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5    Hobsbawm, p. 162.

6    M.Oakeshott (1933). Experience and Its Modes, p. 128. Cambridge University Press.

7    Quoted in N. Ferguson (1997). Virtual History, p. 1. Picador, London.

8    H.Trevor-Roper (1981). «History and imagination.» In History and Imagination: Eassays in Honour of H.R. Trevor-Roper, p. 364, ed. V.Pearl, B. Worden & H.Lloyi-Jones. Duckworth, London.

9    J Ferguson, p. 85.

10    Ibid.



Karl Mannheim (1936). Ideology and Utopia Harcourt, Brace, New York. Quoted in Biernstedt (1959). The Making of Society, p. 505.

Joshua Epstein (2001). «Learning to be thoughtless: social norms and individual computation.» Computational Economics 18 (1), 9-24.

Malcolm Gladwell (2001). The Tipping Point, p. 259. Abacus, London.

1    The Onion 36 (40), 9 November 2000. See www.theonion.com/onion3640/bush_or_ gore, html

2    Quoted in M.J. Hinich and M. C Munger (1997). Analytical Politics, p. 3. Cambridge University Press.

3    Epstein, pp. 9-24.

4    T. C Schelling (1973). Micromotives and Macrobehavior, p. 20 W.W. Norton, New York.

5    Ibid., p. 23.

6    P.Ormerod (2002). «Sense on segregation,» Prospect, February, 12-14.

7    M.Lind (2001). «Are there global political values?» Prospect, December 2001,

p 20

8    F.Dostoevsky (1911). Crime and Punishment, p. 64. J.M. Dent & Sons, London

9    M. (Gladwell, p. 8.

10    G.B. Shaw (1908). Getting Married, p. 111. In Selected Passages from the Works of Bernard Shaw, p. 142. Constable & Co., London, 1912.

11    Shaw, Getting Married, p. 130. In Selected Passages, p. 145.

12    G.S. Becker (1991). A Treatise on the Family, p. 325. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.

13    Ibid., p.232.

14    Ibid., p. 32.

15    Ibid., p. 59.

16    Ibid., p. 4.

17    Ibid.

18    Ibid., p. 19.

19    Schelling, p. 36.

20    W.Newmarch (1860). «Some observations on the present position of statistical inquiry with suggestions for improving the organization and efficiency of the International Statistical Congress.» Journal of the Statistical Society of London 23, 362-63.

21    W.B. Arthur (1994). «Inductive reasoning and bounded rationality.» American Economic Review 34,406-11.

22    Ibid.



Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1772). «Considerations sur le Gouvernement de Pologne.» In The Political Writings ofJean Jacques Rousseau, vol. II, ed. C.E. Vaughan (1915), p. 432. Cambridge University Press.

Cindy Gilday, quoted inJ.Mander, «Technologies of globalization.» In The Case Against the Global Economy, ed. E. Goldsmith & J.Mander (2001), p. 52. Earthscan, London.

Susan Geoige (2002). Quoted in «Globally locally,» New Scientist, 27 April, p. 44.

1    J.M. Epstein & R. Axtell (1996). Gromng Artificial Societies, p. 163. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

2    Quoted in I. Peterson (1996). «The gods of Sugarscape.» Science News, 23 November, p. 332.

3    Epstein & Axtell, p. 52.



Emile Durkheim (1879). Revue Philosophique, December.