Ill, p. 251 1. They have not switched off the light. You can watch them through the pone- 2. They punished the boy for something. That is why he is crying bitterly. 3. He had finished his work by 3 o'clock. When we came he was already free. 4. They wrote the dictation without mistakes. It was very easy. 5. Who wrote the article? It depicts striking facts about the life of our village 6. She ironed and washed her dress. It washer first experi­ence in washing. 7. They did not invite md to the party. They did not know that I was in town. S. He did not finish the work in time. He had to stay at the faboratory two hours in ore- 9. They built the house last year. Hut nobody lives in it at present. 10. 1 have just sent off the letter. I hope it will be received on Tuesday. 11. She will translate the article. There ia no doubt about it. 12. When will you read this book? I need it badly. 13. She cleaned and aired the room. It Is no longer in a mess. 14. Have you read all these books? How long did it take you to read them? 15. Who wrote all these letters? And who will post them? 16. She has just typed the letter. You may take it to the li­brarian. 17. She showed me the article that her brother had translated. The style was refined. 18. They won't allow me to go there. But 1 om not in the mood to stay at home. 19. Everything has been told him. He has turned a deaf ear to it. 20. Von muel Answer nil the qnaationa. There in still some time left. Ex. IV. p. 251 1. This article is written by one of Lhe most famous English journalists / pressmen. 2. The book must be road by all the students of our group- 3. W ho is t he booh w ritten by? 4. The article must have been translated by five o'clock. 5. He promises ((hat) the translation will be finished in time. 6. When 1 came home the labie had already been laid. 7. They will be taught (the) Engliah (language). 8. When the examination whs passed the students went to the stadium. 9. When will your wall newspaper article be written? — To­morrow. 10. The language laboratory is attended by all the students every day / daily. 11. All (heae books have been taken / borrowed from Lhe library. 12. The diciation was. handed in tn the leacher nfter (he bell. 13. We have been Laid nothing ebou til, / We have noi been told unylhiug abuut it. 14. The students of пи г group a re si ways invited tn the meet­ings of the club. 15. She was reading a letter received from her son. Id. That could not have been told by the students. 17. I thought (that) bread and butter would be bought by my Bister. 18. In spring the field will be covered wilh green grass and flowers. 19. Will you look ,' cheek, please. If {tie ция ami electricity have been turned /switched off, 20. The lesannshad been done, the books snd exercise Ьоокн had been put into the bag. SI. The Jeilers had been left on the table. 22. The boy W4B not allnwed loswim in the river. 23– After dinner the dishes were washed up. Ex. I. p. 25G arrive {5"raiv| —arrived |3'raiud| —arrived {aVaivd] — arriv­ing |d'raivinf get|gEl{ got {gol)— got |gDl] gel ting {gel И] admire jMl'maid] admired {^JViiaiadf — admired lad'maiad) — admiring {ad^naiarini impreas|impie^l imprch*ed|im'pre!tf]impressed lim'presi] — impressing li m'presj r| { gHiiale{'?iiibeii| — situated (siifneuid] — situated Jsiijucindl — situating ВДовОпп] enjoy {in4+S3l| — enjoyed {m'djold| – enjoyed {ln'ch^jd] — en­joying (in'ifcjiinl ride {raidJ — rode (rsud) — ridden |'ndn] — riding |Hraidin] cross |krD&I — crossed {fcmst | — cmssed {krcsi] — crossing {'кгимп| learn |h:n| — learned {ls:nd] / learnt |h:nt|– learned fli;nd| f learnt {bail] — learning {1j:mn] show {Jiu] — showed |Jiud| – shown {Jiun] — showing {■J3u"ll leach {tfctf] — taught {l3:l] taught {lattj — teaching {'ti:tfin] make{mctkl – mado|meid| — made {moid] — making I'meikinl visit {Vtzit] visited ]'viziud| — visited |Viziiid] — visiting {Vizirtn] plan {plajn] — planned Iplamdl — planned {plicndl — plan­ning {'p]a?nin| drive {draiv] — drove {drauv| — driven J'dnvnJ — driving {'drawn] build {bid] – built {bill] built {bill) – building {cddinj Ex. II. p. г56 new — newer the newest long — longer — the longest buey — busier — the busies!. dirty — dirtier — thedirtiest beautiful — more