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1    L.Laloux, M.Potters, R.Cont, J.-P. Aguilar & J.-P. Bouchard (1999). «Are financial crashes predictable?» Europhysics Letters 45, 1-5.

2    P.Bak (1997). How Nature Works, pp. 187-88. Oxford University Press.

3    Ibid., p. 191.

4    A. Tennyson (1842). «Locksley Hall,» p. 20, line 137, in Locksley Hall and Other Poems. Ernest Nister, London.

5    B.Mandelbrot (1983). The Fractal Geometry of Nature. Freeman & Co., New York.

6    E.Wolf (1996). «Trends in household wealth during 1989-1992.» Submitted’to the Department of Labor, New York. And J.Diaz-Gimenez, V.Quadrini & J.V. Rios-Rull (1997). «Dimensions of inequality: facts on the U.S. distributions of earnings, income and wealth.» Quarterly Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 21,3-21.

7    C.Snyder (1940). Capitalism the Creator, p. 417. Macmillan, New York.

8    Z.-F. Huang & S.Solomon (2001). «Finite market size as a source of extreme wealth inequality and market instability.» Physica A 294, 503-13.

9    Zipf, p.543.

10    Ibid., p.544.



Charles Handy (1993). Understanding Organizations, 4th ed., p. 313. Penguin, London. John Burton Sanderson Haldane (1949). «Shapes and weights.» In What Is Life? p. 186.

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E.Fritz Schumacher (1974). Small Is Beautiful, p. 55. Sphere, London.

1    Quoted in G.Monbiot (2000). Captive State, pp. 166-67. Macmillan, London.

2    A Review of Monopolies and Mergers Policy: A consultative document. Cmnd 7198, pp. 136-7. HMSO, London, 1978.

3    A. Smith (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Abridged version, ed. L.Dickey (1993), p. 5. Hackett, Indianapolis.

4    Monbiot, p. 179.

5    R.Axtell (2001). «Zipf distribution of U.S. firm sizes.» Science 293,1818-1820.

6    J.Sutton (1997). «Gib rat’s legacy.» Journal of Economic Literature XXXV, pp. 42-43.

7    R. Axtell (1999). «The emergence of firms in a population of agents: local increasing returns, unstable Nash equilibria, and power law size distributions.» Center on Social and Economic Dynamics, Working Paper no. 3, p. 3. Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C.

8    Sutton, p. 57.

9    J.Kay (2003). «The real economy.» Prospect, May, p. 28.

10    Axtell (1999), p. 87.



John Stuart Mill (1843). A System of Logic, pp. 572-73. Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1884.

Eric Hobsbawm (1994). Age of Extremes, p. 147. Abacus, London.

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1    Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, trans. B.Jowett, 2nd ed., book III. para. 11, Oxford University Press, London, 1900.

2    R.Axelrod & D.S. Bennett (1993). «А landscape theory of aggregation.» British Journal of Political Science 23, 211-33, here p. 219.

3    K. Waltz (1979). Theory of International Politics, p. 167. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.

4    G.H. Snyder (1984). «The security dilemma in alliance politics,» World Politics 36, 461-95.