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Владимир Кофман
Расход топлива (на ходу, без корабельных нужд): 7,5 т/час при 13 узлах, 40 т/час при 28 узлах.
Экипаж военного времени 1442 человека ("Кинг Джордж V", конец 1940 г.).
1. Dulin, W. Garzke, "Battleships - French, Netherlands, British and Soviet Battleships of World War IIю, Annapolis, 1982
2. Dulin, W. Garzke, "Battleships - Axis and Neutral Battleships of World War 1Г, Annapolis, 1985.
3. A. Raven, J. Roberts, "British Battleships of World War II", London, 1976.
4. Warship N 9-12, London, 1979.
5. S.Roskill, "The War at Sea, v. I - III, London, 1954 - 1960.
6. J.Rohwer, G.Hummelchen, "Chronology of the War at Sea 1939-1945", London, 1992.
7. S.Breyer "Schlachtschiffe und Schlachtkreuzer 1905-1970", Munchen, 1970.
8. J.Watts, "The loss of "Scharnchorst", Shepperton, 1970.
9. L.Kennedy, "Pursuit - The Chase and Sinking of the "Bismarck11, London, 1974.
10. A.Marder, "Old Friends, New Enemies", London, 1988.
11. "The loss of "Prince of Wales11 and "Repulse 11.
12. J.Campbell "Naval Weapons of World War Two11, London, 1985.
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