beautiful – the most beautiful good — better — the beat Targe — larger — the largest big — bigger — the biggest splendid — more splendid — the most splendid narrow – – narrower — the narrowest interesting — more interesting — the most interesting hospitable — more hospitable — the most hospitable straight —stralghter — the straightest impressive — more impressive — the most impressive broad — brooder — the broadest crooked — more crooked — the most crooked Ex. III. p. 256 h) avenues, buses, crowds, cities, views b) a picture, a taxi, a square, a theatre, a minute, a guide E*. |X( p. 257 t< The Wilsons arrived in Moscow last summer. 2. They ca me From Engl n n d, 3– They came to Moscow on a visit. 4. When people come lo a town for the first time they usu­ally go to sec its places of interest so thai they could get a good idea of the town. а. They wanted to see Moscow University. They wanted to see as much as possible and they went for a ride in the city. б. Their guide took them sightseeing about the city. 7. The guide showed them a lot of places of interest, among them Moscow's straight and broad streets, the Moscow Kremlin. Red Square. Lenin Avenue, the magnificent building of Moscow University which is situated on the Vorobycv Hills. 8. They did much sightseeing, they went sightseeing every day of their stay In Moscow. 9. The Wilsona liked the centre of the Russian capital. 10. They admired the centre of the city with its theatres, cinemas, museums, monuments and wonderful run It! atoreyed buildings. 11. Moscow University is situated on the Vorobyev Hills. 12. The tourists enjoyed a most beautiful view of the whole city from the Vorobyev Hills. 13. Onccan also enjoy n most beautiful view of the whole city from Ostankinskaya Tower. 14. Of course. I can. but I don't think 1 can do it In graphic detail. 15,1 live in Yasenevaya Street. 16. It lakes me half an hour to get to the University from my place. 17. My friend lives in the suburbs of Moscow. 18. The nearest way from here to Petrovka Street is by Metro. 19. My father usually gets home from hie office by car. 20. It is not at all easy to get a taxi during rush hours. 21. If one of my friends came here for sightseeing 1 would advise him to see the Kremlin if he had one day. and the State Tretyakov Gallery if he had two days, and Moscow University and the Metro stations if he had a week or a fortnight. Ex, X, p. 258 Model 1; 1. We all were surprised at his voice. 2. The teacher was surprised at the results of the exams. 3. Those who were present were surprised at his beha­viour. 4. 1 am surprised at you. 5. We are surprised at your written lest. 6. The students were surprised at the girl's speech. 7. The old people were surprised at the youth's words, woflei 2: 1.the speech made an impression on the listeners. 2. The play makes an impression on me each time 1see it. 101 – Си……..fJH куис 3. The places of interest in St. Petersburg made an impres­sion on the tourist- 4. Petrov's speech made a great impression on us. 5. Лег singing made an impression on my companions. Model 3: 1. He has arrived in St, Petersburg to take part in the work of the congress. 2. He arrived at the meeting in time. 3. They arrived at the seaside at the week-end. 4. We arrived in Lonodon on the sixteenth of March. 5. We all arrived at the station to see our friends off to Minsk. fi. We arrived at Push kino at about six o'clock. Ex. XI, p. 25Я A. 1. of,from, in2. —,down,to3– around,by4– in,by G> On, to. along; of. in. of, in, in 6. about, in 7. in. in. of 8. of, of. in, of 9. of. at 10. of, in. on. of 11.In, in, of 12. for. on 13. by. of 14. Of. in 15, on 16. To, at 17. on 18. by 19. by. of 20. across, for 21. for, at 0, 1. in, of; in; on, of. In, from; from; near; by. at, by; off; off, round, along, in, near; in. about Ex. XII, p. 260 1. You'd better go by Metro and you'd better get off at the next stop. 2r You'd belter read aloud. 3. I'd rather go and see f visit / call on Olga. 4. He'd better atay at home. He seems to have quinsy. 5. She said she'd rather go for a walk. 6. I'd rather join my fellow students. 7. We'd rather go to see the sights of the city. Я. Where would you rather go: to London or to Paris? — To London. 