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Филип Котлер


Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy (New York: The Free Press, 1980), p. 275.


Ron Lieber, «Give Us This Day Our Global Bread», Fast Company , March 2001, p. 158.


Igal Ayal and Jehiel Zif, «Market Expansion Strategies in Multinational Marketing», Journal of Marketing (Spring 1979): 84—94.


Niraj Dawar and Amitava Chattopadhyay, «Rethinking Marketing Programs for Emerging Markets», Long Range Planning 35, no. 5 (October 2002): 457—474.


Manjeet Kripalani, «Battling for Pennies in India’s Villages», BusinessWeek, June 10, 2002, p. 22E7.


Теоретические основы даны в работе: Leonidas C. Leonidou, Constantine S. Katsikeas, and Nigel F. Piercy, «Identifying Managerial Influences on Exporting: Past Research and Future Directions», Journal of International Marketing 6, no. 2 (1998): 74–102.


Joann Muller, «Global Motors», Forbes , January 12, 2004, pp. 62—68.


Shaoming Zou and S. Tamer Cavusgil, «The GMS: A Broad Conceptualization of Global Marketing Strategy and Its Effect on Firm Performance», Journal of Marketing 66 (October 2002): 40—56.


Warren J. Keegan, Multinational Marketing Management , 5th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995), pp. 378—381.


Arundhati Parmar, «Dependent Variables: Sound Global Strategies Rely on Certain Factors», Marketing News , September 16, 2002, p. 4.


David Leonhardt, «It Was a Hit in Buenos Aires – So Why Not Boise?» BusinessWeek, September 7, 1998, pp. 56—58; Marlene Parrish, «Taste Buds Tango at New Squirrel Hill Cafe», Pittsburgh Post-Gazette , February 6, 2003, (www.post-gazette.com/food/20030206tango0206 fnp4.asp).


Интересные различия, основанные на понятии глобального позиционирования культуры покупателя, рассмотрены в статье: Dana L. Alden, Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, and Rajeev Barta, «Brand Positioning through Advertising in Asia, North America and Europe: The Role of Global Consumer Culture», Journal of Marketing 63 (January 1999): 75—87.


John L. Graham, Alma T. Mintu, and Waymond Rogers, «Explorations of Negotiations Behaviors in Ten Foreign Cultures Using a Model Developed in the United States», Management Science 40 (January 1994): 72—95.


David Arnold, «Seven Rules of International Distribution», Harvard Business Review (November —December 2000): 131—137.


Историческое развитие представлений о маркетинге дано в работе: D.G. Brian Jones and Eric H. Shaw, «A History of Marketing Thought», in Handbook of Marketing , edited by Barton A. Weitz and Robin Wensley (London: Sage Publications, 2002).



Zachary Schiller, «The Marketing Revolution at Proctor & Gamble», BusinessWeek , July 25, 1988, pp. 72—76; Laurie Freeman, «P&G Widens Power Base: Adds Category Managers», Advertising Age , October 12, 1987, pp. 1+.


Дополнительную информацию вы можете найти в следующих работах: Robert Dewar and Don Schultz, «The Product Manager, an Idea Whose Time Has Gone», Marketing Communications (May 1998): 28—35; «The Marketing Revolution at Proctor & Gamble», BusinessWeek , July 25, 1988, pp. 72—76; Kevin T. Higgins, «Category Management: New Tools Changing Life for Manufacturers, Retailers», Marketing News , September 25, 1989, pp. 2, 19; George S. Low and Ronald A. Fullerton, «Brands, Brand Management, and the Brand Manager System: A Critical Historical Evaluation», Journal of Marketing Research (May 1994): 173—190; Michael J. Zanor, «The Profit Benefits of Category Management», Journal of Marketing Research (May 1994): 202—213.