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Филип Котлер


Дополнительную информацию вы можете найти в следующих работах: Robert Dewar and Don Schultz, «The Product Manager, an Idea Whose Time Has Gone», Marketing Communications (May 1998): 28—35; «The Marketing Revolution at Proctor & Gamble», BusinessWeek , July 25, 1988, pp. 72—76; Kevin T. Higgins, «Category Management: New Tools Changing Life for Manufacturers, Retailers», Marketing News , September 25, 1989, pp. 2, 19; George S. Low and Ronald A. Fullerton, «Brands, Brand Management, and the Brand Manager System: A Critical Historical Evaluation», Journal of Marketing Research (May 1994): 173—190; Michael J. Zanor, «The Profit Benefits of Category Management», Journal of Marketing Research (May 1994): 202—213.


Richard E. Anderson, «Matrix Redux», Business Horizons , November–December 1994, pp. 6–10.



Benson P. Shapiro, «Can Marketing and Manufacturing Coexist?» Harvard Business Review (September–October 1977): 104—114; Robert W. Ruekert and Orville C. Walker Jr., «Marketing’s Interaction with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework with Other Empirical Evidence», Journal of Marketing (January 1987): 1–19.


Дополнительная информация о разработке и реализации маркетинговых планов содержится в работе: Marian Burk Wood, The Marketing Plan: A Handbook (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003); H.W. Goetsch, Developing, Implementing, and Managing an Effective Marketing Plan (Chicago: American Marketing Association, Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Business Books, 1993).


Thomas V. Bonoma, The Marketing Edge: Making Strategies Work (New York: Free Press, 1985). Большая часть данного раздела основана на этой книге.


Sam R. Goodman, Increasing Corporate Profitability (New York: Ronald Press, 1982), ch. 1; Bernard J. Jaworski, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, and H. Shanker Krishnan, «Control Combinations in Marketing: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence», Journal of Marketing (January 1993): pp. 57—69.


Phillip Kotler, «From Sales Obsession to Marketing Effectiveness», Harvard Business Review, November–December 1977, рp. 67—75.


Phillip Kotler, William Gregor, and William Rodgers, «The Marketing Audit Comes of Age», Sloan Management Review (Winter 1989): 49—62.


Shelby D. Hunt and Scott Vitell, «The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: A Retrospective and Revision», in Ethics in Marketing , edited by John Quelch and Craig Smith (Chicago: Irwin, 1992).


Marc Gunther, «Tree Huggers, Soy Lovers, and Profits», Fortune , June 23, 2003, pp. 98–104.