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Новый Мир Журнал Новый Мир



20 лет назад — в № 1, 2, 3, 4 за 1988 год напечатан роман Бориса Пастернака “Доктор Живаго”.

30 лет назад — в № 1 за 1978 год напечатана “Малая земля” Л. И. Брежнева.

45 лет назад — в № 1 за 1963 год напечатаны рассказы А. Солженицына “Случай на станции Кречетовка” и “Матрёнин двор”.

70 лет назад — в № 1, 2 за 1938 год напечатана повесть Алексея Толстого “Хлеб”.

Составитель Андрей Василевский.


This issue publishes: “Pestilence” — a fantasy tale by Aleksey Smirnov, a little tale by Yekaterina Donets “Homelessland , an autobiographic prose by Klara Titova “You can’t Escape Your Fate , as well as stories by Georgy Davydov. The poetry section of this issue is made up of the new poems by Aleksandr Kushner, Larisa Shchigol, Valery Lobanov, Marina Mursalova and Boris Ilyin.

The sectional offerings are as follows:

Time And Morals: Essays on the Russian province: “Chelyaba Landscape by Sergey Kostyrko and “Potyomkin Villages of Neglupov Town” by Viktor Kuznetsov.

The Heritage: Vyacheslav Polonsky’s (who was among the first “Novy Mir” editors-in-chief) journal (1920 — 1932); the beginning of a vast publication.

Literary Critique: “The Truth as Seen with the Own Eyes” by Sergey Belyakov dwelling on the most interesting features in contemporary prose.