9. You'd better go there at once / immediately. 10. You'd better help (your) mother (to) do/tidy up the flat. №. I'd rather buy a hedgehog for the boy. 12– You'd better pronounce everything more distinctly. 13. I'd rather not speak about it. XIV, p. 261 I. 1 Jive in one of the busiest streets of our city. My girl­friend lives on the outskirts of the city. 2– There are no narrow curved / crooked streets in new cities. 3. The magnificent building of the museum panorama has been built in Khiitu^ov Avenue. 4. We arrived In Sochy on Sunday. The city is situated on the Black Sea coast. The gardens and parks of Sochy are magnificent. There are many big {department) stores in the centre of the city. 5. The paintings of this museum have made a great impres­sion on me. 6– Tourists always admire the Metro in Moscow. 7. The Russian people are very hospitable. S. J live in the house (that is) situated on the bank of the river. 9. They crossed the street and entered the house. 10. The trip around the city has pleased uegreatly, / We have greatly enjoyed the trip around the city. II. We were tired after our trip around the city. 12. Crowds of people hurried in the direction of the Metro station. 13. Take / writedown my address to remember / not to forget it. 14. As soon as we arrived in Volgograd, we went to see the sights of that Hero City at once / immediately. 15. Excuse me, don't you know the way toSokholnicky? — No, I don't, 1 know Moscow very badly. 16. There was no room / vacant seat for me in the taxi, 17. Let us gel off at the next stop and have a walk / a stroll. 1й– I go to the Institute by bus. 19. Where do you change on the way to work? — At Pushkin Square. I change there for Trolleybus Thirty-One, 20. Лге you getting off at the next atop? — Yea. lorn. 21. You'd better stay at home, you are not we]] / unwell. 22. CuLlJdyou tell me what time it ia now? / Could you tell me the llme7 23. Excuse me. could you possibly tell me which trolleybus runs along Petrovka? — Number Sixty-Nine seems to. 24. Many underground passages have been built in Moscow for the recent years / recently / lately. Ex. XV, p. 261 1. Dues your brother Live in one oflhe new districts in Kiev? What district in Kiev does your brother live in? Who lives in one of the new districts; in Kiev? Your brother liveain one of the new districts in Kiev, doesn't he? 2. Has Minsk greatly changed si nee the war? Since what time has Minsk greatly changed? You will hardly recognize it now. won't you? 3. Is there a new ejnema not far from the metro station? What is there not far from the metro station? There isa new cinema not far from the metro station, isn't there? Where is the new cinema situated? 4. What will you do in summer? What towns will you visit in summer? How many places of interest will you see? Jn summer you will visit a lot оГ towna in different parts of Russia, won't you? You will see many places of interest, won't you? 5. Did the guide want up to have thq best possible impress ion of the city? The guide wanted us to have the best possible impression of the city, didn't he? Who wanted us to have the beat possible Impression of the city? fi. Л lot of new houses arc being built in all the towns of Rus­sia, aren't they? How many new houses are being built in all the towns of Russia? What houses are being built in all the towns of Russia? Гп what country are many new houses being built? 7. Who visited you last Sunday? When did your best friend visilyou? Laa t Sunday your best friend visited you. didn't he? H, Who has just arrived In Moscow from the Crimea? Whose friend has just arrived in Moscow from the Crimea? In what city has just your friend srrived? Your friend has just arrived in Moscow from the Crimea, hasn't she? Ex. XVI, p. 262 1. The tourists wereshown many places of Interest yester­day. The tourists will lie shown many places of interest tomorrow. The tourists arc being shown many places of interest now. The tourists were being shown many places of interest yesterday afternoon. The tourists have already been shown msny places of interest. The tourists had been shown many places of interest by Sunday. 