Читать «Не один дома: Естественная история нашего жилища от бактерий до многоножек, тараканов и пауков» онлайн - страница 210

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36. Среди прочих там были найдены представители родов Arthrobacter, Sphingomonas, и Agrobacterium.

37. A. A. Madden, A. Barberán, M. A. Bertone, H. L. Menninger, R. R. Dunn, and N. Fierer, "The Diversity of Arthropods in Homes across the United States as Determined by Environmental DNA Analyses," Molecular Ecology 25, no. 24 (2016): 6214–6224; M. Leong, M. A. Bertone, A. M. Savage, K. M. Bayless, R. R. Dunn, and M. D. Trautwein, "The Habitats Humans Provide: Factors Affecting the Diversity and Composition of Arthropods in Houses," Scientific Reports 7, no. 1 (2017): 15347.

38. C. Pelucchi, C. Galeone, J. F. Bach, C. La Vecchia, and L. Chatenoud, "Pet Exposure and Risk of Atopic Dermatitis at the Pediatric Age: A Meta-Analysis of Birth Cohort Studies," Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 132 (2013): 616–622.e7.

39. K. C. Lödrup Carlsen, S. Roll, K. H. Carlsen, P. Mowinckel, A. H. Wijga, B. Brunekreef, M. Torrent, et al., "Does Pet Ownership in Infancy Lead to Asthma or Allergy at School Age? Pooled Analysis of Individual Participant Data from 11 European Birth Cohorts," PLoS One 7 (2012): e43214.

40. G. Wegienka, S. Havstad, H. Kim, E. Zoratti, D. Ownby, K. J. Woodcroft, and C. C. Johnson, "Subgroup Differences in the Associations between Dog Exposure During the First Year of Life and Early Life Allergic Outcomes," Clinical and Experimental Allergy 47, no. 1 (2017): 97–105.

41. S. J. Song, C. Lauber, E. K. Costello, C. A. Lozupone, G. Humphrey, D. Berg-Lyons, J. G. Caporaso, et al., "Cohabiting Family Members Share Microbiota with One Another and with Their Dogs," Elife 2 (2013): e00458; M. Nermes, K. Niinivirta, L. Nylund, K. Laitinen, J. Matomäki, S. Salminen, and E. Isolauri, "Perinatal Pet Exposure, Faecal Microbiota, and Wheezy Bronchitis: Is There a Connection?" ISRN Allergy 2013 (2013).

42. M. G. Dominguez-Bello, E. K. Costello, M. Contreras, M. Magris, G. Hidalgo, N. Fierer, and R. Knight, "Delivery Mode Shapes the Acquisition and Structure of the Initial Microbiota across Multiple Body Habitats in Newborns," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, no. 26 (2010): 11971–11975.

Глава 11

1. Также известный как 52 или 52a.

2. Или по крайней мере любой другой микроб в странах с развитыми системами здравоохранения, удаления нечистот и общественной гигиены. H. R. Shinefield, J. C. Ribble, M. Boris, and H. F. Eichenwald, "Bacterial Interference: Its Effect on Nursery-Acquired Infection with Staphylococcus aureus. I. Preliminary Observations on Artificial Colonization of Newborns," American Journal of Diseases of Children 105 (1963): 646–654.