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Таня Д Дэвис

Стихотворение используется в книге автора, написанной на английском, «Russian-English Romance. Homage to John Fowles» (Москва, изд-во «Книжный дом Университет», 2017), два рассказа из которой приводятся ниже.

Human Soul Travelers’ Club

«Free! Free at last!» — Julia’s heart was beating with joy though she realised it was not quite the kind of emotion she should have experienced immediately after seeing her beloved husband’s body put into the grave.

When the funeral ceremony was over Julia threw away the mask of mourning and her face acquired the radiant expression of some one entering a bright new world full of happy opportunities. Everything around her pleased her, as she walked home through Westhill park on that bright October morning. The air was transparent, red and golden leaves covered the green grass, pretty children played with dogs, all passers-by seemed to her beautiful.

Julia set on a bench and as her fingers touched the inscription «To our beloved David», she thought dead it would be wonderful to order such a bench in memory of her husband. She looked at the golden leaves lit up by the sun, inhaled the tasty autumn air and sighed with relief.