2. Moscow University on the Vorobyev Hills was greatly admired by everybody in the past, Moscow University on the Vorobyev Hills will be greatly admired by everybody in the future. Moscow University on the Vorobyev Hills Is being constantly greatly admired by everybody. Mos­cow University on the Vorobyev Hills was being greatly admired by everybody on the opening day. Moscow Uni­versity on the Vorobyev Hills has always been greatly admired by everybody. He knew that Moscow University on the Vorobyev Hills had always been greatly admired by everybody. 3. History and Art Museums were of ten visited by the stu­dents of our group last term. History and Art Museums will be often visited by the students of our group next year. History and Art Museums are now being visited by the students of our group– History and ArlMuseuma were being visited by the students of our group on that day. History and Art Museums have recently been visited by the students of our group. History and Art Museums had been visited by the students of our group by that time. 4. Mew metro stations were built in our town last summer-New metro stations will lie built in our town next year. New met го stations яге now being built in our town. New metro stations were being buiJt in our town from April till December. New metro stations have recently been built in our town. New metro stations bad been built in our town by the New Year. 5, The poem was recited in our group on Victory Day. The poem will be recited in our group in a week. The poem is being recited in our group at the moment. The poem was being recited in our group from A till 5 o'clock. The poem lias just been recited in our group. The poem bad been recited in our group by the end of the lesson. Ex. XVII, p. 262 ■) 1, Olgn suggested that we should study English together. 4. Mary suggested that I should buy the dictionary. 3. John suggested going to the park by metro. 4. Our hostess offered me another piece of cake. 5. My friend suggested that we should rest for a while, fi. Mother offered me another cup of tea. 7, One of the students suggested visiting Mary. 8, The monitor of the group suggested arranging some ex­cursions during the winter holiday. b| L The guide suggested that the tourists should gotoSergi-yev Posad. 2. Can I offer you another eup of coffee? 3. He offered me a ticket to the theatre. 4. Nina suggested that her friend and she should spend the holidays together in the country. 5. The monitor of the group suggested that the students should go on / make an excursion on Sunday, 6. As it wasa lung wpy to go to the station, they suggested that we should lake a taxi. 7. My friend suggested our going to the theatre together. 8. I know (that) he has offered them his help. 9. 1 suggested that she should put off the trip for s week. 10. Olga suggested walking / going on foot to the Metro sta­tion. Ex. XVJII, p. 263 1. Every year thousands of people visit thcTretyakov Gal­lery. 2. The Moscow Kremlin impressed them greatly. 3. His answer at the examination pleasantly surprised us. 4. They told us to wait outside. 5. A passer-by showed us the nearest way to the Bolshoi theatre. o. She promised a new dress to the girl- 7. He asked me to come at 5 o'clock. 8. They left the child at home. 9. They took us on a ride around the city. 10. We invite you to dinner tomorrow. Ex. XIX, p. 263 Moscow, the Hero City, is the capital of the Russian Federation. It is the biggest political and cultural centre of the country and the largest city of Russia, one of the biggest cities of the world with the population of more than eight million people. Moscow takes the first place among the capitals of the world according to the number of educational institutions and students. In the city there are more than one hundred museums and exhibition halls, dosensof theatres, a great number of clubs, cinemas, stadiums and other sports facili­ties. In 1980 Moscow was the capital of the World Olympic Games and had prepared very well for the meeting of the best sportsmen of Hie world and numerous foreign guests. There arc many historical and architectural monuments in Moscow. The city has grently changed for the recent decades. In those places where there were winding nar­row streets and small wooden houses before / formerly / previously / in the past, there arc now broad avenues