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Таня Д Дэвис

Two elderly female candidates were thrown away with equal ease, because they looked like old tarts: their self-satisfied faces gave no hope that they would be interested in anything but buying souvenirs and taking pictures. The two remaining faces made Julia hesitate for a while. One belonged to a very beautiful woman of about forty and the other to a charming young girl with radiant smile. After a while she decided in favour of the smiling girl on the grounds that very beautiful middle-aged woman are likely to be involved in risky love affairs which could distract her from enjoying the sights.

She decided: she would see the long-dreamed of China through the eyes of Sarah Belch — age twenty-one, a student at the Royal Academy of Arts, single, living with her father in Sandale Road; could be seen on Wednesdays and Fridays from about 11 to 12 at the Royal Cafe in Bond Street; leaving for China on the 23rd of October.

«Excellent», — thought Julia. — «I will be able to see China through the eyes of a young artist».

The next morning Julia was walking in the direction of the Royal Cafe. «Sarah is leaving in three days, so today I’ll just have a look at her and see if she is really what I need», — thought Julia passing Downing Street. She cast a glance at the world-famous Number 10, and at that very moment the door of the British Prime-minister’s official residence opened and Julia caught a glimpse of the prime-minister, making his way to the black limousine, waiting for him in front of the house.

Julia had no time it think it over, but her reaction was immediate: she clicked her fingers. She would have never forgiven herself if she had lost such a chance — to see the life of the political leader from the inside. Is power really as intoxicating as people say?.. It took her only two days to find answers to all her questions about power and glory, wealth and politics. She had a really fascinating time with the Prime-Minister, but even in her thoughts Julia preferred to remain discreet on the subject. The only thing she was quite positive about was that power is one of the most intoxicating things in the world and those who have once tasted it will never stop seeking for it again.

Now there was only one red spot left on Julia’s traveller’s card, and that was definitely for Sarah Belch and China.

«I still have time», — thought Julia sitting in the Royal Cafe and waiting for Sarah, — «the girl is leaving for China tomorrow evening». When Julia saw a slender, elegant girl with rich chestnut hair and light brown shining eyes, she understood how much the photograph had failed to express all the charm and beauty of the original. Sarah Belch wasn’t just pretty, she was exquisitely beautiful.

«An artistic work of nature, or a natural work of art», — reflected Julia, studying her potential soul-bearer. Yet there was something about the girl which made Julia worry: Sarah looked as if she had just stopped crying and was making great efforts not to burst into tears again. Surely she was waiting for someone, for she couldn’t take her eyes off the door.