with beautiful high/ many-storeyed/ multistorey modern buildings. Moscow is increasing / gaining in scope snd growing prettier / better-loo king every day, new houses, streets, squares, avenues, public gardens are constantly growing in number. Tiie quantity of new Metro lines is increasing. Moscow is enlarging in alt the directions. Eve­rybody who srrives in Moscow is surprised / astonished at the immense construction that takes place / is in progress in nil the districts of the capital. Ex. XX. p. 263 1. —, the,a. —2. — ,a. thc3. the. a A. a, the 5, the. the, the. the. a. —6, the, the7. a. the. a. the, the, a, the fi. theft. —, a 10. a, the 11. the. the. — buy fbaij —bought {htflj — bought {Ъз-Л] buying fbann] make{mcik) — madejmerdj – madehncid) — making {'meifcin) become {Ь;'клт| — became {bikerni] — become {Ы'кмп) — be­coming {Ы'клт in] show Цзи] — showed {J-iudJ — ahowEi Цзип] — showing jTiunjJ try {trai| — tried |tieidj — tried JlraidJ — trying J'traitn] put jpul] — put {putJ — put {pur] — putting { pulli)| wear (wen] — wore {wa:] — worn |wo;n] — wearing fwbUUj] fit (ГцJ — fitted ffrOd] — fitted {fitcd] — fitting JTitin] cost Ikpsi| — cost Ikost] — coat {knsr| — costing {'knslinj get {дет] — got {gol] — got Jqol] — getting f'getrn) forget {fo'gcl] — forgot {fo'golj — forgotten 1Еэ'догп| — for­getting (fa'qeiinj write JranJ — wrote J nut] — written {'riln] — writing {'ratlin] run {глп] — ran {ггёц| — run |глг| — running {'глшф] go {qju] — went jwenl] — gone Igor) — going {'дзело] Еж. HI a|, p. 268 1. I watched the sun rising, %. 1 heard him singing an English song. 3. We noticed a man denning his shoes. 4. He saw two girls dancing on the stage. 5. She watched the children running about and playing in the garden. 6. i saw her every morning arraingiug her hair carefully. 7r Every night we saw our neighbour listening to the news. 8. John heard his daughter talking loudly. Э. Wcsaw Roger crossing the square. 10. They heard their father playing the piano every night. Ex. IV a), p. 269 1. I saw Nick come. 2. I aaw George going along the street. 3. ICvery morning Madge saw her neighbour opening the window. 4. We made the brother rend his poem. 5. My friends made me sing yesterday. 6. Nobody can make me do it- 7. We saw their parents speaking. 8. Wc saw the children playing. 9. She saw Nina trying a / the hat. 10. Alice saw her sister lake the book. 11. He saw his pupils standing near the school. 12. Tom saw her leave the room, 13. Mother saw her children aitting and doing their home­work / hometask, 11. She saw Roger sitting on the sofa. 15, Nick saw Ann writing something. 16, T want you to understand me. 17, 1 wanl you to buy this dress. IS. 1 don't want you to go early. 19. We expect them to come soon. 20. The teacher noticed his pupils speaking. Ex. V, p. 269 1. It was the guide who (that) showed them many places of intereet. 2– It was Mrs. ml ton who (that) told the children to go to bed. 3. It is Lizzie who (that) does not want to eat her porridge. 4. It is Jim who (that) is eager lo ride a pony. 5. It is Alice who (that) is cutting some sandwiches. 6. Ilis James who (that) says the frost is severe. 7. It was Alice and Roger who (that) swam further along. 8. It was the conductor who (that) told me where to get out. 9. It was the students who (that) began a lovely talk with an English correspondent. 10. It was Robert and Nora who (that) noticed a nasty-looking cloud. 11. It was my friends who (that) helped me lo catch up with the group. Ex. VIM, p. 275 1. Did John sec his brother go to the fruit-shop? — John did not see his brother go to the fruit-shop. 2. Did everybody expect you to give this information? — No­body expected you to give this Information. 3. Did they want him to take his parents' advice? — They did not want him to take his parents' advice. 4. Did you see Peler buy rolls at the baker's? — You did not see Peter buy rolls at the baker's. 5. Have yon made Michael tell the news? — You have not made Michael tell the news. 6. Does Helen want you to wear this cardigan? — Helen does not want you to wear this cardigan. 7. Do you want me lo clean my shoes? — You do not want me to clean my shoes. Ex. X, p. 276 A. 1. — 2. of, of 3. — 4. to. on S. to, at 6. on 7. with 8. up 9.In, — в. l.oulof, at2. —,of 3,of,of4. for. for.st5. for,out6. in,— 7. at S. in. for, of Ex. XI, p. 276 1. I wonder what shop you bought this hat at. 2. Tell me what colour scarf you would like to buy lo match your new coat. 3. I'd like to know If those gloves are old or new. 4. I wonder how old your father is. 5. Tell me if Ann does shopping every day. 6. I'd like to know when you will goto I he State Department Start. 7. I wonder If any new films were on last week. 5. Tell me how much this material is. 9. Fd like to know if anything has gone wrong Willi the Iron. 10. I wonder why you didn't come lo the dining hall yester­day. 1J. Tell nie if it is snowing hard. 12. I'd like to know if John has given you good advice. 13.1 wonder why it is so stuffy In the room, 14. Tell nie when they got everything arranged. 15. I'd like to know if you have managed to knit a pullover for your father. 16.1 wonder when you are going to the dairy. 17. Tell me when he was made to write this letter. Ex. XII, p. 277 1. wait 2. (has) expected 3. Wait 1. expect 5. expected 6. wait 7. expected 8– expected 9. were waiting 10. expected 11. expected Ex. XIV, p. 277 4. 1. What size gloves (shoes, coat) do you wear? 2. This dress suits you. This hat suits you. Don't try on this dress. The colour doesn't suit you. Does the blouse suit me? 3. I want to buy shoes to match my new costume. Л. This costume fits me badly. This dress fits you perfectly / like a glove. The dress fits Irene like a glove. 5. These gloves, do not go with your costume. These shoes do not match your smart dress. This bow does not match your purple / mauve blouse* fi. This blouse is loose on you. This costume is loose on you. This dress is tight on me. These shoes are tight on me. This coat is tight on you. 7. These shoes are very beautiful. Try them on. The coat is very elegant / smart. Try it on. 8. The coat is too expensive forme. The umbrella is not very en pensive. 9. I need (a pairof) cheap walking shoes (to go out). 1 prefer to wear cheap things. 10– He isclevcrtomymind. It is not Interesting to my mind. It is necessary to wait for him to my mind. В. 1. We have run out of meat. Wc have run out of onions. We have run out о/ potatoes. 2. I must go to the grocer's (the haker's. the greengrocer's, Lhe fishmonger's, the confectionery, the dairy, the fruit-shop). 2. It was Nina who helped us. It was mother who washed up all the dishes. It was Nick who was our guide. 4. It's my turn to read. It's our turn to go shopping, it's her turn to wash up. 5. Let Pete buy some onions. Let Ann buy a head of cabbage. l*t Nick buy (some) cucumbers. 6. Don'L wait for him, he won't come. Who is waiting for me? — Roger is. Will you wait for us at the station, near the booking-office, please? Ей. XVIII, p. 27H The, aj the, the, a, —; the, a; the. the; the. a, the. the, the; the; the, a, a, the; the; a; the Ex. XIX. p. 279 a. 1. When Irene came up to the fitting room, she saw her girlfriend trying On a smart dress. 2. Did you hearOleg read the text? He reed it very well. Now it is your turn to record your reading. 3– Don't advise her to buy this blouse. It does not suit her. A. Let Lena buy (some) potatoes, onions and tomatoes. 5. Do you want her to buy these expensive shoes? — Yea, I do. They are so beautiful, aren't they? 6. Mother wants Nina to goto the baker's. 7. I met my girlfriend a few days ago / the other day. She was going out of the Moscow Central Shop. 8. Nina was not sleeping and heard her sister come into the room. She felt Ann touch / touching her hand. 9. Make the child take away his things / put his things in order / in the right place, 10. Nobody can make him follow your advice. B. 1. I bought a pair of suede gloves at / in the department store yesterday. They are tighten my hands. If you like, 1 can give them to you. — Thank you. I will take them with pleasure if they are my / the right fllie. — The size is six and a half. — What a luck! It is just my size. How much are they? / What is the price of them? / What do thqy cost? — Right roubles. — Пего is the money, please. 2. I have got a scholarship and I will have Lo do some shop­ping. I must buy stockings, socks and a red belt made of leather for my new dress. 3. fn summer I prefer lo wear dresses made of cotton. It is not so hot lo have them on as those made of silk. 4. The costume suits yon very much but the jsckel is too long to my mind. 5. Dresses are notsoldin the shop. Suits for men only, trou­sers, coats and shirts are sold here- 6. Will you help me tochoosea pairof shoes? — Try on those brown (ones). It seems to me (that) they will match your green costume, 7. Will you follow my ad vice, please, and don't take this coat. It is out of fashion already. That grey one is much better. I am sure it will fit you perfectly / like a glove. Go to the fitting room. This way, please. — Oh, the coal is reeUy wonderful] What docs it cost? /How much is It?/ What is the price of it? — Bight hundred and twenty roubles. Shall Igiveyou the bill? — Yes. please. — Thank you ever во much. / Jam very grateful to you. 8. We have run out of sugar and butter. On the way from your work remember / don't forget to drop at the grocer's and buy all the necessary things. 9. Wc have hardly any bread (in the house). Drop at the baker's and buy a long loaf and two buns. 10. It's necessary to / We must buy some sausage, cheeze, a tin of sprats, vegetables for salad, sweets and cakes, 11. Nina will have to go lo the greengrocer's and buy some cabbages and car rota. 12. Robert was made to go to the provision shop. Еж. I, p. 205 1. Goonreading. 2. He stopped writing. 3. He couldn't help laughing. ■1. We all enjoyed swimming. 5. Have you finished smoking? 6. I don't mind walking, 7. Her cousin is fond of knitting, 8. The child is rather good at painting. 9. She goes in for driving. Ю, The poem is worth reciting. 11. The boy doesn't read a sentence without gasping. 12. You won't go there without limping. Ex. II, p, 285 1. Stop talking (laughing, smoking, writing, quarrelling). 2. The mother ordered the children to finish playing (read­ing, knitting, sewing, ironing). 3. Go on singing (working at / on this text, translating this article, writing, studying this problem). 4. Do you mind (my) opening the window (our meeting / gathering together on Saturday, going there together, repeating this exercise)? 5. 1 am fond of drawing (playing tennis, singing in chorus, reading aloud), €. Wehaveenjoyed her singing (swimming, talking to him, skiing in the woods / forest). 7, 1 couldn't help agreeing with him (waiting for her, an­swering his question). 8. The play is worth seeing (the museum is worth visiting, these exercises are worth doing orally). 9– He left the room without saying a word (without looking at anybody, without taking anything with him. without saying goodbye). 10. Her daughters go in for knitting (skating, dancing). Ex. VI, p. 291 1. She Looked eager and her dark eyes sparkled with excite­ment. 2. Their seals were in the pit. 3. The curtain rose upon a scene of eighteenth-century Paris at the time of the French Revolution. 4. It was a melodrama full of hopeless love and heroic self-sacrifice, a play after Dickens's novel "A Tale of Two Cities". h". She was greatly impressed by pate, dark Carton and deli­cate, charming Lucie Manette, the girl beloved. 6. Robert said about the leading actress that in real life she was Martin Harvey's wife, that she might be about forty five, and that blonde hsir was a wig. 7. Jean couldn't keep her tears and they fell upon the back of Robert's hand like raindrops in spring. 8. Mies Jean Law was too overcome to join in such a banal applause, her feelings were too deep for words. 9. When at last the play came to its end there was a storm of applause and many curtain calls for Miss de Silva and Martin Harvey. 10. It was the first time she hod used his Christian name. Ex. VIM, p. 292 a) 1. raised 2. risen 2. roae A– raised 5. rose 6. raise 7. rise 8. raise b) 1. scene 2, stage 3. scenes 4. stage ft. scene ti. stage Щ. IX, p. 292 1, excited 2. accepted 3. acts, scenes A. refused 5. curtain, scenery, applaud fl. stage, excited 7. seats, box. stage, opera glasses 8. impression 9. support 10. arrange 11, actor, leading 12. expensive, cheap 13. doubt Ex. X, p. 292 1. — 2. by 3. to, for 4– — 5. of в. for 7. On, to 8. in. in, in, in 9. in 10. after 11. for 12. in. with, at 13, to, 14, about lfi. down, of Ex. XI. p. 293